What is the deal with Nilfgaard?

The Empire is aggressive and willingly invades neighboring lands. Its war with the Northern Kingdoms ended five years ago, yet in spite of the peace treaty, Nilfgaard has failed to give up its claims on the northern territories.
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Why is Nilfgaard invading Witcher 3?

1. Expansion: Nilfgaard was seeking to expand its territory and control over the neighboring lands, including Cintra. 2. Strategic Interests: Cintra was a wealthy and powerful kingdom, with access to important resources and trade routes.
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Why is Nilfgaard obsessed with Ciri?

The Reason From The Books

She's still special, but it's her child who is prophesied to stop the White Frost and rule most of the world. Naturally, that sort of power is intriguing to a man like Emhyr. So, he intends to impregnate his own daughter. Thankfully, though, he ends up having a change of heart and lets her go.
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Is Nilfgaard good or bad in The Witcher?

Ultimately, Nilfgaard represents the shades of moral grayness that permeate The Witcher's fantasy world. They are brutal conquerors and oppressors but also inheritors of a rich legacy that drives their actions, for better or worse.
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Why is Nilfgaard so powerful?

Their imperial army consists of around 300,000 soldiers, which make them the largest and most powerful army compared to any other army across the countries. As noted by many characters in The Witcher, Nilfgaard's foot soldiers are referred to as “the Black Ones” due to the color of their armor.
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The Witcher FAQs | What is Nilfgaard's Problem?

Who is the most powerful being in witcher lore?

Princess Cirilla of Cintra. Ciri is undoubtedly the most powerful and most dangerous character in the series. The great magic she has inherited from her bloodline has granted her considerable magical abilities greater than any other living wielder of Chaos.
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Who is better, Temeria or Nilfgaard?

Temeria, as Nilfgaard is as bad a place to live as it can be. Nilfgaard is practically like North Korea today, just with a more self-sustaining and therefore more flourishing economy. Temeria is your stereotypical prosperous medieval country with many freedoms but all its flaws, too.
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Is Nilfgaard all elves?

The Nilfgaardian Empire is inhabited by most of the known sentient races, with humans as the majority. Elves, particularly asimilated ones and the so called "Wood Elves", are the largest minority, there are also some enclaves of dwarves, gnomes and halflings.
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Is Vilgefortz working for Nilfgaard?

Is Vilgefortz working for Nilfgaard? Technically, Vilgefortz isn't working for Nilfgaard, he's working with Nilfgaard. After Rience figured out he was hunting Ciri for the White Flame (Bart Edwards), he confronted Lydia, who provided that clarification.
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Who defeated Nilfgaard?

In the aftermath of the battle of Sodden Hill, a treaty was signed between the Northern Realms and the Empire of Nilfgaard. The simplest answer is that the Northern Realms won because they were able to halt the Nilfgaardian advance and prevent the capitulation of another kingdom.
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Why did Emhyr turn evil?

After being fooled into believing a false prophecy regarding his descendants conquering the world, Emhyr attempts to marry his own daughter in order to be the parent of the son who was meant to rule the world.
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Did Emhyr really want to marry Ciri?

Is it true Emhyr wanted to marry Ciri or was he looking to get her married to someone elese for a heir? According to books Emhyr says he wants a son and e will become savior so he will make a son through Ciri.
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Is Ciri's dad evil?

The biggest threat to Ciri is Emhyr var Emreis, also known as The White Flame, who has sinister plans for her. The White Flame is revealed to be Ciri's father, Duny, who wants to impregnate Ciri to fulfill a prophecy and rule the world.
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Why did Letho work for Nilfgaard?

Letho was working for the emperor of nilfgaard in order to reestablish his viper school of witchers. He merely used the lodge to get the job done.
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Why does Emhyr want to conquer the world?

For power. According to the prophecy, Ciri's son will rule half of the world and his son will rule the whole world. Emhyr wanted to father Ciri's child even though he, himself, was the girl's father.
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Why did Nilfgaard start a war?

The war started as an attempt by both Nilfgaard and the North to preemptively attack each other. In the case of the North, the rulers believed Nilfgaard would keep attacking them and thus they should be the first to strike but make it look like Nilfgaard was the aggressor in order to gain public support.
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Who killed Vilgefortz?

It took the combined effort of Geralt, Yennefer, Regis, and a few others of Geralt's friends to weaken Vilgefortz enough for Geralt to be able to finish him off. Geralt finally killed Vilgefortz by cutting his head off, but not before Vilgefortz caused a lot of damage, such as melting Regis.
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Why does Vilgefortz turn evil?

After Vilgefortz was betrayed by a woman, he felt hatred for her that he compared her to his mother, so not wanting to be left to his fate again, he decided to become a hate wizard.
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Who is Vilgefortz main villain?

Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, or simply Vilgefortz, is the secondary antagonist of The Witcher book series and a major antagonist in its Netflix TV adaptation. He is first seen as compassionate and highly intelligent.
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Why was Francesca's baby killed by The Witcher?

Crafty Emhyr, however, says he wants the guerrilla Scoia'tael to remain as skilled outriders for Nilfgaard's army. Fringilla later confesses that Emhyr killed Francesca's baby because Fringilla told him it was a way to keep the elves fighting for him.
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Why can't elves get pregnant in Witcher?

The physiology of elves, then, is very different from those of humans, and even though they live long lives, they are only fertile while they're young. This is seen as one of the biggest weaknesses of elves, as they can be easily dominated by other races because they don't have enough population to compete.
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How is the White Flame Ciri's dad?

In the Season 2 finale, we finally see the face of the oft-mentioned Emhyr. Initially, he's shot from behind as he explains the pain of losing a child. Then, as Emhyr turns around, we see he and Duny are the same man. Ciri's father has been the White Flame all along.
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Who is the strongest witcher to ever live?

Geralt of Rivia is proven to be the strongest witcher in the world, with his insane swordsmanship, magical abilities, wisdom, brute power, and more. He is known across the land through song and legend due to his many wins in battles against powerful leaders, monsters, and many other foes.
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What is the most powerful empire in The Witcher?

1 Nilfgaard

Finally, by far the most powerful faction in The Witcher 3 is the Empire of Nilfgaard.
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Who is the strongest witcher character?

It's safe to say Geralt is the most powerful witcher alive and one of television's best fantasy heroes. He has his kind's unique abilities, making him an infallible warrior and spell caster. Geralt is no match for powerful sorcerers, but he can hold his own in battle and outsmart them.
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