What is the bleed stone in ds1?

An altered state of titanite. Use to make weapons lacerating, or to provide bleeding reduction to shields.
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What does bleed do in ds1?

Bleeding is a status effect that (when the status meter fills up) causes instant damage to you and like poison and other effects, ignores whether you're blocking or not.
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How do you use bleed gem?

Usage. The player must obtain the Profaned Coal and give it to Andre of Astora to allow infusion of this gem into a weapon. Use the Blood Gem to infuse a weapon with the Bleed effect. The infusion will reduce base physical damage and scaling, while adding or increasing Bleed buildup, which scales with Luck.
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What is the highest bleed resist in ds1?

The best amongst them are Smough's Set and the upgraded Black Iron Set. Individual armor pieces that have the highest Bleed Resist when fully upgraded are the Gargoyle Helm, Sage Robe, Smough's Gauntlets, and either Blood-Stained Skirt or Maiden Skirt, totalling 163.7 Bleed Resist.
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What is the best bleed weapon in ds1?

Lifehunt Scythe and Priscilla's Dagger are the best bleed weapons in the game, no other coming close to matching them. Both of them have the highest possible base bleed build up (50 points per hit), which is further boosted by both having the absolute highest bleed damage in the game.
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Dark Souls Remastered - Bleed Build (PvP/PvE) - Dexterity/Bleed Build

What is the hardest hitting weapon in Dark Souls 1?

The Dragon King Greataxe is arguably the most powerful, at least in terms of single-hit damage potential. It can be obtained from the Gaping Dragon.
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What is the most overpowered weapon in Dark Souls?

15 Most Overpowered Weapons In Dark Souls 3
  • 8 Harald Curved Greatsword. ...
  • 7 Splitleaf Greatsword. ...
  • 6 Crystal Sage's Rapier. ...
  • 5 Millwood Greatbow. ...
  • 4 Crucifix Of The Mad King. ...
  • 3 Demon's Scar. ...
  • 2 Repeating Crossbow. ...
  • 1 Lothric Knight Sword.
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Is Artorias weak to bleed?

I usually use a combination of bleed damage and pyromancy for bosses but Artorias is too fast for bleed and pyromancy does nothing to him.
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What is the hardest boss in ds1?

Hardest Bosses In Dark Souls, Ranked
  • 8 Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder.
  • 7 Sanctuary Guardian.
  • 6 Four Kings.
  • 5 The Bed Of Chaos.
  • 4 Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough.
  • 3 Manus, Father Of The Abyss.
  • 2 Artorias The Abysswalker.
  • 1 Black Dragon Kalameet.
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Is resistance or vitality better ds1?

You will want to put your points in to vitality. Resistance is largely considered the useless stat in this game for almost every build unless you are doing a gimmicky pure tank build or something strange like that. Originally posted by Tharamesh: You will want to put your points in to vitality.
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What is the highest blood gem level?

Blood Gem Rating

Damp Blood Gems have a rating of 11 through 19 and have (4) - (6). Abyssal Blood Gems are the highest rated of all, with a rating of 20.
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Do the crystal gems bleed?

Gems dont bleed, but they can blush though. Think of it as mannequins with personality except theyre nor mannequins, theyre rocks. Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue.
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What does blood gem do?

Blood gems are a special item that can be imprinted on an upgraded weapon in order to boost its damage, its scaling, or its effects further.
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Which bosses can you bleed ds1?

For the most part, if the boss looks like something that can bleed, it can. Every living boss I've found so far can either bleed or be poisoned. Poisoning takes a while to stick, though, so go with bleeding. Taurus and Capra are late game enemies, so it makes sense that their vulnerable.
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Is Bleed viable in Dark Souls?

Bleed builds can be occasionally good for certain bosses, but that's it. On others, like Dragonslayer armor though.... It is, however, the only worthwhile bleed weapon for both PvP and PvE is the Warden Twinblades.
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What is Artorias weak to ds1?

ublug. He doesn't appear to have any weakness, only resistances. All DLC bosses are resistant to Magic, Fire and Lightning damage. So simply put, do not use elementals against them.
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What is the easiest boss in Dark Souls?

Dark Souls: 15 Easiest Bosses In The Franchise, Ranked
  1. 1 Prowling Magus And Congregation (Dark Souls 2)
  2. 2 Pinwheel (Dark Souls) ...
  3. 3 Covetous Demon (Dark Souls 2) ...
  4. 4 Deacons Of The Deep (Dark Souls 3) ...
  5. 5 Moonlight Butterfly (Dark Souls) ...
  6. 6 Ancient Wyvern (Dark Souls 3) ...
  7. 7 Dragonrider (Dark Souls 2) ...
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What is the most recognizable boss in Dark Souls?

7 Dark Souls 1: The Gaping Dragon

The Gaping Dragon is one of the most well-known bosses in the entirety of the franchise. Many new players never made it past the Gaping Dragon, so it left the largest impact.
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What broke Artorias arm?

That foe would be Manus, Father Of The Abyss. During his battle with Manus, Artorias was defeated, and his left arm was broken. In his last act, before he lost his mind to darkness, he used the power of his greatshield to form a protective barrier around Sif to prevent her from being corrupted.
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How was Artorias corrupted?

He failed in his quest to stop the Abyss and was corrupted by the very force he sought to destroy. The actions of the player character throughout Oolacile are attributed to Artorias the Abysswalker, thanks to Dusk of Oolacile's exhaustion-addled mind. Artorias goes down into legend for heroics he was not alive to see.
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Who kills Artorias?

We all know that the brave Knight tried to save oolacile and his companion Sif, so he gave Sif his great shield to surround him with a barrier to protect him from the darkness of the abyss, resulting in Artorias losing his arm and sanity forever, Sif is saved, the chosen undead comes and kills Artorias to let him rest ...
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What is the best sword in DS1?

Here are the best swords in Dark Souls.
  1. 1 Lothric Knight Sword. Speaking of spamming light attacks, this sword is the pinnacle of that.
  2. 2 Estoc. ...
  3. 3 Zweihander. ...
  4. 4 King's Ultra Greatsword. ...
  5. 5 Gael's Greatsword. ...
  6. 6 Moonlight Greatsword. ...
  7. 7 Quelaag's Fury Sword. ...
  8. 8 Gold & Dark Silver Tracers. ...
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What is the most powerful build in Dark Souls?

Best Builds In Dark Souls, Ranked
  • 8 Kirk Knight Of Thorns.
  • 7 Knight Artorias.
  • 6 Slow-Walk Build.
  • 5 Ayriak's Quality Pyromancer.
  • 4 Crestfallen Warrior.
  • 3 Bonewheel Skelly.
  • 2 Oroboro's Falchion Build.
  • 1 Giant Dad.
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What is the best boss soul weapon in DS1?

Top 3 boss souls equiptment:
  1. Greatshield of Artorias (highest Stability in the game -> DS1 Easy mode)
  2. Chaos Blade (Katana duh)
  3. Dragon Bone Fist (solid strenth weapon)
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