What is the most legendary sword ever?

Excalibur: The Most Famous Legendary Sword Under the guidance of Merlin and with the power of Excalibur, Arthur united Britain against the Anglo-Saxon invaders and assembled a group of knights to help him govern. His knights — Lancelot, Perceval, Gawain, Galahad — were supposedly exemplars of chivalric ideals.
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What is the most legendary sword in the world?

King Arthur's Excalibur is perhaps the most famous sword in Western literature and Arthurian legends. According to the ancient tales, Excalibur was given to Arthur by the Lady of the Lake and was imbued with magical powers, including the ability to grant its wielder invincibility in battle.
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Which is the best sword in history?

Deadliest swords in history
  • The claymore, the longsword, and William Wallace.
  • The katana and Masamune: Japan's greatest sword smith.
  • Para 3: Saladin's singing scimitar.
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What is the most powerful sword?

Since the longsword is highly versatile and adaptable for use in various situations, easily carried, effective even in close combat, and can be quickly unsheathed to function as a thrusting spear, a cutting axe, a piercing dagger, and a grappling tool, it is the strongest sword in history.
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What is the greatest sword ever forged?

Top 5 Famous and Deadly Swords
  • #5 Napoleon's Sword: In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte became the military and political leader of France after staging a coup d'état. Five years later the French Senate proclaimed him emperor. ...
  • #4 The Sword of Mercy:
  • #3 Zulfiqar:
  • #2 Honjo Masamune.
  • #1 Joyeuse.
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20 Most Legendary Swords That Actually Exists

Is Excalibur a real sword?

Excalibur is a legendary sword, not a real one, despite the claims made by some who believe they have recovered the item and the sensationalist headlines designed to draw readers in with the promise of this fictional sword becoming real.
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Who made the best sword in history?

Gorō Nyūdō Masamune (五郎入道正宗, Priest Gorō Masamune, c. 1264–1343) was a medieval Japanese blacksmith widely acclaimed as Japan's greatest swordsmith. He created swords and daggers, known in Japanese as tachi and tantō, in the Sōshū school.
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What is the deadliest weapon ever made?

The Tsar Bomba is the single most physically powerful device ever deployed on Earth, the most powerful nuclear bomb tested and the largest human-made explosion in history. For comparison, the largest weapon ever produced by the US, the now-decommissioned B41, had a predicted maximum yield of 25 Mt (100 PJ).
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Who has the heaviest sword in history?

King Maharana Pratap brandished a pair of 25 kg swords, making them the heaviest swords known to have existed. These remarkable weapons are currently preserved in an Indian museum for their protection.
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What is the most sharpest sword?

List of Most Sharpest Swords in the World
  • The Excalibur. ...
  • The Joyeuse (Sharpest Weapon) ...
  • The Zulfikar (Most Powerful Sword in History) ...
  • The Ulfberht Sword. ...
  • The Estoc. ...
  • Chinese Jian Sword. ...
  • The Gladius. The Gladius, Rama via Wikimedia Commons. ...
  • The Tizona. Tizona, Infinauta, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.
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What are the 5 greatest swords?

They are the Dōjigiri Yasutsuna, Mikazuki Munechika, Onimaru Kunitsuna, Ōdenta Mitsuyo, and Juzumaru Tsunetsugu. It was not until the Meiji period (1868–1912) that the phrase Tenka Goken appeared in books on swords. The person who came up with this name is also not known.
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What sword killed Medusa?

Harpe in mythology

Perseus with the Head of Medusa by Benvenuto Cellini depicts Perseus armed with a harpe sword when he beheaded Medusa. The harpe sword is most notably identified as the weapon used by Cronus to castrate and depose his father, Uranus.
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What is the famous cursed sword?

In popular culture, Muramasa swords have been often depicted as cursed swords with demonic powers. Oscar Ratti and Adele Westbrook said that Muramasa "was a most skillful smith but a violent and ill-balanced mind verging on madness, that was supposed to have passed into his blades.
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What is the rarest sword type?

The Meteorite Sword is a sword that is made from metal that came from outside of our planet. That is why it holds a title as the most unique and rarest sword in the world. In this article, we will explain what actually is a Meteorite sword and its characteristics.
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Which sword was Excalibur?

Some believe that The Excalibur was the same sword that Arthur pulled out of the stone to claim his right to the throne of Britain. However, the more popular belief is that Arthur received The Excalibur from the enchanted Lady of the Lake, after he broke his original sword, known as Caliburn, in a battle.
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Who made Excalibur?

The Excalibur was made by an elf. Later the sword was stolen by his sister and it was the time when the scabbard (sword coverage) was lost. In the battle of Camlann, Arthur was hurt, and he told Bedwyr (Griflet) to return the Excalibur to the lake. One of the earliest names of King Arthur's sword was Caladfwlch.
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Did giant swords exist?

The Zweihander, meaning “Two-Hander” in German, is a massive two-handed sword that originated in 16th-century Europe. It measures over 6 feet in length and was used by skilled warriors to deliver powerful sweeping strikes and thrusts.
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Who is the world's greatest swordsman?

List of Greatest Swordsman of All Time
  • Miyamoto Musashi (World's Greatest Swordsman) ...
  • Saladin (One of the Best Swordsmen) ...
  • Julius Caesar (The Legendary Swordsman) ...
  • Miyamoto Yagyū ...
  • William Wallace. ...
  • Genghis Khan. ...
  • Jeanne d'Arc. ...
  • Sasaki Kojirō
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What is the longest sword used in battle?

The largest in record used in battle was a zweihänder owned by a Frisian pirate and freedom fighter, Pier Gerlofs Donia (1480 - 1520), that stood at 7 feet (2.13m) at around 15kg.
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Is Tsar Bomba still exist?

Russia does not have a Tsar Bomba because it is not a useful weapon. A bigger bomb does not destroy much more, it just digsva deeper hole in the ground and blasts more pollution higher into the air, damaging the whole world.
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Does the US have a Tsar Bomba?

Answer and Explanation: As far as we know, nobody currently has a Tsar Bomba. The Soviets only built the one that was detonated in 1961. Other countries do have weapons of a similar nature, however.
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What weapon killed the most in ww2?

Artillery. Artillery was the most destructive weapon on the Western Front. Guns could rain down high-explosive shells, shrapnel and poison gas on the enemy.
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What is the rarest katana in the world?

The rarest katana is the Honjō Masamune. It is a 13th-century Japanese sword that is considered to be one of the finest ever made. The blade is made of high-quality steel and is incredibly sharp. It is also said to be very light and easy to wield.
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What is the oldest sword ever discovered?

In the 1980s, Marcella Frangipane's team at Rome University discovered a cache of nine swords and daggers dating all the way back to 3300 BCE. Frangipane declared the swords of Arslantepe the world's oldest and first swords ever discovered. They are made of an alloy of arsenic and copper.
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What is the oldest sword ever made?

The oldest swords ever discovered are the Arslantepe swords. Found in modern-day eastern Turkey and dating to around 3300 BC, these first swords predate the production of bronze and are made of an arsenic copper alloy.
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