What is super effective against Victreebel?

To defeat Victreebel in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). Being a Grass/Poison Type, Victreebel is vulnerable against Fire, Flying, Ice and Psychic Type Moves.
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What Pokémon is best against Victreebel?

The best Pokemon Go Victreebel counters are Mega Rayquaza, Shadow Rayquaza, Shadow Mewtwo, Rayquaza, Mega Blaziken & Mega Charizard Y.
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Who is Victreebel weak to?

Victreebel is a Grass/Poison type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Flying, Fire, Psychic and Ice moves.
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What type of Pokémon is Victreebel?

Victreebel (Japanese: ウツボット Utsubot) is a dual-type Grass/Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Weepinbell when exposed to a Leaf Stone. It is the final form of Bellsprout.
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Is Victreebel a strong Pokémon?

In Ultra, Victreebel is a little bit weaker than in Great. Its attack-weighted stat distribution puts it at less of a disadvantage than it does in Great League, but its competition gets tougher, and the top threats handle it better. Victreebel's low CP cap prevents it from being competitive in Master League.
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How GOOD was Victreebel ACTUALLY? - History of Victreebel in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 1-7)

Who beats Bellsprout?

The best Pokemon Go Bellsprout counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Mewtwo, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Blaziken, Mega Alakazam & Shadow Alakazam.
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How to win Victreebel?

To defeat Victreebel in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). Being a Grass/Poison Type, Victreebel is vulnerable against Fire, Flying, Ice and Psychic Type Moves.
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Who better, vileplume or Victreebel?

If you haven't still decided, then go with Victrebell. It's a glass cannon so don't expect it to be bulky like the others but it has high offensive stats. Vileplume is terrible with its speed and few moves so don't bother with it.
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Is Victreebel better than roserade?

Roserade can actually hit hard and is by far the better option. Victreebel has a tad more bulk to it, but is also slower.
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Can Victreebel Mega evolve?

When exposed to Victreebelite and paired with a Trainer with a Mega Stone, Victreebel are capable of Mega Evolving into this striking jungle predator. Mega Victreebel are said to be savage even by Mega Pokémon standards.
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Can you solo a Victreebel raid?

Victreebel can be defeated by solo trainers, but if you cannot guarantee the top counters with maxed-out CP and the best moves, your best bet is to make sure you have two or more players.
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Is Victreebel a Venus flytrap?

The Pokémon series did eventually give us a Venus flytrap Pokémon with Generation IV's Carnivine, but as the series often does, it began with something a little more obscure. Victreebel and its relatives are based on pitcher plants, a group of plants that catch their prey with an arrangement known as a pitfall trap.
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Is Bellsprout poisonous?

Bellsprout is a Grass/Poison type Pokémon introduced in Generation 1 .
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What Pokémon beats poliwhirl?

The best Pokemon Go Poliwhirl counters are Shadow Luxray, Xurkitree, Thundurus Therian, Shadow Zapdos, Shadow Magnezone & Shadow Zebstrika.
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What Pokémon is super effective against Honchkrow?

The best Pokemon Go Honchkrow counters are Shadow Magnezone, Mega Tyranitar, Shadow Rampardos, Shadow Raikou, Xurkitree & Shadow Rhyperior.
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What is best against Arbok?

If you happen to go up against Arbok, your best bet is to bring in a Psychic or Ground Pokemon.
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Who beats Roserade?

The best Pokemon Go Roserade counters are Mega Rayquaza, Shadow Rayquaza, Shadow Mewtwo, Mega Blaziken, Rayquaza & Shadow Moltres.
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Is Victreebel a good Grass type?

Beyond that, Victreebel gets all the good (resistances to Electric and Water on the Grass side, and to Fairy and Fighting on the Poison side) and bad (vulnerable to Psychic on the Poison side, and Fire, Ice, and Flying on the Grass side) that come with the respective types.
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What evolves into Victreebel?

Evolution. Weepinbell evolves from Bellsprout and evolves into Victreebel.
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Is Exeggutor better than Victreebel?

Yes, Exeggutor has 12 more Defense and 30 more Stamina, and Zen Headbutt's lower cooldown allows for easier dodging, but Victreebel's Petal Blizzard performs roughly equal to Solar Beam, meaning you have a 1 in 3 when evolving instead of a 1 in 6 of getting a "Vaporeon killer" moveset.
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Who should I evolve Gloom into?

As a Grass- and Poison-type Pokémon, Vileplume is generally better for league battles, raids, and gym battles. However, evolving Gloom into Bellossom will help players complete their Pokédex. Gloom is just one of many Pokémon that has multiple evolution options in Pokémon GO.
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What Pokémon is super effective against Vileplume?

The best Pokemon Go Vileplume counters are Mega Rayquaza, Shadow Rayquaza, Shadow Mewtwo, Mega Blaziken, Rayquaza & Mega Charizard Y.
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Can you solo Victreebel raid?

Victreebel is a Tier 3 Raid Boss in Pokemon GO, and it is an easy Solo Fight. Victreebel is a Grass and Poison-type Pokémon. Victreebel is weak to Fire, Flying, Ice, and Psychic-type moves.
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