What is the lifespan of a gnome in Warcraft?

Forsaken - N/A, naturally immortal due to undeath. Gnomes - ~250 years, considered mature at ~22. Maximum lifespan in excess of 500 years. Tauren - 50-60 years, with a maximum lifespan in excess of 100 years.
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What is the lifespan of a gnome?

Gnome Traits

Age: Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years. Alignment: Gnomes are most often good. Those who tend toward law are sages, engineers, researchers, scholars, investigators, or inventors.
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What is the lifespan of an orc in wow?

^ An earlier lore account claims orcs are a relatively short-lived people, reaching maturity in about 18 years and rarely living longer than 75 years. It is also said that orcs who have drunk the blood of demons can live for a very long time, due to this magic sustaining them.
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What is the lifespan of an orsimer?

The Orsimer have an average lifespan of 150 years, but biologically can live upwards of 300. However, due to their culture it is rare for them to reach that age as Orc warriors choose to die early after they pass their prime.
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How long do Falmer live?

The Falmer, like other elves have an average lifespan of 300 years. However, due to their magical prowess many of them are able to extend this to live for several more centuries.
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The Catastrophic Failure of Gnomes in Warcraft

What is the lifespan of a Maormer?

The Maormer, like other elves have an average lifespan of 300 years. Generally, elves from ages 0-15 are considered children, from 16-25 are considered adolecents, from 26-70 are considered young adults, from 71-150 are considered adults, from 151-200 are considered middle aged, and over 200 are considered elders.
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Who is the most badass orc in wow?

Here are some of the most impressive orc characters that left a trace in the story of Warcraft.
  • 8 Blackhand. ...
  • 7 Durotan. ...
  • 6 Grommash Hellscream. ...
  • 5 Gul'dan. ...
  • 4 Ner'zhul. The Broken Soul. ...
  • 3 Orgrim Doomhammer. The Mighty Warlord. ...
  • 2 Thrall/Go'el. The Savior Of the Horde. ...
  • 1 Garrosh Hellscream. Creator Of The 'True' Horde.
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How long do trolls live in Warcraft?

Trolls - ~100 years, with a maximum lifespan in excess of 200 years (dependent on their closeness to their Loa). Draenei - Unknown, considered mature at 20-35, maximum lifespan in excess of 13,000 years (maybe naturally immortal).
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How long do trolls live?

The natural lifespan of trolls is approximately 100 years, and they reach maturity after just 10 years, although they can hunt and fend for themselves within a year after birth. This isn't an upper bound, so it's unclear how long a particular troll could potentially live if it was extremely lucky.
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What is a female gnome called?

De Villars used the term gnomide to refer to female gnomes (often "gnomid" in English translations). Modern fiction instead uses the word "gnomess" to refer to female gnomes.
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What is the oldest gnome?

The Lamport Gnome is the oldest garden gnome in the world.
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What are the four types of gnomes?

Four gnomish races – forest, rock, tinker, and deep (svirfneblin) – were detailed as player character races in The Complete Book of Gnomes and Halflings (1993).
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What is the best role for a gnome in wow?

What are the best classes for Gnomes? Expansive Mind greatly benefits casters in both PvP and PvE, so Gnomes make great Mages, Priests and Warlocks.
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How tall is the average wow gnome?

On average, female gnomes are 3'4" tall while males aren't much larger, typically standing at close to 3'6" in height.
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How long can an orc live?

How long do orcs live in Middle Earth? I guess the lifespan of a orc was very short, if was an orc borned from mom and dad orcs his lifespan is around 25 years. If it is a man, elf, dwarf or hobbit turned in to a orc the lifespan is around 6 months. The life of an orc is solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.
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How old are gnomes in Warcraft?

Referring to the non-canon RPG race life spans chart, a gnome can actually live for quite some time, becoming mature at the age of 40, middle-aged at 100 and old aged only at 150 and higher. (This is most likely just in speculation, and not completely by Lore.)
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What is the longest playtime in WoW?

Most recently, a player who goes by the name of Touchpadwarrior has shared his jaw-dropping journey on Tiktok. He revealed that he had spent an astounding 40,368 hours in WoW, all achieved by using only a touchpad.
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Who is the strongest person in World of Warcraft?

In the World of Warcraft mythology, who is the strongest? The strongest known being would likely be Sargaras. Sargaras killed the rest of the Titan pantheon by himself.
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Who is the toughest orc?

Uruk-hai (for short, Uruks) were brutal warriors of Middle-earth, and the strongest breed of Orc. In The Lord of the Rings, the term Uruk-hai refers chiefly to those bred in Isengard as Isengarders, while the Uruks from Mordor are referred to as black Uruks of Mordor.
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What is the most powerful race in World of Warcraft?

Dominating the leaderboards in both PVE and PVP are Blood Elves. With a good range of stats, access to some of the strongest classes in the game, and some great racial abilities it's not hard to see why.
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What is the lifespan of a Lemar?

Captive/Wild Lifespan: up to 18 years in the wild and 30+ in captivity. Gestation: One sometimes 2 are born after 135 day gestation. Once a year is typical with mid March through May being prime breeding time. Diet: Herbivores- Mainly foraging for fruits but will eat leaves, tree bark, and tree sap.
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Do the Maormer still exist?

They are alive and active in the Second Era. Regarding the Fourth one, the Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition by the Imperial Geographical Society: "The last documented appearance of the Maormer was in 3E 110 in the War of the Isle.
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Can elves live 1,000 years?

Elves, High Elves in particular, are said to be able to live for around 1000 years. Humans live to be around 100 at most. So we can assume that Humans age roughly ten times quicker than Elves do.
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