What is the bonus for Hexblades curse?

Hexblade's Curse The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits: You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target. The bonus equals your proficiency bonus.
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What is the bonus action in Hexblade's curse?

"Once per short rest, as a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 ft. to curse it for 1 minute (or until the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated). Against the cursed target, you gain a +5 bonus to damage rolls, score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20, and you regain 18 HP if it dies. "
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What is the Hexblade curse advantage?

Great Weapon MasterPHB: Hexblades can make effective use of two-handed weapons, which makes this a possibility. Hexblade's curse allows you to score a critical hit against the target on a 19-20, which makes it more likely that you can trigger the first portion of the feat.
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What damage rolls are Hexblades curse?

Hexblade curse applies to any damage roll not just from attacks. It is important to note however that the weapon damage and the smite damage are a single combined damage roll (that is why crits double both) so it only applies once.
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Does Hexblade curse apply to Eldritch blast?

Edit: TLDR; Hex and Bestow Curse act as modifiers to each Eldritch Blast Ray - NOT as individual sources of damage. Therefore, the Proficiency Bonus from Hexblade's Curse applies once, to the 1d10+1d8+1d6 Damage Roll.
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Hex is a trap in D&D 5E - Advanced guide to Hex

Can you stack Hex and Hexblade's curse?

By first stacking hex and Hexblade's Curse on a target in previous turns, the player may cast eldritch blast with their action, cast it again (since it's a cantrip, an often skipped-over D&D spells rule) with action surge, and then use quickened spell to cast it a third time in the same turn.
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Can your Hexblade be your pact weapon?

Your Hexblade Patron weapon is not your pact weapon. One of the examples they give for a patron is blackrazor, and that is certainly not the weapon in the hands of a level 1 hexblade warlock. I am a sentient weapon, not your plaything, foolish mortal!
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Does Eldritch Cannon benefit from Hex?

Yes. The Force Ballista option would indeed trigger the damage from Hex. The wording for Hex specifies that the damage is applied when you hit the cursed creature with an attack.
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Does Hexblade's curse work on spells?

Yes, it does. But only once per spell, or per attack roll.
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What is the most damaging melee weapon in 5e?

Overall the weapon that can do the most damage would be the Flametongue Rapier (as the war pick and Morningstar are not eligible by RAW for this magic weapon). It is magical piercing damage that also adds 2d6 Fire damage.
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How many times can I use Hexblade's curse?

The ability may be used once per day at level 1, twice per day at level 5, three times per day at level 9, four times per day at level 13, and five times per day at level 17, plus the character's Charisma modifier. The penalties increase to -4 at level 7, and to -6 at level 19. Use: Selected.
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What race is best for Hexblade Warlock?

Half-elves are another option for the best Hexblade build. Not only do half-elves have +2 CHA like tieflings, they also get +1 to two additional attributes, so they can bulk up their CON and DEX. They also have darkvision, which is always useful.
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Is Hexblade the best Gish?

Hexblade: The best gish because you only need to max char, thus avoiding the MAD of the other subclasses. The possibility of using two-handed weapons (from level 3), and powerful Eldritch invocation, greatly increase the damage output.
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Is Hexblades curse concentration?

Does Hexblade's Curse require concentration? Nope. In the description of the spell it says that the curse ends if you die, the target dies, or you are incapacitated. It makes no mention of concentration or signifies such.
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Does a Hexblade's weapon count as magical?

No it doesn't allow said weapon to be considered magical. The Pact of the Blade feature that allows you to conjure any weapon you might desire is innately magical as is. So in that sense, though these features synergize well, the Hex Warrior's effect still isn't the cause of it being magical.
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Is Psychic Blades a bonus action?

The Psychic Blades Bonus Action under the Soulknife Subclass states the following: "After you attack with the blade, you can make a melee or ranged weapon attack with a second psychic blade as a bonus action on the same turn, provided your other hand is free to create it.
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Can a Hexblade cast spells with a shield?

She uses the holy symbol as her spellcasting focus, so she needs to have the shield in hand when she casts a cleric spell that has a material component. If the spell, such as aid, also has a somatic component, she can perform that component with the shield hand and keep holding the mace in the other.
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Can you use Hex and Eldritch blast in the same turn?

Eldritch Blast is a cantrip that uses your Action. Because it is a cantrip, it does not limit the use of other spells in the same round. However, because it uses your Action, you will only be able to use spells that require a Bonus Action to cast. (such as Hex).
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Does Hex trigger on magic missile?

Hex doesn't work on magic missile. This is because magic missile doesn't include any attacks, but instead just deals damage. It's only an attack if it includes an attack roll. However, hex does work on Jim's magic missile, which actually includes attacks.
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Does Eldritch cannon break invisibility?

Likewise, firing from the eldritch cannon would certainly break the invisibility of the artificer, were he invisible while using it, as it activates on his bonus action and it's an attack.
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Can you Hexblade a greatsword?

Hex Warrior lets you use CHA for attacks with pact weapon regardless of the type. Yes, you can turn a greatsword into your pact weapon with the Pact of the Blade feature as the benefit extends to every pact weapon you conjure with that feature, no matter the weapon's type, which can include two-handed weapons.
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Can a Hexblade use a whip?

The other thing you get from Hexblade is martial weapons which in terms of weapons that matter is whip, scimitar and heavy crossbow and if you want to use one of these you can do it with improved pact weapon anyway.
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Can you dual wield Hexblade?

Hexblade allows you to use Charisma for attacks with one weapon you choose, plus with any pact weapon you have. So you can have two separate weapons: your pact weapon, plus your Hexblade-chosen weapon.
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Does Hexblade curse take a spell slot?

Hexblade's Curse

You can use it a certain number of times without expending a spell slot and without requiring concentration — a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus (a minimum of once).
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Can two warlocks hex the same target?

Being a concentration spell, each time you cast it, cancels the previous casting. So the only way to have multiple Hex spells affect a target is by using different casters. So each person casting Hex on a single target has two effects.
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