What is Ghost's weakness in Pokémon?

The Ghost type (Japanese: ゴーストタイプ Ghost type) is one of the eighteen types. Ghost-type moves are super effective against Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to Dark- and Ghost-type moves.
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What is the weakest Ghost type Pokémon?

Duskull is known as the Requiem Pokémon and first appeared in the short Camp Pikachu. Duskull resembles a Grim Reaper with its black robe and big-eyed skull mask. It can also turn invisible to sneak up on its prey more easily. With a base stat total of 295, it is the weakest of the pure Ghost-type Pokémon.
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Is Ghost immune to fighting?

They aren't just weak, they are immune. The idea is that a ghost isn't tangible so you can't hurt it with normal things. This is also why ghost is immune to fighting since you can't punch what isn't there.
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Are Ghost Pokémon immune to sleep?

Psychic makes the most sense for confusion. Yea, agreed on Ghosts being sleep immune and Psychics being confusion immune.
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Is there a Ghost Fairy Pokémon?

Mimikyu are small Ghost/Fairy Pokemon that are native to Alola. They're a rare species that possesses an ability, possibly psychic in... Instagram.
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Pokemon Type Weaknesses EXPLAINED!

Why does Mimikyu hate Pikachu?

Mimikyu's lack of attention causes it to hold Pikachu in utter contempt. As the anime shows, any Pikachu unfortunate enough to meet Mimikyu's gaze will be relentlessly attacked by the Disguise Pokémon. These attacks are likely the result of the burning jealousy felt by Mimikyu.
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Is Ghost weak to Dark?

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. The Ghost type (Japanese: ゴーストタイプ Ghost type) is one of the eighteen types. Ghost-type moves are super effective against Ghost- and Psychic-type Pokémon, while Ghost-type Pokémon are weak to Dark- and Ghost-type moves.
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Is Ghost weak to fairy?

Prior to Generation 6 , Ghost/Dark had zero weaknesses; with the introduction of Fairy this is no longer the case. It should be noted however that the Eelektross family does have no weaknesses due to its ability, Levitate.
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Are Ghost Pokemon immune to yawn?

Furthermore, as a normal-type move, Ghost-types are unable to be affected by Yawn the same way Dark types are unaffected by Hypnosis.
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Is Psychic weak to Ghost?

Ghost is strong against Psychic. Unfortunately, the only Ghost Pokemon in Gen I were all part Poison, so they were weak to Psychic. Besides Night Shade, there was only one Ghost-type attack, Lick, which was worthless. Psychic is weak to Ghost, Dark, and Bug.
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Did gengar used to be a human?

Yep, Gengar used to be a human. Gengar's no doubt a familiar face to long-time Pokéfans, with the ghost-type 'mon's huge, monstrous visage being one of the first you see in the title screen in Red and Blue, but what you might not realise is that Gengar actually used to be a human being.
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Can you touch Ghost Pokémon?

Wouldn't humans be considered fighting type in Pokemon? They can't touch ghosts, but ghosts can touch them, as seen with ash and haunter. They can also hurt Pokemon, though they'd probably be killed.
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Is Mimikyu a Ghost-type?

Mimikyu first appears in Pokémon Sun and Moon as a dual-type Ghost/Fairy Pokémon. It changes its appearance when hit by an attack. Its ability, "Disguise", allows it to avoid damage from an enemy attack once during a battle.
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Is there a Ghost Dragon Pokémon?

Dreepy is a dual-type Dragon/Ghost Pokémon. It evolves into Drakloak starting at level 50, which evolves into Dragapult starting at level 60.
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What is the rarest Ghost Pokémon?

Be it in Phony form or Antique, Sinistea is an adorable Pokemon, especially compared to most Ghost-types. Neither form affects how strong it is, only its rarity. This makes it so a square shiny Antique Sinistea is one of the rarest Pokemon in the entire game, with only a 0.000015% chance of being found in the wild.
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What is the scariest Ghost-type Pokémon?

Scariest Ghost-Type Pokémon, Ranked
  1. Gengar Is The Original Ghost-Type Pokémon Terror.
  2. Spiritomb Are Destructive, Mischievous Ghost-Type Pokémon Spirits. ...
  3. Giratina Is The Ghost-Type Pokémon God Of All Bad Things. ...
  4. Ghost-Type Pokémon Trevenant Is A Grim Forest Guardian. ...
  5. Sableye, The Spooky Ghost Pokémon That Haunts The Depths. ...
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Is Ghost immune to roar?

Similarly, Roar works on Ghost-type Pokémon and Sand Attack works on Flying-type Pokémon. The immunities are to attack moves, not status moves. An exception to this is that Thunder Wave does not work on Ground-type Pokémon.
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Can ghost hit normal?

Ghost attacks are most effective against their own type, which is unique among all Pokémon attacks. They are also completely ineffective against Psychic and Normal Pokémon, even though they made a three-part series of episodes in the cartoon about how Ghosts are the best way to beat Psychics.
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Is Rock weak to Fighting?

Rock has 5 weaknesses - Water, Grass, Fighting, Ground, Steel. You'd have a hard time to consider pokémon that can NOT deal SE damage on Rocks as those 5 are major, common typings and also common moves to have without STAB, e g Earthquake.
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Are ghost types weak?

Defensively, Ghost is weak to only Dark and itself. It resists Bug and Poison and it is immune to Fighting and Normal. Offensively, it beats itself and Psychic, is resisted by Dark, and is Normal is immune to it. Ghost-type pokemons are weak to psychic and dark type Pokemons.
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Why is fairy immune to Dragon?

Simple. Fairy type was introduced with type balancing issues in mind. Dragon type was by far the most powerful typing in the game, having many key resistances and very few weaknesses (and great stat spreads on average.)
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What is the least weakness Pokémon?

Eelektrik and its evolved form Eelektross are one of the few Pokémon with no weakness. There isn't even a Mythical or Legendary type Pokémon with this distinction. Electric Pokémon usually have a weakness to Ground moves, but since Eelektross has the Ability Levitate, the weakness no longer applies.
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Is Ghost weak to fight?

Ghost is immune to normal and fighting while normal is immune to ghost. This logic would dictate fighting also being immume to ghost, but it isn't. It's not even resistant to ghost. The normal type is meant to represent just a normal human or animal.
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Why is Dragon weak to Dragon?

Dragon is weak to dragon because European dragons are traditionally depicted as solitary creatures, typically because they were greedy and didn't want to lose their treasure and power to another dragon.
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