What is the first boss loot in Elden Ring?

Players who fell the many-armed, hard-to-beat tutorial boss in Elden Ring receive the Ornamental Straight Sword that the Grafted Scion wields. This one-handed blade with crescent guards and gilded hilt scales with Strength and Dexterity.
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What boss is first in Elden Ring?

1. Margit, the Fell Omen. The first big boss you need to take down is surprisingly tough compared to your usual Souls game battles. You need to take down Margit in order to reach Godrick and claim his Great Rune.
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What is the first monster in Elden Ring?

Margit, the Fell Omen can be a daunting foe to face in your first hours with the game. This encounter is likely the first major boss you'll face in Elden Ring and they will certainly put you through your paces. The battle against Margit is, above all, a test of your dodging, attack skills and patience during a fight.
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What are the rewards for beating tutorial boss Elden Ring?

Whether players kill this boss on their first or tenth try, they will always acquire the Golden Beast Crest Shield, the Ornamental Straight Sword, and 3200 Runes.
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What do you get for killing the first Elden Ring boss?

Players who fell the many-armed, hard-to-beat tutorial boss in Elden Ring receive the Ornamental Straight Sword that the Grafted Scion wields. This one-handed blade with crescent guards and gilded hilt scales with Strength and Dexterity.
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Is it worth killing the Mounted Tree Sentinel Early? - Elden Ring Boss Guide

What should I do after beating Margit?

After defeating Margit, continue up the short path towards Stormveil Castle.
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Who killed the first Elden Lord?

Drenched in the blood of his loyal regent, Godfrey resumes the fight, now as Hoarah Loux. Nevertheless, the Tarnished defeats Godfrey, who declares that their strength befits a crown. With Godfrey dead, the Tarnished finally gains entry to the Erdtree, to seek audience with Queen Marika.
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Who is the first God boss in Elden Ring?

Godfrey, First Elden Lord Boss Fight

His moveset is made up of a variety of slow powerful axe swings, most of which are easily blocked with a 100% physical block shield, or simply rolled through before impact.
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Is Elden Ring difficult?

It cannot be denied that Elden Ring is among the most difficult modern video games. As with FromSoftware's other iconic Soulsborne games, it is characterized by its punishing boss battles and unusual level-up system.
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How long is Elden Ring?

And become the Elden Lord. How long is Elden Ring? When focusing on the main objectives, Elden Ring is about 59½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 133 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Who is the hardest boss in Elden Ring?

Crumbling Farum Azula is arguably the most difficult region in Elden Ring, with Maliketh capping off a grueling set of bosses that includes the Godskin Duo and Dragonlord Placidusax.
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Is Maliketh optional?

Maliketh, the Black Blade is a boss in Elden Ring, encountered in Crumbling Farum Azula. This is not an optional boss as Maliketh must be defeated to unlock Leyndell, Ashen Capital and reach the endgame of Elden Ring.
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Who drops the most Runes?

Here are the bosses that drop the most runes, ranked in order of their rewards.
  1. 1 Elden Beast. 500,000 Runes.
  2. 2 Malenia the Severed. 480,000 Runes. ...
  3. 3 Mohg, Lord Of Blood. 420,000 Runes. ...
  4. 4 Godfrey, First Elden Lord. 300,000 Runes. ...
  5. 5 Dragonlord Placidusax. ...
  6. 6 Death Rite Bird (Snowfield) ...
  7. 7 Maliketh. ...
  8. 8 Loretta, Knight Of The Haligtree. ...
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Is malenia optional?

Fortunately, she is an optional boss, and so if you are simply looking to reach the end of the game then you can just skip her. However, some people will not be able to sleep knowing she exists and has not been defeated.
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What is radagon weak to?

Radagon is surprisingly weak to fire damage, and any flame-based attacks, skills, and spells can very quickly dispatch him. Popular weapons like Blasphemous Blade and the Sword of Night and Flame work great for this, as do fire Incantations and Sorceries. Use any of these to deal huge chunks of damage to Radagon.
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What is Godrick weak to?

He is particularly weak to Bleed damage, which is typically best used on fast weapons to build up the hidden Bleed meter much faster. He is also weak to Poison damage, and can be poisoned for consistent damage in this already-lengthy fight.
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What is Elden Beast weak to?

When it comes to the Elden Beast weakness, it really doesn't have one. However, its enormous size is both to its benefit and detriment. Because it takes up a lot of space, AoE attacks – like Black Flame Ritual – absolutely dominate it.
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Who is the actual Elden Lord?

The most ancient known holder of the title is Dragonlord Placidusax, said to have been Elden Lord in the time before the Erdtree. Despite this, Godfrey is referred to as the first Elden Lord, being the first consort of Queen Marika.
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Is Queen Marika a villain?

Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey. Marika's message for Godfrey to continue waging war for the Elden Ring. Queen Marika the Eternal is the secondary antagonist of the 2022 action-RPG video game, Elden Ring.
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Who broke the Elden?

The Shattering is a direct result of the Night of Black Knives, where Marika, plagued with guilt and broken by the death of Godwyn, destroys the Elden Ring with her mighty hammer.
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What is Godfrey weak to?

Like the first time around, Godfrey is vulnerable to Lightning and Thrusting damage, while Holy does very little to him. This won't change when he hits Phase 2, thankfully. If you've done Nepheli's questline (which was filled out in a recent patch), she'll be available as a summonable NPC outside the arena.
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What level should I fight Margit?

To help you secure your first great victory, our full Elden Ring Margit boss fight guide well help you fell the Fell Omen and earn your way into Stormveil. The recommended level for Margit the Fell Omen is at least 20, ideally 25+. You should also use weapons of +3 or more.
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What's harder, Margit or Godrick?

Might be you just got better at the game by the time you met Godrick. Margit is harder, yes.
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What does Margit drop?

Margit drops 12,000 runes, which should be enough for a few level-ups or weapon upgrades at this point in the game. In addition to the runes, Margit also grants the Talisman Pouch, and item that grants an additional slot for a secondary talisman to be equipped.
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