What is the pillager curse?

The Bad Omen effect is an effect you recieve upon killing a pillager. When you receive it, it does not leave you until you enter a village, in which case it will initiate a raid and waves of pillagers will attack the village. Upon killing all the pillager in the raid, an effect called Hero of the Village will appear.
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What curse do pillagers give you?

Bad Omen is a status effect and can be removed through all conventional methods, such as drinking milk or dying. The player can still receive the Bad Omen effect in peaceful difficulty via commands (all pillager captains despawn in peaceful), but does not trigger a raid if in a village.
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How long does the illager curse last?

Mechanics. The effect can last up to 1 hour and 40 minutes and occurs when a player kills either an Illager Patrol, Illager outpost, or Illager Raid captain.
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How to get rid of illager curse?

Raids usually can only end through the death of all illagers, the death of all villagers, or if all the beds in the area have been destroyed. In conclusion, a bucket of milk, a raid, or death are the only options for those players in Minecraft looking to get rid of the Bad Omen.
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What happens if I drink bad omen in Minecraft?

Bad Omen can be obtained by consuming an ominous bottle, obtained from either raid captains outside of a raid or from vaults. Being affected by Bad Omen allows players to initiate ominous events. If a player enters a village with Bad Omen, it transforms into Raid Omen, which triggers a raid after 30 seconds.
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Minecraft - What Happens When the Pillagers Win a Raid?

Will milk get rid of bad omen?

So basically if you have bad omen from killing a captain and then drink milk the effect goes away off of your screen but for some reason, sometimes it can stay but not be visible to the player after drinking the milk.
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What does the ominous bottle do?

The Ominous Bottle is a potion-like item that gives the player Bad Omen. If you use it in the Trial Chambers, you get the Trial Omen effect. It is obtained by killing a Pillager with an Ominous Banner, or occasionally by opening a Vault within the Trial Chambers.
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What does killing a pillager captain do?

Pillager captains now properly give a bad omen when killed. Pillager captains now properly drop their illager banners when killed. The bad omen is now only received when killing the captain, not when damaging it with a ranged weapon. Illagers can now properly be turned into captains via tags.
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What does the illager horn do?

You can blow the horn making the villagers run inside because they think there might be a Raid. Of course something like this pays a price. Iron Golems will attack you because they think you are summoning a Raid. It can also be used to confuse Illagers.
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What is the rarest illager in Minecraft?

Evokers: Also known as Evocation Illager (Java Edition 1.10-1.12. 2), the Evokers a rare and powerful type of Illager Spellcaster that can be found both in the base game and in Minecraft Dungeons.
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What is the most powerful illager in Minecraft?

Of the human Illagers, the Vindicator is the strongest. A Vindicator is worth 2 evokers, 1.75 Witches, . 5 Ravagers, and a whopping 3.75 Pillagers.
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Does killing a pillager start a raid?

Once all the pillagers and the leader inside of the outpost are killed, the player should have the "Bad Omen" status effect. If the player runs into the village with the status effect, a raid will be triggered.
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Can you befriend pillagers?

To tame the pillager, you need to break its crossbow. Since a crossbow has a durability of 326, you need the pillager to use its crossbow 326 times to break it! So add 5 shields to your hotbar (we added 6, just in case) and possibly some food.
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Will pillagers steal your stuff?

Another mechanic pillagers can have is if they manage to kill the player, they can steal some of their stuff and take it back to a pillager outpost that is located within a decent distance from the player's house. The pillagers will obviously only take the better items that the player drops if they are slain.
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Is the Ravager an illager?

A ravager (Formerly known as an illager beast) is a hostile mob that joins pillagers in raids. They are one of the strongest and most dangerous mobs in the game.
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Do ominous banners attract pillagers?

If a player were to hang an ominous banner in their base then it would make it more likely for pillager patrols to spawn near you.
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How to raid proof a village?

A solid strategy is to wall off the perimeter of the village using a strong block, such as cobblestone or wood. As there are no ways for raiders to destroy solid blocks, they will not be able to penetrate the wall, and will, therefore, be stuck attempting to pathfind around it.
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What is the difference between illager and pillager?

Illagers spawn naturally in patrol and raids. They always spawn naturally in groups while in patrols and raids, or inside their structures. Pillagers spawn in pillager outposts. Vindicators and evokers spawn in woodland mansions.
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Can I turn a pillager into a villager?

Using a Confusion potion and a Golden apple you can change a Pillager into a Villager.
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How do you turn a villager into an illager?

This might be subtle hit is one way of putting that message. A villager can be transformed into an illager killed by an illager or if struck by lightning. An illager however, cannot become a villager in any way.
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What do Ravagers hate in Minecraft?

Ravagers are hostile toward players, iron golems, adult villagers, and wandering traders within a 32-block radius. They attack by ramming enemies with their head, dealing a knockback of 5 blocks. Ravagers also attack by opening and closing their mouths, similar to biting their target.
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What happens if I drink the ominous bottle?

An ominous bottle is an item that gives a player the Bad Omen effect for 100 minutes (01:40:00 or 120,000 game ticks) when drunk.
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Can I combine ominous bottles?

The solution is simple: Allow Ominous Bottles with the same level be combined in order to level up, similar to how you can combine enchantments. So, OB I+I makes an OB II, OB II+II makes an OB III, etc.
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What does the witches bottle do half bad?

It is later revealed that the council were planning on making a witch's bottle using his finger, which would given them the power to control Nathan, as they would be able to put him in immense pain from any distance.
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