What is Gengar's hidden ability?

Gengar has the ability to hide perfectly in the shadow of any object, granting it exceptional stealth. However, Gengar's body acts as a heat sink. Its presence cools the temperature of the surrounding area by nearly 10 °F (5 °C), because it absorbs the warmth.
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What is the new ability for Gengar?

Mega Evolution has made it possible for Gengar to access other dimensions. Its entire body is brimming with strange power. It can pass through other dimensions and can appear anywhere. It caused a stir one time when it stuck just one leg out of a wall.
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What is the secret ability of haunter?

Levitate. By floating in the air, the Pokémon receives full immunity to all Ground-type moves.
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Can Gengar get the ability levitate?

Levitate is a Passive Ability used by Gengar in Pokemon UNITE. Learn the effects of Levitate and how to use it effectively during matches.
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Was Gengar always ghost poison?

He was always Ghost/Poison.
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14 Obscure Secrets in Gen 1 Pokémon!

What is the rarest Gengar?

#1 Most Expensive Gengar Card In Pokémon TCG: Gengar H9 — Skyridge. Part of the Skyridge set, one of the most valuable Pokémon TCG card sets, Gengar H9 is a holo-rare card released in the Skyridge set in 2003. The card has the distinct borders seen in the Skyridge set and shows Gengar against a starry background.
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Why is Gengar always smiling?

There is something sinister hiding behind his smile. As it turns out, it's literally a portal to the afterlife. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Gengar can enter Gigantamax mode where he becomes not only large, but his form changes, too.
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What is Gengar weakness?

Gengar is weak against: Dark, ground, ghost and psychic-type.
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Why is Gengar weak to psychic?

Gengar would not be a good Psychic counter. It is part poison whihc makes it WEAK to psychic. if you're dead set on a ghost counter go for spiritomb, as it's part dark and is immune to psychic attacks.
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Who can defeat Haunter?

The best Pokemon Go Haunter counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Primal Groudon, Mega Alakazam, Mega Gengar, Mega Tyranitar & Shadow Tyranitar.
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What happens if a Haunter licks you?

It causes shaking that won't stop until the victim's demise. In total darkness, where nothing is visible, HAUNTER lurks, silently stalking its next victim. Its tongue is made of gas. If licked, its victim starts shaking constantly until death eventually comes.
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What is the number 93 in Pokémon?

Haunter – #93 - Gas Pokémon - veekun.
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Is Gengar the strongest Ghost type?

Gengar - Score: 500-600

While Gengar isn't the absolute strongest option, with the addition of its Mega Form introduced in Pokémon X and Y it becomes an exceptional Ghost-type on par with many legendaries. Gengar is an average-strength Pokémon except for its Sp.
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Who is Gengar a Ghost of?

The theory is that gengar is the ghost of a clefable, rather than its shadow.
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What Pokémon kills Gengar?

The best Pokemon Go Gengar counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Primal Groudon, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gengar, Mega Alakazam & Mewtwo. Login to see your custom results!
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Who defeated Gengar?

Gengar became overwhelmed when Rotom was able to match his speed and was paralyzed by its Thunder Wave. He was eventually defeated when Rotom used a super effective Hex on him, despite being a Ghost-type Pokémon.
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Is Gengar immune to poison?

Can you poison a Gengar? No you cant poison a gengar with regular poison attacks unless you have a pokemon with the ability corrosion which is commonly found on Salandit & Salazzle.
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Is Gengar Dark or psychic?

Gengar is a Psychic or Dark Type in the Pokemon TCG. The most recent appearance of Gengar is in the Fusion Strike Expansion. This Pokémon can escape into shadows and absorbs warmth from its surrounding.
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What animal is Gengar?

The gengar (Toxopatulognathus sancto) is a species of large pig-sized amphibian that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii. It was created due to demands from Pokemon fans who want real life versions of Pokemon as real world animals and pets.
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Why is Gengar so loved?

Gengar's thing is that it has a lot of cross-over appeal. It can be both cute and dark/edgy, plus being powerful in-game and competitively, and having the unique distinction of being THE original Ghost. A lot of other popular Pokemon also take advantage of cross-over appeal.
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Is Ash's Gengar different?

Gengar is the only Pokémon to have been abandoned by a previous Trainer and remain a wild Pokémon for years before being caught by Ash. Gengar has a color scheme that is different from others of his species, although he isn't Shiny.
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Is Mega Gengar the best?

Pokemon GO Mega monsters show excellent battle capabilities, and Mega Gengar is one of the top performers. Mega Pokemon are mega evolutions that have boosted prowess and increased damage output for every move.
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Is Mega Gengar banned?

This was the initial thought that people had when seeing Mega Gengar, but then people realized that there was a much darker, much more devastating strategy that was the very important reason Mega Gengar was banned in the first place: Perish Song.
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