What is a good loomian?

But Personally I recommend: Every fully evolved beginner Loomian (except Falkyrie) Tiklypse (especially a Secret ability one) Avitross. Terrafly (w/Toxic spikes)
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What is the strongest loomian?

There is no 'most powerful' Loomian. In order for a Loomian to be so powerful, it would need to serve as a counter (Safely switch in and defeat) any opposing Loomian.
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What is the rarest Loomian in the game?

The Gamma Gobbidemic stands out as the rarest Loomian in the game due to its combination of low encounter rates, limited locations, random spawns, and increased rarity in specific areas.
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What is the best Pokemon in Loomian legacy?

Top 5 Best Loomians to do the "Solo Challenge" with
  • 3.1 #5 - Territi.
  • 3.2 #4 - Chompactor.
  • 3.3 #3 - Kyogo.
  • 3.4 #2 - Pyramind.
  • 3.5 #1 - Wiledile.
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What are some good loomians?

But Personally I recommend:
  • Every fully evolved beginner Loomian (except Falkyrie)
  • Tiklypse (especially a Secret ability one)
  • Avitross.
  • Terrafly (w/Toxic spikes)
  • Florant.
  • Eleguana (if you're lucky enough to find one)
  • Boarrok.
  • Ventacean.
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Which Loomians can ONE SHOT the Heavy Bag?

Who is the fastest Loomian?

  • Gobbidemic -123.
  • Protogon -121.
  • Zuelong - 119.
  • hunder - 116.
  • avitross -109.
  • duskit - 109.
  • Pharoglyph - 106.
  • metronette -105.
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How rare is a secret Loomian?

Secret Abilities are rare abilities that replace the regular abilities of Loomians. The Ability Charm doubles all rates of acquiring Loomians with these abilities. Loomians with Secret Abilities can be found in the wild at a 1/512 chance without the Ability Charm, and a 1/256 chance to encounter with the Ability Charm.
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How rare is Rainbow Loomian?

Many Rainbow Loomians are obtainable through giveaways, trading, and wild encounters.
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How rare is a corrupt loomian?

Mechanics. In areas that Wild Loomians are encountered, the chances of a Wild Loomian being Corrupt is 1/1024 (0.1%). When encountering a Corrupt Loomian, special music will play. There is no limit to the amount of corrupted Loomians a player can encounter.
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Is Tahtab a good Loomian?

Description. Tahtab is a powerful wallbreaker with access to its powerful awakening boosted STAB moves Timber Thrash and Junglejutsu.
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Is Fevine a good loomian?

Fevine has the highest base Melee Attack stat of all seven Base Form Beginner Loomians in Roria, having a base Melee Attack stat of 71. Fevine is the fifth Loomian species with its details disclosed. It is the sixth discovered Loomian since the announcement of the Loomian Legacy series.
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What is the first Loomian?

For example, Fire is the first type on the type list, and Embit is the first Beginner Loomian in the Loomipedia.
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Which Loomians are legendary?

  • Twilat.
  • Nevermare.
  • Ikazune.
  • Protogon.
  • Joltooth.
  • Vari.
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How rare is a alpha loomian?

Alpha Gleam

This variation of the Gleam gene can be found in any Loomian encountered through the wild, rallied or received as a gift with a 1/4096 base chance. Alpha Gleaming Loomians have sparkle effects around them and have different colors.
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Which Loomian can eat Thunderfruit?

Thunderfruit is a fruit Item introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow, which can be given to any Loomian.
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How rare is a shiny Loomian?

The base odds of encountering a Gleaming Loomian in the wild are 1/4096. With this game pass, your odds of encountering a Gleaming Loomian in the wild are 1/2048.
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Is Goppie rare?

The locations with Goppie available for encounter shall be displayed in order of accessibility. Warning: Extremely Rare!
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How rare is Chompactor?

A Rainbow Wisp Secret Ability Chompactor has just been found in Loomian Legacy! The chances of this Loomian is 1/20,480,000. This makes it the 3rd most rarest Loomian found in the game, tied with 7 others.
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Which loomian is the rarest?

Conversation. The new Rarest Loomian HAS BEEN FOUND In Loomian Legacy! This Gamma Secret Ability Akhalos was found WITHOUT Roam Boost, therefore it is a 1/83,886,030 chance! There is video proof that this was found without Roam boost.
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How to tell if a loomian has SA?

Players with the Ability Charm have an increased chance of acquiring a Loomian with a Secret Ability. Loomians with Secret Abilities can be identified by a purple symbol with the Greek letter sigma (ς) on their summary page, and are also marked with a purple marker on the trading UI.
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How rare is Elephage?

Warning: Extremely rare!
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Is vari rare in loomian?

Vari is a Simple-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. Vari has a 1% (1/100) chance of being encountered anywhere in Roria after reaching Level 9 in Trainer Mastery. In addition, Vari has a male and female form, which are encountered at a ratio of 1:4 respectively.
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How rare is Volpup Loomian?

Volpup is a Electric/Toxic-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. It could be found at a 1/40 (2.5%) chance in Uhnne Fair during the 2022 Halloween Event and Haunted Village during the 2023 Halloween Event. Volpup evolves into Halvantic starting at Level 29.
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