What is the best race in the Dark Brotherhood?

Khajiit, Wood Elves, and Argonians are all great their/assassin classes. In my opinion, Argonians are best for thief's, Wood Elves for assassins, and Khajiit are in between. Yes, they are the typical choices, however Dunmer are a very good choice if you want a vampire assassin.
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What is the strongest race in Skyrim?

Best Skyrim Races: Ranked
  • Skyrim Khajit - 8. ...
  • Skyrim Redguard - 6. ...
  • Skyrim Wood Elf - 5. ...
  • Skyrim Imperial - 4. ...
  • Skyrim Nord - 3. ...
  • Skyrim Orc - 2. ...
  • Skyrim High Elf - 1. ...
  • Looking for more RPG Gaming Ideas? The Ultimate Valheim Progression Guide and Tips.
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What race makes the best assassin?

THE ASSASSIN. The best race for a assassin is the Khajiit or the Argonian the gender does not matter. when playing the assassin you should keep you statistic focus on around 60 percent of your level ups on your health,40 percent of your level ups on your stamina and 10 percent of your level ups on your magicka.
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What is the best race for a stealth assassin?

Race. For the best assassin build, we recommend that you choose the Khajiit race. With the highest sneak stats, a very good one-handed combat skill, and the ability to see in the dark, this race will be your best option. In addition, by choosing Khajiit, you can avoid unnecessary leveling.
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What is the best race for alchemy in Skyrim?

Race: Breton, primarily for the boosts, however minor, to Alchemy and Speech, Dragonskin and an innate Resist Magic to help keep oneself alive when facing dragons or mages.
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What race is best for Dark Brotherhood Skyrim?

Khajiit, Wood Elves, and Argonians are all great their/assassin classes. In my opinion, Argonians are best for thief's, Wood Elves for assassins, and Khajiit are in between. Yes, they are the typical choices, however Dunmer are a very good choice if you want a vampire assassin.
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Which Skyrim race is fastest?

Other Notes on Skyrim Races

Player movement speed is dependent on the height of their race: Altmer (High Elves) being the tallest race, have a larger speed multiplier, with Orcs being the second tallest and fastest.
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What is the best race for hybrid Templar?

The best option for this particular Hybrid build is Khajiit due to the extra max stats and recoveries as well as bonus to Critical Damage and healing. Dark Elf adds both Stamina and Magicka which will also be nice for more overall stats.
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What race for Illusion Assassin in Skyrim?

Morrowind's native people have a natural gift for all things arcane and magical, and they're also a people with some natural talents in stealth. This makes them excellent candidates for assassins. Stealth Skills: +5 Illusion and Sneak.
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What race is best for rogue class?

Deep gnomes, high elves, eladrin elves, tabaxis, kenkus, tieflings, githyankis, halflings, owlins, and fairies all have race-specific traits that can greatly benefit a rogue character.
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What race makes sense in Skyrim?

Nord, because Nords are the only documented race to actually be Dragonborn (not just a blessing unlike the Emperors). But, any race can be Dragonborn. Plus, Skyrim takes place in Skyrim so it's only natural for the hero to be of the native race- the Nord.
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Which is the most powerful assassin?

The Most Powerful Assassins In Assassin's Creed
  • Evie Frye. ...
  • Ezio Auditore da Firenze. ...
  • Aya of Siwa. ...
  • Altair Ibn-La'Ahad. ...
  • Jacob Frye. ...
  • Connor Kenway. ...
  • Nikolai Orelov. ...
  • Arno Dorian. The release of Assassin's Creed: Unity was a disaster for publisher Ubisoft.
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What race is best for sneaking in Skyrim?

The Altmer is the best race for stealth, it starts with +50 magika. Altmer's magicka bonus is really the answer to every question, as you can silence your footsteps with a certain spell and you can level up sneak fairly easily. As for a traditional sneak character, Khajiit. No contest.
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What races are hated in Skyrim?

  • The nords hate the dark elves, high elves, khajiit and argonians.
  • The dark elves hate argonians and high elves.
  • The wood elves hate the high elves.
  • The Reachmen hate the nords.
  • Everyone looks down on the Orcs, but they keep to themselves, so are probably not exactly hated.
  • The Redguards hate the high elves.
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Who is the strongest god Skyrim?

Akatosh is the most powerful god in the Elder Scrolls universe. Akatosh was the first god born in the Beginning Place and is often portrayed as a gold dragon. It is said that Akatosh is the creator of the dragons.
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What race is the Dragonborn most likely?

We all know that the Nord can obviously be canon, considering all known Dragonborn and that Skyrim is home of the Nords.
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What is the best race for assassin?

The Bosmer race, or Wood Elves, are the best Assassin race. You can see here: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Bosmer_(Skyrim) if you scroll down to Character Creation. Their racial power is also good, it makes animals fight for you for 60 seconds.
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What race are most bandits in Skyrim?

Their apparel varies from light to heavy armor, and always consists of a cuirass and boots (or fur shoes), and may include gauntlets, a helmet, or a shield as well. Although most bandits are Nords, Orcish bandits and other races are also common.
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Which race looks best as a vampire Skyrim?

It really depends on what "style" of Vampire you're going for. If you wana go "evil" go Dark Elf. If you want to be the vampire who actually looks all human, go Nord. If you want a Vampire who's like... a demon, then go for one of the beast races.
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What is the best race for a warden?

The best race for a Warden Damage Dealer Build, commonly called a “DPS” is the Dark Elf. Dark Elves in ESO have some of the best racial passives in the game when it comes to dealing damage, plus these passives will work regardless of whether you decide to focus on Stamina or Magicka as your primary resource for damage.
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What is the best race for death knights?

Blood Elves, allied to the Horde, are the best for playing as a Death Knight with a Blood build, thanks to their arcane powers.
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What is the best race for Templar in Skyrim?

High elf is the better of the two you've asked about. However you might want to consider Breton. The main spammable you'll be using can use up a lot of your magicka. Bretons get a passive that helps with your magicka recovery.
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Which Skyrim race is most fun?

Given how melee combat is relatively easy to get into, most people consider the Redguard to be the best race in Skyrim based on how beginner-friendly their abilities are.
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What is the most popular race in Skyrim?

Nords are one of the most popular races in Skyrim, with their long blonde hair and thick Scandinavian-style accents making them stand out. According to the lore, they were led to the province of Skyrim by the Atmoran leader and warrior Ysgramor.
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What is the dominant race in Skyrim?

While players can choose to play as any race in the game, Nords play a significant role in Skyrim's main story, and they also get bonus resistance to frost damage. Nords make up a majority of the population of Skyrim, but a fan has made a handy chart of all the various races that inhabit this land.
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