What is legend rank?

Legend is one of the three donator ranks on PvP Legacy. It is the third rank shown on the Legacy Store and is also the expensive one, with the price of around $39.99 USD for purchase. Legend rank holders have a gold "Legend" rank on the server and is toggleable using the command /changerank.
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How is legend rank calculated?

Legend is the highest possible rank in Hearthstone. As mentioned previously, it is attained by essentially advancing past Rank 1. The structure of the ladder here is completely different from the structure of every other rank on ladder. In Legend there are no star buffers, bonus stars, ranks, there is only Elo.
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How long does it take to get to legend rank?

Because of this system and the way it works, what this means is that you need to win a certain number of games more than you lose (if you want to get to Legend) over the entire month. For example, once you hit Rank 5 you need to win 26 games to get to Legend. If you have a 100% win rate, you only need to play 26 games!
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What Mr. is Legend Rank?

In-game, every rank after MR30 is called a Legendary (L) and or Legendary Rank (LR). Players can view their own Mastery Progress and Rank by hovering the cursor over their Avatar on the top left corner of the UI.
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Is legend rank per character?

It's tied to character, so even Daigo had to manually get his Akuma into Legend after calibrating. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic. It's tied to character, so even Daigo had to manually get his Akuma into Legend after calibrating.
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What is Legend Rank in Street Fighter 6?

What is the highest rank in Street Fighter 6?

The Master League is a new introduction for Street Fighter 6, and is, naturally, the highest level of competition in the game. In Masters' League, you'll be competing for Master's Rate (MR) which is an entirely different currency. Master League points reset every three months but you can't be demoted from Masters.
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What comes after legend rank?

Players will be placed in one of the seven ranks based on their skills in the game with the Warrior being the lowest rank followed by the Elite, Master, Grandmaster, Epic, Legend, and the highest rank, Mythic.
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Can you drop out of legend rank?

By not participating in attacks, you won't gain any trophies, which are crucial for staying in the League. After a period of inactivity, the game automatically drops your rank, moving you out of Legend League.
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What is the highest rank in the GO Battle League?

If you're shooting to be one of the best, set your sights on Legend rank—the highest rank achievable in the GO Battle League. Currently, the GO Battle League is comprised of 24 ranks: 1–20 are numbered, with the next four ranks being Ace, Veteran, Expert, and then Legend.
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How much LP do you need for Challenger?

To get to Master, you need to win your Diamond promos and reach 100 LP. For Grandmaster, you'll need to reach 200 LP on top of having more LP than the lowest Grandmaster in your region. To reach Challenger, you'll need to hit 500 LP and beat the lowest-ranked Challenger in your region.
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How many wins does it take to get to legend?

Hearthstone players should expect to play anywhere between a few hundred and over a thousand games to reach Legend, depending on their win rate. It takes around 1,300 games to reach Legend with a win rate of 51%, or considerably less if players win more games.
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How many MMR does it take to reach legend?

Legend — 3080-3849 MMR.
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How do you level up your legend rank?

One of the easiest and most effective ways to gain Legend levels is to repeatedly complete a quarantine zone which gives DROPS, such as Stuffed Turtle, on Normal difficulty, then switch to nightmare difficulty and turn in the drops all at once, rewarding you with 120,000 Legend points per DROP.
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How many battles can you do a day in Pokemon GO?

Pokémon Go Battle League rules and battle restrictions

Each time you enter the Go Battle League, you will play a 'set' of five matches. There is a limit to how many Go League Battles you can participate in per day, whether free or paid, at six sets (or 30 battles) per day.
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What is the maximum battles per day in Pokemon GO?

(This does not include end-of-set rewards.) The maximum number of sets you can play per day will increase from five to 20—for a total of 100 battles—from 12:00 a.m. to 11:59 p.m. local time. Free battle-themed Timed Research will be available. Rewards include shoes for your avatar inspired by Allister.
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How to get out of legend?

Players will be demoted from Legend League if they are below 4,900 trophies at the end of a League Day. Players can remain in Legend League while below 4,900 trophies as a result of defending, though they must attack to regain that trophy level by the end of the League Day in order to stay in the league.
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Can you lose your master rank?

You cannot lose Master rank once you have achieved it. Instead wins and losses now affect your rating. Wins will move your rating up, and losses will move your rating down. The number at which your rating moves can vary depending on how high you are in the rankings.
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Can you lose mythic rank?

Note that mythic doesn't have divisions, so mythic players can only drop as low as mythic 95%. However, your Elo rating will always change, regardless of whether your tier can drop or not.
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Can legends invite GrandMaster?

A player can only invite and form a team with other players of similar rank or players that are one rank higher or lower.
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Can mythic drop to legend?

When you reach Mythic Tier, you will not go down to Legend level if you lose. In each season, Mythic will be divided into 5 divisions, namely Mythic V to Mythic I. Players who have reached Mythic will not go down to Legend if they lose. The new system is the Mythic Point system.
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What is legend in SF6?

Master players at the Top 500 become 'Legend' rank, but you can lose your place. At the end of the phase (3 months), the Legend players get special titles and MR is reset to 1500 again.
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