What is the curse status effect in doodle world?

Cursed is a status effect that reduces the Doodle's magic attack by 25%. While cursed, the Doodle's moves have the accuracy check rolled twice & secondary effects are never applied. Curse can only be cured by moves which removes status effect.
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What is the cursed status effect?

The Cursed Status Effect is a debuffing effect applied map-wide as soon as its activation conditions are triggered and emanate from Hex Totems that are conjured by the Killer equipping one or multiple Hex Perks.
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What is the diseased status effect in Doodle World?

Disease is a Status Effect that causes the Doodle afflicted to take compounding damage every turn. Specifically, it takes a sixteenth of the Doodles max health- increasing by a sixteenth every turn Disease is in effect. Disease can be cured with a Disinfectant in or out of battle.
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What is the rage status effect in doodle world?

The user agitates the target, causing rage. The user berserks, becoming enraged and drastically boosting its attack. (User replaces it's current status with rage, and then boosts attack by 3 stages. Fails if the user is already raging.)
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What does curse do in Doodle World?

Cursed is a status effect that reduces the Doodle's magic attack by 25%. While cursed, the Doodle's moves have the accuracy check rolled twice & secondary effects are never applied. Curse can only be cured by moves which removes status effect.
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Everything you NEED to know about Status conditions! - Doodle World Guide

Should I destroy the boombox in Doodle World?

If the player chooses to convince the mayor, they get the Monkey Dance Victory Animation. But, if the player chooses to destroy the boombox, they get the Needlessly Cruel Title.
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How rare is tint in doodle world?

Tinted Doodles can be found in the wild at a fixed 1/500 chance. The odds can not be improved by Chaining, instead it's improved by purchasing Tint and Multi-Tint upgrades in Ancient Coin Shop, or Weekly Bonus which grants 1.5x more chance to encounter tints.
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Is Pandishi legendary?

Pandishi is a Fire/Melee-type Legendary Doodle. It evolves into Tsumo at max Friendship. It's rarely seen, even by the locals who tell tales of it. Sometimes, it will make an appearance to share delicious food, only to vanish once again.
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What is vulnerable status doodle world?

Vulnerable is a Status Effect that makes a Doodle loses either Defense or Magical defense by 1 stage every turn. This status effect remains until the Doodle heals in battle. On release, Vulnerable makes the doodle take 33% more damage, and not very effective moves would do neutral damage.
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What is evasion in Doodle World?

Description. When this Doodle gets attacked by opposing Doodle, they are forced to switching out to another random opposing Doodle. ( It works like Jack in the Box, but as a trait)
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How to inflict burn Doodle world?

The user sends a small burning orb at the target with the intention to cause a burn. If it hits, cause a burn. Fire types are immune.
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What does acid rain do in Doodle World?

Acid Rain. ‎ Acid Rain is a type of weather that can be triggered by either sending out a doodle holding a Acid Storm in a Bottle, having Poison Precipitation as its trait or using the move Acid Rain. ‎ Visually, it is a green version of the normal rain, shifting the entire battlefield into a sickly green hue.
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What is the oblivious status effect?

The Oblivious status effect is unique to Survivors in Dead by Daylight. Survivors who are Oblivious will be unable to hear the Killer's Terror Radius, making them vulnerable to sneaky attacks. This status effect can be activated by various means.
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What is the bloodlust status effect?

The Bloodlust Status Effect is a buff applied exclusively to the Killer. Killers benefitting from Bloodlust increasingly gain more Movement speed in prolonged Chases. Bloodlust is a tiered Status Effect.
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What is the paralysis status effect?

Paralysis. Paralysis is a Status Condition that reduces a Pokemon's speed by 25%. In addition to the speed loss, the Pokemon may not be able to attack 25% of the time. Electric-type Pokemon cannot be afflicted with the Paralyzed condition.
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Who is the weakest legendary?

Cosmog isn't just the weakest legendary Pokémon of all time; it's the worst Pokémon in the franchise. It has the same base stat total as Magikarp and only has access to Teleport and Splash.
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Is Maelzuri good in Doodle World?

It played a pivotal role in ending the Doodle War. Standing at 3'10'' and weighing 81 lbs, Maelzuri possesses a range of moves such as Waterbolt, Squeak, and Geode Smash. Is Maelzuri considered a legendary Doodle in Doodle World? Maelzuri is indeed a Legendary Doodle in Doodle World.
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How rare is maelzuri in doodle world?

Crystal Caverns is directly accessed through The Crossroads. It is filled with old mining tunnels, minecart tracks, and giant glowing crystals. After completing the 'The Opal Orb' request, a Legendary Doodle, Maelzuri, becomes encounterable at a base 1/1200 chance.
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How rare is female glummish doodle world?

Glummish spawn at a rate of 90% male and 10% female.
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Why is doodle so expensive?

For those who are considering adopting a doodle dog, it's normal to wonder, “Why are doodles so expensive?” There are a variety of reasons doodles come at a high cost, from their desirable personality traits to their strict breeding requirements.
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Where is the wish_z NPC in Doodle World?

Wish is an NPC that can be found in the Graphite Lodge DoodleCo Station after completing the Mysterious House help center request, requesting to see certain Doodles in order to exchange for various items.
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Should I give the beggar money in Doodle World?

If the player chooses to give money to the beggar, they will gain karma. If they choose not to, they will lose karma. Then, the beggar turns around and walks into a pole. Quincy and the player then head to the Doodle Station, with Quincy calling it "the only decent building in town."
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Is there a secret room in Doodle world?

There is a very low chance to enter a room called the "missing texture room", which has no item, no guardian and no Doodle. The room is a reference to the "missing texture" texture seen in games using the Source Engine when the texture files for an object are missing.
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