What is super effective against Dialga?

As a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokémon, Dialga is vulnerable to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Dialga Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible.
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What type is super effective against Dialga?

Dialga is weak against: Fighting and Ground-type attacks. Dialga is resistant to: Grass, Poison, Bug, Electric, Flying, Normal, Psychic, Rock, Steel and Water-type attacks.
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What is the best Pokemon to beat Dialga?

The best Pokemon Go Dialga counters are Primal Groudon, Shadow Groudon, Shadow Excadrill, Mega Heracross, Terrakion & Mega Blaziken. Login to see your custom results!
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How to counter Dialga in Pokemon Go?

Best Dialga counters in Pokémon GO are strong Fighting and Ground types like Lucario, Conkeldurr, Machamp, Groudon, Excadrill and Landorus (Therian). Dialga is a Tier 5 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO (53394 Combat Power).
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What type is Dialga?

Dialga (Japanese: ディアルガ Dialga) is a dual-type Steel/Dragon Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
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Is Dialga Even Good for the Go Battle Ultra League in Pokemon GO?

What is Dialga's weakness in Scarlet?

Dialga and Palkia will have Dragon tera typing and be weak to Ice, Fairy, and Dragon.
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What is Dialga and Palkia weakness?

Dialga and Palkia weaknesses and counters

Dialga is steel- and dragon-type, giving it only two weaknesses: fighting- and ground-type moves. Palkia is water- and dragon-type, and it also only has two weaknesses: dragon- and fairy-type moves.
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How do I fight Dialga again?

After defeating Volo at the Temple of Sinnoh, the Celestice Flute will transform into the Azure Flute. Capture every Pokémon that return to this location for the final battle. After defeating the Deity, Pokémon Legends: Arceus offers the chance to participate in rematches.
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Who will win Palkia or Dialga?

Dialga is a Defensive Stalwart in Battle

Defense instead of 120). Still, despite the simple swap, the argument can be made that Dialga is a better overall defensive pick than Palkia. This is supported by the Legendary creature's dual Steel/Dragon-Type.
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Can you solo Dialga in Pokemon Go?

The legendary gets another power boost as a 5-star raid boss, and winning against it takes the collaboration of multiple trainers; avoid attempting the raid solo. Although Dialga experiences a power boost, players can still strategize to defeat it.
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Can Dialga beat rayquaza?

Mega Rayquaza is godly in AG, but in a 1v1, both Dialga and Giratina can win.
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What is Dialga the god of?

Though traditionally depicted as the god of time and change, Dialga is also seen as the patron deity of clock- and watch-makers due to his power over time, and it is believed that those who have the gift of foresight have been touched by his presence.
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Is Dialga good or evil?

Dialga is a major antagonist of Pokémon franchise.
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What is the strongest Pokemon?

Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon. This Normal type Mythical Pokémon is the creator of the universe and thus the closest that the Pokémon world has to a god. When it hatched from its egg, Arceus brought with it time, space, and antimatter in the form of the Creation Trio.
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Who can defeat Giratina?

Dark and fairy types in particular will be the most effective against Giratina, as they resist ghost- and dragon-type attacks, respectively, which will help them last longer in battle. Dragon and ghost Pokemon will also be helpful against Giratina, as they're some of the best attackers in the game.
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How to get Roar of Time?

The Roar of Time Adventure Effect can only be used by Origin Forme Dialga in Pokémon Go. It has the power to pause the timers for Incense, Lucky Eggs, Star Piece and, most helpfully of all, Daily Adventure Incense. Using the Roar of Time Adventure Effect for six minutes costs 5,000 Stardust and five Dialga Candy.
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Who is stronger, Dialga or Mewtwo?

Palkia and Dialga would probably both be able to beat Mewtwo on their own. Palkia with its control over space, and Dialga with its control over time. That feat alone would allow Dialga to mess with Mewtwo and manipulate its surroundings.
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Who won Dialga or Palkia?

Dialga Narrowly Beats Out Palkia In BDSP

Palkia's Water- and Dragon-typing is also quite strong, but Palkia is still weak to the overpowered Pokémon Fairy-type and Dragon moves, meaning Palkia is considerably more vulnerable than Dialga, with weaknesses of a typical Dragon-type.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

The best Pokemon Go Arceus counters are Terrakion, Mega Heracross, Keldeo, Mega Blaziken, Lucario & Mega Rayquaza.
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What is Dialga weak 2?

Thanks to its dragon/steel type combination, Dialga resists a handful of common types and only has two real weaknesses: ground and fighting. You'll have the best chance of defeating Dialga if you stack your team with Pokemon of those types.
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What to do against Dialga?

As a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokémon, Dialga is vulnerable to Fighting- and Ground-type attacks. When selecting Pokémon for your Dialga Raid Battle lineup, it helps to choose Pokémon that have a Fast Attack and a Charged Attack of one of these types if you want to deal as much damage as possible.
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Can you catch Dialga again if it faints?

You can't catch a fainted pokemon because they shrink. Seriously. This is canonical. If I recall correctly, it was brought up In Pokemon: Legends Arceus, a very recent game.
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What is Giratina the god of?

Though traditionally depicted as the god of death and the afterlife, Giratina is occasionally depicted as the god of war, famine, sickness, natural disasters, and severe misfortune, as these are often causes of death to many.
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What is super effective against Palkia?

Palkia is weak against: Dragon and Fairy-type attacks. Palkia is resistant to: Fire, Water and Steel-type attacks. Palkia Mega counters: Mega Rayquaza, Mega Salamence or Mega Gardevoir.
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