What is the best race for subtlety rogue?

Best Alliance Races for Subtlety Rogues
  • Night Elf is the best race by far on Alliance. The active racial ability, Shadowmeld, has great synergy with the Rogue class. ...
  • Human is the second-best race on Alliance. ...
  • Orc is the best race on Horde. ...
  • Blood Elf is the second-best race on Horde.
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What race is best for rogue class?

Tabaxi and Tieflings make great DnD Rogues, with Darkvision lending itself to a life in the shadows. Tabaxi also offer good climbing ability and Feline Agility to double your speed in combat. A Tiefling's Thaumaturgy can help you create interesting distractions.
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What race is best for rogue in WoW?

If you're talking for PVE your best options damage wise are Blood Elf or Zandalari until Tauren are unlocked for rogues. This is a race compare of my rogue with it's current gear. If you're going to chose purely based on PVE damage race absolutely matters and don't let anybody tell you “hurr racials don't matter”.
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What is the best PvP race for rogue?

Best Race for Alliance PvP Rogues

Dwarf is the best Classic WoW Alliance Rogue race for Solo Duels and World PvP. Gnome is the best Classic WoW Alliance Rogue race for Group Battlegrounds PvP.
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Does Subtlety need 2 daggers?

Rogues can use daggers, fist weapons, one-handed axes, maces, and swords. However, abilities and passives essentially require you to use two daggers.
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ROGUE WOTLK GUIDE | Best Race, Talents, Glyphs, Gear, Professions & Macros

Is Subtlety better than assassination?

Assassination Rogue's DPS is less bursty, meaning it had more consistent damage. With 32.97% less difference in lowest and peak DPS during a fight when compared to Subtlety Rogues.
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Do subtlety rogues use Shiv?

Every rogue can use Shiv for utility.
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What is the best duo for rogue?

Paladin /

Paladins are a Rogue's best friend. With buffs like Blessing of Might/Freedom, big heals, and damage immunity, Rogues become unstoppable killing machines. Both classes boast incredibly strong cooldowns and single-target damage.
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What is the best race for sub rogue horde?

Horde. Tauren/Blood Elf: The reason why these two races are the best for subtlety is down to a common theme; crit. Tauren gives 2% crit damage which synergizes with our want to stack a lot of crit, Blood elf gives 1% crit flat which is also just a very good stat for the spec.
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Which horde race is best for rogue?

Horde: Troll or Orc

Berserking is the strongest Horde racial, giving you a +20% increased attack speed. You also have 'Best Slaying,' which increases your damage dealt by 5% to Beast-type enemies. The Bow Specialization and Throwing Specialization will increase your crit chance.
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What race is rogue best for PvE?

Orc is the best Classic WoW Horde Rogue race for PvE.
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What race is outlaw rogue?

The Racial differences for Rogue are pretty minor, I would personally just suggest picking the race you feel looks the coolest, but if you care about the nitty gritty then Tauren and Dwarf are the strongest racials DPS wise as the crit damage is huge for the spec.
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Which rogue class is easiest?

sub is the easiest, followed by outlaw than assa. sub rogue - very straight forward damage type and rotation, can macro alot of stuff as a beginner, nothing major to track beside cds (maybe rapture occesionaly), rotation is not hard.
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What is the strongest rogue subclass?

Soulknife has the most quality abilities of all Rogue subclasses, if I had to rank them based on their individual features I'd put them first. I don't really like Arcane Trickster subclass abilities, except for the mage hand bonuses. Of course what makes this subclass reach top tier is the spells.
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What race is best for stealth rogue?

Thus, let us talk about which of them makes the sneakiest Rogue.
  • 7 Lightfoot Halfling. Halflings are one of the most versatile races in the game, and it's all thanks to their Lucky feature. ...
  • 6 Deep Gnome. ...
  • 5 Wood Elf. ...
  • 4 Human. ...
  • 3 Wood Half-Elf. ...
  • 2 Drow. ...
  • 1 Duergar.
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Are blood elf rogues good?

The natural agility of any elf, combined with a racial control over and thirst for magical energy, ensures that blood elf rogues are the most impeccable mage-slayers in all of Azeroth.
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Does Subtlety Rogue have a haste cap?

How Much Haste Should Subtlety Rogues Have? / Is there a Haste Cap? For Subtlety, there is no Haste breakpoint/cap.
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Can tauren be rogues?

Every character in WoW has a tauren rogue following them. There are tauren rogue trainers in every city in every building on every server - they're THAT good. The tauren were taught the art of the rogue by Chuck Norris. Their [Kick] is therefore something to be feared.
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Which rogue spec is best for solo?

Out of all three Rogue specs, we recommend Subtlety as the best choice for leveling. It offers the best single-target burst damage and allows you to dispatch enemies within only a few seconds, jumping from enemy to enemy in quick succession.
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What class beats rogue 1v1?

Feral or Surv hunt probably has the highest chance of winning against rogues imo. Demonology as well you can throw pet on him and can't re, if he vanish or meld you can pet stun when he open on you (30sec CD usable while cc'ed). I would say unholy has a good chance i never lost a 1v1 to a rogue even good ones.
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What level do rogues dual wield?

Rogues and death knights have the innate ability to dual wield from the beginning; hunters and Fury-specced warriors learn to dual wield at level 20.
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Does sub rogue require daggers?

Many sub rogues use require daggers; however, they only require one dagger.
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What is the poison in Subtlety Rogue?

Poisons are extremely powerful damage boosts for rogues, with most rogues opting for a Instant Poison VII and Deadly Poison IX combination for PvE and a Wound Poison VII and Crippling Poison combination for PvP as an as Subtlety Rogue.
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Can subtlety use fist weapons?

The Subtlety spec excels in providing high damage with the rogue's finisher abilities, in both single-target and multi-target encounters. In terms of weapons, the Subtlety Rogue uses any combination of daggers, fist weapons, one-handed axes, maces, and swords.
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