What is the oldest gear in Roblox?

This is the first gear item ever published. ROBLOX Classic Brigand's Sword (originally called Brigand's Sword) is a limited gear published in the marketplace by Roblox on May 5th, 2009.
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What is the first thing ever made on Roblox?

Rocket Arena was the first game on Roblox. A few years ago, the game's name was updated to “Classic: Rocket Arena” to reflect its historical significance as being the first ever game. The Rocket Arena game was initially released January 2006 and was available to play for the next nine years.
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What is the oldest hat on Roblox?

Hats were initially shown off on May 23, 2007, in a demo video by Shedletsky before being released on May 30, 2007, the first being Purple Banded Top Hat. Before accessories were introduced in 2016, every accessory was considered as a hat besides gears.
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What was the first Roblox limited item?

The first limited edition item ever! Own a piece of history. Green Bow Tie is a limited unique neck accessory that was published in the marketplace by Roblox on October 5, 2009. It could have been purchased for 100 Robux with 100 copies in stock.
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What is the most powerful gear in Roblox?

Most powerful ranged weapon is the hyperlaser gun, and it's variants like the Tri-Laser. Most powerful melee is probably the Halo I mean the BIOGRAFT energy swords. Stop Hitting Yourself guarantees a kill if you click on them from almost ridiculous distances, even if you die.
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Why Do People Prefer “Old Roblox” So Much?

What is the weakest sword in Roblox?

  • Common: The weakest and cheapest swords in the game. ...
  • Uncommon: Still weak, but slightly better than common swords. ...
  • Rare: Decent, but still not as good as higher tier swords. ...
  • Legendary: These swords are strong and are usually effective for both grinding and PvP.
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What is the best Roblox weapon?

Roblox Arcane Odyssey: Best Weapons
  • 5 Noble Thunderspear, Stormcaller, and Scimitars of Storm.
  • 4 Sunken Sword.
  • 3 Vindicator.
  • 2 Poison Tooth Dagger.
  • 1 Triasta of Bronze.
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What makes a Roblox item rare?

To clarify, I consider rares as items with 100 or less available copies and semi rares as 200 or less available copies (will be based off what items are marked rare on Rolimon's). Items are not currently listed in any particular order.
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What does BIKotN mean?

Black Iron King of the Night (BIKotN)
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What is the richest hat in Roblox?

The most expensive item in the Roblox Catalog is the Violet Valkyrie, and it is a hat accessory. This item will cost you 50,000 Robux, which converts to $625.
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Who made the oldest Roblox game?

Classic: Crossroads

Created in 2006 by the Roblox Creative Director at the time, John Shedletsky, the game has had over nine million visits since its launch.
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How old is the oldest Roblox player?

This makes Admin the oldest Roblox account ever. On June 30, 2004, the user “Admin” joined with the ID of 1.
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What is the 2nd oldest Roblox game?

10 Oldest Roblox Games Ever Created
  • Chaos Canyon. Date Created: May 1, 2007. Creator: ROBLOX. Total No. of Visits (as of 2020): Over 1.15 Million. ...
  • Base Wars FPS. Date Created: April 24, 2007. Creator: ROBLOX. Total No. ...
  • Classic: Crossroads. Date Created: 2006. Creator: ROBLOX (originally John Shedletsky) Total No.
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Did Roblox exist 1988?

Founded in 2004 by David Baszucki and Erik Cassel, the company is the developer of Roblox, which was released in 2006.
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Who is the 1st player in Roblox?

Admin was the first registered user on Roblox. The user "Admin" joined on June 30, 2004, with the ID of 1. Before the public release of Roblox, the Admin account was renamed to Roblox, and the username "Admin" was given to user ID 16 (and then 18) before the account was terminated on October 9, 2006.
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How much does 200000 robux cost?

200,000 Robux: This would typically cost around $1,999.99 USD. Please note that the price may vary based on your location and the paym.
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Why are old Roblox items so expensive?

Demand and Amount Originally sold, sometimes with a limited item only about 500 are sold originally and when they turn into a limited nobody can buy new ones they have to buy from someone who has it or trade with them and and if it has a high demand people are more willing to spend more on it, Demand = The amount of ...
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What is the most expensive item in Roblox?

The most expensive item ever sold on Roblox is the Dominus Frigidus, originally priced at 39,000 Robux. The second most expensive item is the Bandana & Headphones combo, priced at around 35,000 Robux. The Blue Domino Crown is considered one of the most costly Roblox items with a price tag of approximately 10,000 Robux.
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Why are Roblox items so expensive?

And with UGC limiteds being untradeable, Roblox limiteds that are tradeable would just become more and more expensive over time due to demand and no other competition because they actually have value, especially in trading communities.
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What is a limited U item in Roblox?

Limited and Limited U

You may see some icons beneath the item's image that mark it as Limited or Limited U. - The item will only be available for sale from Roblox for a limited time. - The item will only be available for sale from Roblox or a Creator until its limited supply is sold.
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Are guns allowed on Roblox?

The use of violent or offensive imagery, including guns, is not allowed on Roblox, especially on clothing items that are visible to other players. If Roblox determines that your shirt violates their rules, they may take disciplinary action, including warning, suspension, or even banning your account.
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Are there guns in Roblox?

“Roblox prohibits the use of realistic modern firearms, with the exception of in-experience items.”
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What gun shoots limbs off Roblox?

The WW2 Luger is an old school war relic that lets you target different limbs for different affects. Shoot a player in the leg, and they'll walk a quarter slower. Shoot them in the arm, and they'll drop their weapon. Body shots do 20 hit points of damage.
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