What if you say a bad word in Roblox?

Voice Chat allows you to say anything without filter. However, you can get banned for using it for swearing. They Added Now This Year 2024: Age Restriction, So They Could Change Somethings For The Game. You are able to Swear in 17+ Experiences, however, you cannot swear directly at a user.
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Can you say cuss words in Roblox?

Players, for example, can now yell out expletives in both text and voice chat should they encounter something scary during gameplay. Any language that can be used to harass, discriminate, incite violence, threaten others, or that is sexual in nature is still not allowed in Roblox chat, the developers reiterated.
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What words are not allowed in Roblox?

To keep Roblox safe and civil for everyone, we do not allow swearing in any language text, images, or uploaded audio, including: Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade detection of profanity.
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Can you swear in 17+ Roblox?

17+ experiences on Roblox may include vulgar or obscene language and allow it in user communications (including text and voice chat). However, we do not allow users to use Strong Language to discriminate, insult, harass, or intimidate others, including: Slurs or hate speech. Strong Language used in a sexual context.
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Is there bad language in Roblox?

Roblox encourages users to interact through its Chat & Party function. All chat is filtered, which means inappropriate language is replaced by symbols. Chatting for accounts of kids under 13 is more heavily filtered.
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Is Roblox ok for a 7 year old?

According to the ESRB, Roblox's age rating is T for Teen, meaning Roblox is generally suitable for teens age 13 and older. Roblox's original age rating was 10+, however the wide range of games and experiences available for kids required reconsideration of the age rating.
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What are 17+ Roblox games?

Now, creators will be able to offer experiences for those 17 and older that feature more mature themes and storylines like in TV shows or stand-up comedy. These experiences may contain more violence, blood, or crude humor.
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Why is Roblox 17+ and not 18+?

17+ Content is only suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain strong violence, heavy realistic blood, moderate crude humor, romantic themes, unplayable gambling content, the presence of alcohol, and/or strong language.
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Can a 9 year old chat in Roblox?

Players have different safety settings and experiences based on their age. Players age 12 and younger have their posts and chats filtered both for inappropriate content and to prevent personal information from being posted.
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What is rule 1 in Roblox?

Rule #1: Abide by the Roblox Terms of Service. Rule #2: Do not be racist or discriminate against others. (Being racist to white people is racist too.) Rule #3: Don't use any sexual slang or terms. Rule #4: Genderwar is prohibited.
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Why did Roblox remove cuss words?

This process was put in place to identify and prevent malicious activity on the platform and is intended to stop such activity without disrupting legitimate developers. We're looking to flag content that's dangerous or harmful to our community, not find swear words in scripts that would never be seen by players…
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What is rule 5 in Roblox?

Rule 5: [Minor Profanity] Minor profanity is allowed, don't overuse swears, bypassing what's currently censored on the bot will result in punishment.
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How to enable 17+ on Roblox?

How to verify your Age ID
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to Settings (the gear icon located at the upper-right corner of the site)
  3. Select the Account Info tab.
  4. Underneath your birthday, click the button that says Verify My Age.
  5. A popup will appear and on your desktop computer, you will see a QR code.
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How do I say "I love you" in Roblox?

Saying 'I love you' in Roblox isn't as straightforward as typing out the words due to the platform's chat filters and the varying ages of its user base. However, players have found creative ways to express their feelings. One popular method is using the heart emoji or creating heart symbols using <3 .
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Can you swear in Roblox VC?

If you're cursing as someone or a group of people, then it's going to result in a VC suspension.
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Why is Roblox 12+?

User-generated games could expose kids to inappropriate content. One of the main risks parents should know about Roblox are user-generated games, or "condo games," that feature adult content, such as simulated sex acts, graphic images, and inappropriate language.
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Can a kid call Roblox?

If you're under 18, Roblox customer support will not speak to you over the phone, but they will provide you with information regarding where you can find help online, including instructions on how to get to their customer support page.
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Is Roblox voice chat 18?

Eligible 13+ users must first be phone number verified or ID verified to see the voice chat option in their Privacy Settings page. Voice chat is not enabled by default.
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Do 25 year olds play Roblox?

As of December 2023, gaming company Roblox Corporation reported that 21 percent of Roblox games users worldwide were aged from nine to 12 years. Additionally, 21 percent of Roblox games users were under the age of nine. Only 18 percent of Roblox audiences were aged 25 years and older.
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Can a 30 year old play Roblox?

Roblox may not cater to people born before the turn of the century, but it doesn't exclude them either.
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Is smoking allowed in Roblox?

Roblox bans every game that contains alcohol, smoke or drugs, because it violates the community standards. There is zero to none alcoholic references in Roblox.
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What is the oldest Roblox game?

Rocket Arena was the first game on Roblox. A few years ago, the game's name was updated to “Classic: Rocket Arena” to reflect its historical significance as being the first ever game. The Rocket Arena game was initially released January 2006 and was available to play for the next nine years.
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What is the OG game in Roblox?

#1 Classic: Rocket Arena

The very first Roblox game.
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