What is the key to Dijkstra's treasure?

Key to Dijkstra's treasury is a quest item in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. During the main quest, Count Reuven's Treasure, after Caleb Menge is dealt with, Triss will find this key on his body and give to Geralt to give to Dijkstra.
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How to get key from menge?

As for your reward, tell Menge what you want with the dialogue choice - “Free my friend Dandelion.” After making those choices, a cutscene will play out with Triss and Menge's fate. Talk to Triss about your options and grab the keys off Menge's body.
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Who took Dijkstra's treasure?

Dandelion, Ciri, and Dudu approach Whoreson in order to ask him about a supposed mage contact to help lift the curse from the box. Whoreson stipulates that he will help them but they have to steal Djikstra's treasure beforehand for payment. Dandelion and Dudu steals the treasure.
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What is Dijkstra's reward?

You'll get the 1000 crowns, a weapon/gear diagram and a greater rune stone after you talk to him during the Brothers in Arms quest later for helping him find his treasure now.
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Should I ask about Dijkstra's treasure?

If you ask about the treasure, there will be a fight. But if you don't ask about it, you won't learn the treasure's location and Dijkstra will be cross at you. Thus he won't help you later on in the game. So ask about the treasure and take the fight that comes with it.
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Witcher 3 🌟 Finding Count Reuven's Treasure (Help Dijkstra Find His Gold)

Can you find out where Dijkstra's treasure?

You can't recover the treasure in game, but you can learn from Menge where it's located if you allow Triss to be tortured and ask about the treasure before asking about Dandelion.
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How to help Dijkstra find his gold?

Yes you can, if you ask about the gold FIRST, Menge will mention its locked up in a bank in kovir and that he's not willing to give it to you. Then when you ask about dandelion, he will get mad at what you're asking for and a fight will break out, loot the key from menge and give it to Djikstra.
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What happens if you let Dijkstra win?

If you do that, Dijkstra becomes the new ruler of Redania and wins the war. He will rule using fear and intimidation, and people will lose their freedom — but the Continent's industry will prosper. If this sacrifice seems like a fine one for you to make, then this course of action is certainly viable.
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What should I say to Dijkstra?

Blindingly Obvious Critical Decision

If you don't want Radovid to end up ruling the north, and you did all the previous side quests regarding the plot to kill him, you need to tell Dijkstra information regarding Emhyr instead of getting him out of the way by force to get the Reason of State quest.
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What happens if you break Dijkstra leg?

Much later, if you don't assault him in the blindingly obvious quest, Djisktra will ask you to help him, Thaler, & Roche kill Radovid. Once Radovid is dead, you decide who rules Radania. If you break his leg again, he is not likely to ask you for help to assassinate Radovid. Without your help, the plot fails.
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What card does Dijkstra give you in The Witcher 3?

Esterad Thysse

You can win this card from Dijkstra in Novigrad during the quest Gwent: Big City Players after defeating Vimme Vivaldi at the bank near Hierarch Square.
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What happens if you tell Dijkstra what the emperor is after?

If you tell him about the emperor, you not only will get Philipa out of the bath house without trouble, but you also get the chance to play the plot to kill Radivid. Shove him aside and you wont get the quest.
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What happened to scoia tael?

The Scoia'tael, named after the squirrel tails they wore, were used by Nilfgaard during the war in exchange for the promise of a home. However, they were later deemed outlaws and punished for their crimes.
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What should I tell Menge?

When talking to Menge choose Why not > Haven't been paid > Triss betrayed me > I want Dandelion free. You will receive 300 XP after. If you do not choose the right options or if you ask about the treasure then about Dandelion, he will attack you and you will need to kill him and the witch hunters.
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Where is Morkvargs key?

Open the "right" gate and swim through the flooded tunnel until you reach the cave, right underneath Morkvarg's lair. Search the skeleton remains there to find a padlock key, exactly what you are looking for. With it, swim back through the flooded tunnel and head for the house near the sacred tree.
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Who can you romance in Witcher 3?

The Witcher 3 romance options
  • Yennefer (primary)
  • Triss (primary)
  • Yennefer and Triss (doesn't end well)
  • Keira Metz (secondary)
  • Sasha/Cantarella (secondary)
  • Jutta an Dimun (secondary)
  • Shani (secondary)
  • Sylvia/Syanna (secondary)
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Should I drink with menge?

If you are successful in tricking the Witch Hunters, you'll have to chat with Menge. For best results, accept a drink (he wants to see if you are a Doppler) and speak callously of Triss.
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Does killing Radovid change anything?

If you've killed of Radovid, and sided with Djikstra in Reason of State, then he'll rise to power and claim the north as his own. He rules with an iron fist and his subjects aren't pleased with that at all.
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Should I give Dijkstra the key?

During the main quest, Count Reuven's Treasure, after Caleb Menge is dealt with, Triss will find this key on his body and give to Geralt to give to Dijkstra. However, if Menge wasn't asked about the treasure, the key will ultimately be useless.
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Is Radovid a bad guy?

Once Radovid finally became King of Redania, he became known as “The Stern” and became one of the biggest villains in The Witcher books, with a fierce hatred for mages due to his father being killed under Philippa's orders.
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Is Roche a good guy?

Roche is a supporting character and minor antagonist in Final Fantasy VII Remake and Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. He is a rebellious SOLDIER 3rd Class in the Shinra Electric Power Company who is obsessed with motorcycles, high speed, and competition.
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What is the most powerful kingdom in The Witcher?

The Nilfgaardian Empire (Ceas'raet in Nilfgaardian language) is the most powerful empire in the history of the known world. It is located in the southern part of the Continent and boasts both a thriving economy and a strong, well-trained army with talented commanders.
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Can you find Dijkstra's vault?

Is the vault location ever revealed in any outcome of the game? Yes, in Kovir. Dijkstra is friendly with Esterad Thyssen (deceased) and has established friendship with Tankred Thyssen by helping mages, so getting his treasure back is not a problem.
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Can we find Dijkstra treasure?

In order to find out Dijkstra's treasure location you have to keep questioning Menge and act all indifferent to Triss's torture. Even though he knows you and Triss are more than friends you have to say that this is payback and keep questioning Menge.
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Why did Geralt break Dijkstra's ankle?

Dijkstra then threatened to get his soldiers from the ship but Geralt, intent on finding Yennefer and Ciri without distractions, summarily broke one of the spymaster's ankles, causing the man to howl and faint from the pain.
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