What is the choice after defeating Miraak?

Defeating Miraak will allow you to absorb his soul, or rather all three Dragon souls he absorbed during the fight. You can return to Hermaeus Mora at any time by reading the Black Book: Waking Dreams to spend a Dragon Soul to respec a single talent tree.
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What happens if you use Bend Will on Miraak?

Miraak will not fight back or even move at this point. Successfully hitting him with a Bend Will at this stage recharges your Shout even quicker. He'll become your ally and the two of you must defeat several waves of enemies Hermaeus Mora will send at you.
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Is Miraak the final boss?

Miraak is the main antagonist of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. He is the final boss and is the archnemesis of Takes-In-Fire, the last Dragonborn.
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Is the last dragonborn more powerful than Miraak?

1 The Last Dragonborn

As powerful as Miraak was, with him being able to suck the souls from still living dragons and being able to steal the souls from dragons killed by the player over great distances, he was still no match for the Last Dragonborn.
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What do I do after defeating Miraak?

Defeating Miraak will allow you to absorb his soul, or rather all three Dragon souls he absorbed during the fight. You can return to Hermaeus Mora at any time by reading the Black Book: Waking Dreams to spend a Dragon Soul to respec a single talent tree.
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After Defeating Miraak, What Happened To The Dragonborn?

Can I loot Miraak?

Equipment. Miraak's mask. The following are items equipped by Miraak. They can be looted from his skeletal corpse following the battle.
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Is alduin or Miraak harder?

Miraak certainly can beat Alduin if given the tools. He is more proficient with his shouts despite what happens in game due to being a lot older. He is no Greybeard and learned the Thu'um from scratch after all.
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What is the rarest type of Dragonborn?

Brown, gray, purple, adamantine, mithral and steel are significantly rarer, either due to their otherworldly origin, or by how they were created or where they live. Dragonborn descended from dragon turtles, as well as mirage, fey, and shadow dragons also exist, though they're very rare as well.
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What race is the Last Dragonborn canonically?

The Last Dragonborn being a Nord is certainly poetic in consideration of the province's culture, but Skyrim and The Elder Scrolls at large show that the race of Tamriel's most venerated heroes is usually inconsequential.
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Who is the true final boss of Skyrim?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. A clip of the final boss fight in the game (main story) against Alduin.
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Who defeated Miraak Skyrim?

The rebellion failed however, and Miraak was defeated by fellow Dragon Priest Vahlok.
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What race is Miraak Skyrim?

Miraak may be more powerful than the average man; however, he's still mortal, and as such, he has a race from one of the ten races of Tamriel. Miraak is a Nord, and this doesn't come as too much of a surprise since he served the dragons in ancient times.
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What is Miraak weak against?

Now, what exactly is his weakness? Trolls have fire. Lurkers and Seekers have ice. Centurions (and enchanted Spheres) have shock damage to slow them.
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Is defeating Miraak the end?

Miraak's death marks the end of the quest.
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What level should you fight Miraak?

Miraak has a higher starting level (35) and a higher scaling cutoff (150) than Alduin, (10 and 100) so depending on when you fight him either very early or very very late using legendary skills he may be more of a challenge.
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What is a gold Dragonborn?

Medium. The Gold Dragonborn are a sub-race of Dragonborn. Due to their nomadic nature, the Gold Dragonborn can be found traveling throughout Londorwin. It is believed that they originated from the deserts of Gyhan the largest concentration of their people can be found there.
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Do Dragonborn ever get wings?

By default, no. That's a picture of a dragonborn from the 5e Player's Handbook. No wings, no tail. Some Dragonborn players like to imagine their character has a tail anyway.
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Are there purple Dragonborn?

Purple. Purple dragonborn have inherited two of purple dragons' three distinct breath weapons. When you use your breath weapon, instead of creating a cone of force, you can create a blinding flash of light that affects all other creatures within 10 feet of you.
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Would bend will work on Alduin?

Unfortunately not. On the Wiki, it says the following under Trivia: "This shout can be used on Odahviing, but not Alduin, Paarthurnax, Durnehviir, the Skeletal Dragon, Vulthuryol, Voslaarum and Naaslaarum, or the nameless dragons at Skuldafn.
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Does the Dragonborn absorb Miraak?

The Dragonborn then absorbs Miraak's soul, which yields between five and ten dragon souls, plus any that Miraak may have stolen. Due to the soul absorption, he will only remain as a dead skeleton and thus the Dragonborn is never able to see Miraak's face without unequipping the mask via console commands.
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Can you befriend Miraak?

Miraak Follower is a mod made for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. It involves an alternate ending to The Elder Scrolls V: Dragonborn in which the Bend Will shout is used to make Miraak a follower. However doing so will anger Hermaeus Mora, who will send waves of his minions to punish the two rebellious Dragonborns.
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How do I stop Miraak from stealing?

The only legitimate way is to kill him or to exclude yourself to Solstheim (he won't appear if you kill a dragon in mainland Skyrim). There is, however, a glitch. If you kill a dragon and its body falls into the water before it starts burning, Miraak won't appear for some reason.
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What is Miraak's real name?

However, according to Skyrim Tale lore, Miraak started out as a Nord man named "Fenrik", before shedding his name to coincide with the name of his Dragon Priest mask: Miraak.
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