What is the best beginner class in Elden Ring?

Vagabond (all-rounder): The Vagabond is arguably the best Elden Ring classes for beginners. Melee builds are generally easy to pick up without having to familiarize yourself with loads of in-game systems, making them great for players unaccustomed to FromSoftware gameplay.
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What is the best class to start in Elden Ring?

Best Elden Ring Class for beginners - What starting class should newcomers choose?
  • For melee, the basic starter is the Vagabond. ...
  • For magic, beginners should start with the Astrologer. ...
  • If you want a beginner-friendly hybrid class, look no further than the Prisoner.
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What class is most fun to play Elden Ring?

10 Most Fun Builds To Use In Elden Ring
  • 8 Black Flame Wielder.
  • 7 Holy Knight.
  • 6 Pure Bleed.
  • 5 Spellsword.
  • 4 Hunter Of The Dead.
  • 3 Vigor/Strength Hybrid.
  • 2 Intelligence/Dexterity Hybrid.
  • 1 Valkyrie.
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Is Samurai better than vagabond?

Depends on what build you want. Vagabond is a decent starter if you're indecisive on your build, but if you've already committed to one, a specific build would give an edge. Astrologer and confessor are better if you want a magic build, and samurai is better for a dexterity build.
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Why Vagabond is the best?

Vagabond masterfully explores the themes of Life, Death, The Mind, The Human Condition and concepts like Will and Strength. Life in Vagabond is portrayed as a fragile piece of glass— one clean strike to cleave the body in two. Every character is given the power to take away lives.
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Who wins samurai or knight?

Both groups were skilled warriors who had their unique weapons, armor, and tactics. It would be impossible to definitively determine who would win in a hypothetical clash between medieval knights and Japanese samurai due to the significant differences in time and place that separated the two cultures.
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What Elden Ring character base is best?

Best Elden Ring classes for beginners
  • Vagabond (all-rounder): The Vagabond is arguably the best Elden Ring classes for beginners. ...
  • Hero (simple melee build): Similar to the Vagabond, the Hero class in Elden Ring is a starting point for melee-focused builds.
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Is Elden Ring hard?

It's pretty safe to say that Elden Ring is a tough game, so to help you get up to speed, we have some tips to help beginners beat even the . The same is true for Elden Ring, the new FromSoftware game tearing up the sales charts. It too does not have traditional difficulty settings.
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What is the most simple build in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring Warrior Build For Beginners
  • Flask Spread: All HP.
  • Weapon: Dual-Wield Scimitars, or any two Curved Swords.
  • Shield: None.
  • Armor: Heaviest Armor you can wear without sacrificing Medium Roll.
  • Primary Stats: Endurance, Vigor.
  • Secondary Stats: Dexterity.
  • Skills: Ash of War: Bloody Slash.
  • Spells: None.
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What is the easiest character to play in Elden Ring?

Vagabond: Ideal for beginners, Vagabonds excel in both damage and defense. Their decent melee stats and substantial health pool make them a solid choice.
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What is the hardest class to play in Elden Ring?

10 The Wretch Class Offers No Direction Or Guidance

There is no questioning that the Wretch provides Elden Ring's most challenging experience by far, particularly in the early game.
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Which character is best in Elden Ring?

The strongest class in Elden Ring is the Hero Class with a starting strength stat of 16. As such, this is a great option for any melee-focused players who want to start making a strength build.
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Is Elden Ring beginner friendly?

There are plenty of classes to choose from when beginning Elden Ring, but some are undoubtedly more beginner-friendly than others. The various potential backgrounds for the Tarnished offer a wide variety of starting equipment and stats, which can encourage people to experiment with new playstyles over time.
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Is Samurai good for beginners Elden Ring?

The Samurai Class is a versatile and well-rounded choice, offering a harmonious blend of melee and ranged capabilities, making it an ideal starting class for those embarking on their journey through the Lands Between.
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How to 2 hand in Elden Ring?

To 2-Hand a weapon or other armament, hold the Y button on Xbox, Triangle on PlayStation, or E on PC, and then press the attack button for the armament you wish to use in two hands (RB/R1 or right click for main-hand weapons, LB/L1 or left click for offhand weapons).
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Is Elden easy?

It depends on how you play. Elden Ring definitely has the potential to be the easiest, as it's rpg mechanics are far more expansive and allow . Better to fight without locking on if possible, especially in boss fights like the bell gargoyles where you need to control your movements well..
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How many hours is Elden Ring?

And become the Elden Lord. How long is Elden Ring? When focusing on the main objectives, Elden Ring is about 59½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 133 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Is 100% Elden Ring hard?

It's really not that hard to 100% ER, friendo. Certainly not as hard as the Souls series where you needed to do covenant quests/multiplayer. Edit: the cheese would be save scumming for different endings so you wouldn't have to actually beat the game 3 different times.
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What class should I play in Elden Ring?

If Elden Ring is your first Souls-style RPG, the Vagabond and Astrologer are good starting classes if you're interested in melee or casting, respectively. More experienced players may want to dabble with the interesting starting gear and stats in the Prisoner or Bandit classes.
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What is the strongest character in Elden Ring?

10 Strongest Elden Ring Characters, According To Lore
  • 4 Godfrey, First Elden Lord Is A Warrior Of Epic Proportions. ...
  • 3 The Lord Of Frenzied Flame Is An Apocalyptic Threat Just By Existing. ...
  • 2 Queen Marika The Eternal Is Nearly A God. ...
  • 1 The Elden Beast Embodies The Greater Will.
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Is Vagabond good in Elden Ring?

For people who wish to select an origin that will have the most optimal stat distribution for a build with the fewest stat points wasted, Vagabond is the most effective choice for several build types.
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Who could defeat samurai?

The average European knight would slaughter the average samurai in the same time period simply because of tech advantages. Even though they were similarly well trained, a Katana is no match for plate armor, and a European longsword has a much greater range than a katana.
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Can a samurai beat a ninja?

In rugged terrain, or in the mountain area, the ninja group may win. The ninja has better survival skills as a small group. If it is a large-group fight, the samurai can easily win. The ninja and the samurai usually collaborated.
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Would a samurai beat a Viking?

Take the samurai and Viking, for example. “My prediction was that the samurai would have cut the Viking to pieces,” he said. “But it turns out that Viking chain mail armor was very effective at dispersing the impact of the samurai katana, which was a slashing weapon. The Viking took him.”
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