What is the Japanese name for Gengar?

Gengar (Japanese: ゲンガー, Hepburn: Gengā) is a Pokémon species in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon media franchise. Created by Ken Sugimori, since their initial appearance they have appeared in multiple games including Pokémon GO and the Pokémon Trading Card Game, as well as various merchandise related to the franchise.
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What is the Japanese name for Haunter?

Haunter (Japanese: ゴースト Ghost) is a dual-type Ghost/Poison Pokémon introduced in Generation I. It evolves from Gastly starting at level 25 and evolves into Gengar when traded or when exposed to a Linking Cord.
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Why is Gengar called Gengar?

While the name 'Gengar' most likely comes from the German word doppelgänger or the Danish folklore figure of a gjenganger (or genganger), the Ghost Pokemon very nearly had a different name: Phantom.
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Why is it called masaki Gengar?

The requirement of Bill's PC for the campaign led to the five available cards to become known colloquially as Masaki promos in reference to Bill's Japanese name.
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Why is Gengar always smiling?

There is something sinister hiding behind his smile. As it turns out, it's literally a portal to the afterlife. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Gengar can enter Gigantamax mode where he becomes not only large, but his form changes, too.
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Japanese and Korean Shocked By Pokemon Name Differences Around the World l France, Brazil, Germany

Who is Gengar a ghost of?

The theory is that gengar is the ghost of a clefable, rather than its shadow.
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Is Gengar good or evil?

While Gengar in its normal condition can be a bit of a prankster, it is by no means evil.
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Was Gengar ever a dark type?

Gengar is a Psychic or Dark Type in the Pokemon TCG. The most recent appearance of Gengar is in the Fusion Strike Expansion. This Pokémon can escape into shadows and absorbs warmth from its surrounding.
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What is Charizard's Japanese name?

Charizard (/ˈtʃɑːrɪzɑːrd/), known in Japan as Lizardon (リザードン, Rizādon), is a Pokémon in Nintendo and Game Freak's Pokémon franchise.
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How tall is Gengar?

Height 4' 11"
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What is Sabrina's Gengar Japanese name?

Sabrina's Gengar (Japanese: ナツメのゲンガー Natsume's Gangar) is a Psychic-type Stage 2 Pokémon card. It is part of the Gym Heroes expansion.
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What is dark gengar in Japanese?

Dark Gengar (Japanese: わるいゲンガー Bad Gangar) is a Psychic-type Stage 2 Dark Pokémon card.
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Is Gengar a doppelganger?

He further called it "simple done right", noting their resemblance to a human shadow and iconic face helped fit what he saw as a doppelganger design philosophy for their character, and added "Gengar is just simply well-designed from every facet of its being".
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What animal is Gengar?

The gengar (Toxopatulognathus sancto) is a species of large pig-sized amphibian that originally did not exist, but has since been created by SciiFii. It was created due to demands from Pokemon fans who want real life versions of Pokemon as real world animals and pets.
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Did Gengar lose levitate?

The sticking point with Gengar is that they used to have levitate and then it got taken away. Mismagius has levitate though? Exactly! It even levitated to dodge Earthquake in the Orange Islands season, before abilities were even a thing.
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Does Gengar have teeth?

Gengar has a roundish body of dark-purple colouration. It has stubby arms and legs, spines running down its back to its tail, two red eyes and a wide mouth filled with white square teeth. It nearly always has a malicious grin on its face.
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Was Gengar once a human?

Yep, Gengar used to be a human. Gengar's no doubt a familiar face to long-time Pokéfans, with the ghost-type 'mon's huge, monstrous visage being one of the first you see in the title screen in Red and Blue, but what you might not realise is that Gengar actually used to be a human being.
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Is Gengar weak to ghost?

Gengar is weak against: Dark, ground, ghost and psychic-type. Gengar counters: Alakazam, Gengar, Mewtwo, Espeon, Tyranitar, Metagross, Latios, Goundon. Rhyperior and Chandelure. Other Gengar notes: A mixture of strong ground and psychic-type Pokémon is the best way to go when fighting Gengar.
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Is Gengar a dead Clefable?

Furthermore, while Clefable is no longer a Normal-type, Gengar is still a Ghost-type. Even if Gengar cannot be an evil shadow, it could still potentially be the spirit of a dead Clefable. As things stand, there is no concrete evidence to confirm or deny that Clefable and Gengar have any relationship with each other.
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Is Gengar creepy?

Gengar Is The Original Ghost-Type Pokémon Terror

It likes to hide in shadows and mimic victims to make them paranoid and frightened, and it enjoys their fear.
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Is Gengar cursed?

Gengar is the main antagonist of the video games Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, and their Nintendo Switch remake Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. He is a human cursed by Ninetales into becoming a Gengar.
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Is Ash's Gengar shiny?

Gengar has a color scheme that is different from others of his species, although he isn't Shiny. However, Gengar's alternate color scheme is closer to how it appears in the core series and its game art in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen.
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Is Ash's Gengar his old Haunter?

Gengar was sent out, along with Ash's team to show Bea, and then had lunch and was seen eating with Dragonite and Bea's Hitmontop. Gengar was sent out to head to the Pokémon Center. However, when he got sent out again, Gengar devolved into Haunter while Dragonite devolved back into Dragonair.
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What is Gengar's secret ability?

Gengar has the ability to hide perfectly in the shadow of any object, granting it exceptional stealth. However, Gengar's body acts as a heat sink. Its presence cools the temperature of the surrounding area by nearly 10 °F (5 °C), because it absorbs the warmth.
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