What is the most common bandit race in Skyrim?

Although most bandits are Nords, Orcish bandits and other races are also common. Bandits almost always appear in groups, and often inhabit forts and caves.
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What is the most prevalent race in Skyrim?

Nords make up a majority of the population of Skyrim, but a fan has made a handy chart of all the various races that inhabit this land.
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What is the most common race you fight in Skyrim?

Nords. As the native race of Skyrim, Nords are the most popular race in the game. They have a strong warrior culture and are known for their bravery in battle. Nords are a race of humans from the province of Skyrim in the game Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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What is the most op race in Skyrim?

Best Skyrim Races: Ranked
  • Unique Race Powers. ...
  • Skyrim Breton - 9. ...
  • Skyrim Khajit - 8. ...
  • Skyrim Redguard - 6. ...
  • Skyrim Wood Elf - 5. ...
  • Skyrim Imperial - 4. ...
  • Skyrim Nord - 3. ...
  • Skyrim Orc - 2.
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What is the most beautiful race in Skyrim?

As for most attractive, in the base game without mods I think Breton is the most attractive,. Well, most attractive conceptially. like if you could make a race extremely beautiful in your imagination, which would you choose? Dunmer are pretty cool.
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SKYRIM - Race Race - Most / Least Played Races In Skyrim

What class is best for each race in Skyrim?

But if I were going to play them according to stereotypes or favored skills:
  • Altmer - Mage.
  • Argonian - Skirmisher / Vagabond.
  • Bosmer - Archer / Ranger.
  • Breton - Conjuror / Summoner.
  • Dunmer - Nightblade.
  • Imperial - Paladin or Priest.
  • Khajit - Alchemist or Assassin.
  • Nord - Barbarian (light armor & 2-handed weapons)
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What is the canon race in Skyrim?

Skyrim is obviously a Nord, the default guy in character creation aka the guy from all the posters and trailers.
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Does it matter what race you play in Skyrim?

The choice of race in Skyrim gives players a head start on a particular play style and provides exclusive traits and powers. The best race in Skyrim is subjective and dependent on personal preference.
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What is the best character to start with in Skyrim?

The Khajiit and Wood Elf are excellent options, while the Dark Elf is a fine choice if you'd also like to dabble in Magic. Play as a mage. There are several different types of magic, but you don't need to pick just one.
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Can a khajiit be a warrior?

Due to their stealth skills, beguiling wit, and latent agility, they make adept thieves and assassins. Many Khajiit are also warriors, although this is mainly true of the Cathay-raht, a breed taller and more powerful than the Cathay that are rarely found outside Elsweyr.
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Which race should the Dragonborn be?

Nord, because Nords are the only documented race to actually be Dragonborn (not just a blessing unlike the Emperors). But, any race can be Dragonborn. Plus, Skyrim takes place in Skyrim so it's only natural for the hero to be of the native race- the Nord.
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What race was in Skyrim first?

It's possible that the Saxhleel were the original inhabitants of Skyrim, as they were the original inhabitants of Tamriel as a whole, but due to its cold nature, were likely absent from the northern regions.
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Which race looks best as a vampire Skyrim?

It really depends on what "style" of Vampire you're going for. If you wana go "evil" go Dark Elf. If you want to be the vampire who actually looks all human, go Nord. If you want a Vampire who's like... a demon, then go for one of the beast races.
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What is the smallest race in Skyrim?

The Shortest Race | Fandom. Of the playable races it's Bosmer.
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Which Skyrim class is most fun?

What Is the Most Fun Class to Play in Skyrim?
  1. Stealth Archer. This class is incredibly fun as you can sneak around and take out enemies with your bow without them even knowing you're there. ...
  2. Destruction Mage. ...
  3. Two-Handed Warrior. ...
  4. One-Handed Warrior. ...
  5. Illusion Mage. ...
  6. Sneaky Assassin. ...
  7. Conjuration Mage. ...
  8. Heavy Armor Warrior.
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What is the best race for beginners in Skyrim 5?

A Beginner's Guide to Skyrim's Playable Races
  • #7 Argonian. ...
  • #6 Redguard. ...
  • #5Wood Elf. ...
  • #4 Imperial. ...
  • #3 Nord. ...
  • #2 Orc. ...
  • #1 High Elf. ...
  • Conclusion. Now that we've learned why both the High Elf & The Orc races are dominant, would you still choose another race to play in your Skyrim Together party?
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Are Stormcloaks or Imperials better?

Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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Can I change my race in Skyrim?

If you've already started the game, you can't change your character's race through the race menu. Select "Showracemenu" Console Command (PC): If you're playing on a PC, you can use the console command "showracemenu" to open the race menu at any time during the game.
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Is High Elf a good race in Skyrim?

The High Elves, also known as Altmer, are natives of Summerset Isle. They are the most magically proficient race in Tamriel as well as being the most hubristic. Their racial power is a constant effect that lets them regenerate magicka faster than other races.
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Are you always Dragonborn in Skyrim?

There is no chance that the protagonist of Elder Scrolls 6 will be a Dragonborn. Each game has a new protagonist; Eternal Champion, Nerevarine, Hero of Kvatch, etc. There will be a new one in the next game.
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What race is Miraak?

10 Miraak Is A Nord

Miraak may be more powerful than the average man; however, he's still mortal, and as such, he has a race from one of the ten races of Tamriel. Miraak is a Nord, and this doesn't come as too much of a surprise since he served the dragons in ancient times.
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Are dragonborns usually nords?

Because being dragonborn has nothing to do with being a Nord. Dragonborn are those who have been blessed by Akatosh to have the soul of a dragon at birth. And since most of the races worship Akatosh in some way or another, There really isn´t anyone of the 10 playable races that would fall outside of his domain.
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Why would Dragonborn join Dark Brotherhood?

Originally Answered: Why might a Chatoic Good Dragonborn join - and stay in - the Dark Brotherhood? A Chaotic Good Dragonborn is characterized by a strong sense of independence and personal freedom, as well as a desire to fight against injustice and oppression.
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What are dark elves good at in Skyrim?

Dark Elf. Also known as "Dunmer" in their homeland of Morrowind, dark elves are noted for their stealth and magic skills. They are naturally resistant to fire and can call upon their Ancestor's Wrath to surround themselves in fire.
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What is the best race to be a werewolf in Skyrim?

Skyrim: The 5 Best (& 5 Worst) Races to Play as a Werewolf
  1. 1 Play - Redguard. The people of Hammerfell are the last of Tamriel's races to have heightened skills in Alteration magic.
  2. 2 Avoid - Khajiit. ...
  3. 3 Play - Argonian. ...
  4. 4 Avoid - Imperial. ...
  5. 5 Play - Dunmer/Dark Elf. ...
  6. 6 Avoid - Bosmer/Wood Elf. ...
  7. 7 Play - Nord. ...
  8. 8 Avoid - Breton. ...
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