What is Kanto pseudo legendary?

All Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon evolution lines from Kanto to Galar. Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon, also called Late Bloomers, is a fan term for a group of powerful Pokémon that are not officially classified as a Legendary Pokémon.
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What is the Gen 1 pseudo legendary?

Pseudo-legendaries are normal pokemon with a base stat total of 600. Each generation has had one of them: in gen 1 there was Dragonite, in gen 2 there was Tyranitar, in gen 3 there was Metagross and Salamence (I guess there was 2 that generation), in gen 4 there was Garchomp, and in gen 5 there is Hydreigon.
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What is johto pseudo legendary?

Pseudo-Legendary Pokémon are a group of powerful Pokémon with a base stat total of 600, who aren't actually classified as "Legendary" because they can: be found more than once.
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Who is the weakest pseudo-legendary?

TL;DR Goodra is the worst Pseudo.
  • Kommo-o - has just been almost good enough every Gen since release. ...
  • Hydreigon - was amazing at release and then Fairy happened and just killed it. ...
  • Goodra - poor Goo-boy has just never been good.
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What is a semi-pseudo legendary?

Semi-Pseudo Legendary Pokemon are the Pokemon that have a BST (Base Stat Total) Less than 600 (Pseudo Legendary Base Stat). They also aren't considered Legendary or Pseudo-Legendary because for the following reasons: Because their Base Stat Total is less than 600.
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Every Pokémon That Could Be Pseudo Legendary

Is Lucario pseudo legendary?

Lucario doesn't quite make the cut as a Pseudo Legendary despite its impressive base stat total and Mega Evolution. Noivern fell short of Pseudo Legendary status despite being a late-game catch with a solid move pool and Abilities.
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What is the rarest non-legendary Pokémon?

What is the rarest non-legendary/mythical Pokemon of each generation? The easy answer is the Starters. Every generation the only ones you can find are the three at the beginning of the game. You'll occasionally encounter trainers with one, but it is physically impossible to encounter any in the wild.
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What type has no legendaries?

From the data we can see that the Psychic type is the most legendary type; followed closely by Dragon, Flying, and Fire. Curiously there are no legendary Pokémon of either the Bug or Poison type.
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Who is the most evil legendary Pokémon?

That is exactly what Giratina was created to be. As the main legendary in Pokemon: Platinum, this creature is largely regarded as the devil of the Pokemon world. Its violent behavior in the past was so severe that it was banished and trapped in another dimension called the distortion world.
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Is Absol Pseudo Legendary?

Gyarados, Milotic, Rotom, Unown, Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Garchomp, Metagross, Arcanine, Ninetales, Lucario, Togepi, Absol, and Spiritomb. These pokemon are all listed as psuedo-legendary.
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What is the fastest non-Legendary Pokémon?

Ninjask, for example, is the fastest non-legendary Pokemon introduced all the way back in Ruby and Sapphire versions, while Mewtwo outranks some of the sleekest Pokemon throughout the series.
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Is Altaria a pseudo?

Although it doesn't look nearly as intimidating as most other Pseudos, Altaria fits the bill on paper, and many fans have confused it for one in the past.
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Does Mega Dragonite exist?

Can dragonite mega evolve? No, it can't, even though it is worthy of one.
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Is Zeraora a legendary?

Zeraora is Pokémon's newest legendary monster.
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Is Archaludon a legendary?

Interestingly, Archaludon is the first Pokemon with a base stat total of 600 to not be considered a Legendary or pseudo-Legendary Pokemon.
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Who is the weakest legendary?

Cosmog isn't just the weakest legendary Pokémon of all time; it's the worst Pokémon in the franchise. It has the same base stat total as Magikarp and only has access to Teleport and Splash.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

no pokemon in its normal form is stronger, yet Eternamax and mega evolution can beat arceus. Take mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo.
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What is the rarest legendary to get?

Legendaries are often tied into each game's main story, or a focus of the post-game quest, and they often have high stat totals. Rayquaza, Kyurem, and Necrozma are among the series' rarest Legendary Pokémon, only appearing in a handful of mainline titles.
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What is the 3 rarest Pokémon?

The Lake Guardians - Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf

Uxie, Mesprit and Azelf are the Lake Guardians of the Sinnoh and, despite being the only legendary Pokémon to appear in the wild outside of events and Daily Adventure Incense, they're three of the rarest Pokémon in the game.
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Why isn't Spiritomb legendary?

Spiritomb - The DP Pokédex Book incorrectly states that Spiritomb is a Legendary Pokémon. This confused many fans and was either believed to be true or was put off as an error, Similar to Rotom, Spinda and Delibird, this is just an error out of many in the DP Pokédex Book.
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How rare is Armored Mewtwo?

Currently Armored Mewtwo can only be obtained from raids, which means it's impossible to obtain one with less than the 1500 CP cap of Great League, even if traded.
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Who is stronger, Lucario or Greninja?

From a power standpoint, Greninja wins easily. But Lucario's typing proves difficult for Greninja, so it's a lot closer. Even the transformations don't really help since all it really does is give Greninja a 10 point increase over what the BST difference was already. So it could go either way.
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Who is the weakest pseudo-legendary Pokémon?

Considering Falinks got a significantly better version of this in No Retreat, it has cemented Kommo-o's place as the worst of the pseudo-Legendaries available to date.
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What is gen 7 pseudo-legendary?

Pseudo-legendary Pokémon is a fan term referring to a group of Pokémon that meet the following criteria: The Pokémon is the final stage of a three-stage evolutionary line. The Pokémon has a base stat total of exactly 600 (before Mega Evolving).
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