What is the saddest ending in GTA 5?

Characters like Victor Vance, Johnny Klebitz, and CJ experience tragic endings that reflect the dark nature of the game. The worst ending in GTA 5 is killing Michael, which leads to Franklin being declared dead by Trevor and Michael's family, leaving him constantly watchful for danger.
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Which GTA ending is best?

Choosing one of these options immediately triggers the end game mission. If you want to experience all three endings, then you should save before making a decision. The best option to choose is Deathwish as its the only option that sees all three characters survive.
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Which is the true ending of GTA 5?

However, players are still debating to this day which ending made the most sense canonically and it seems as though there is a definite answer. The third option, allowing all men to live during the mission “The Third Way”, has long been considered as the canon ending to GTA 5.
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What is the most brutal death in GTA 5?

For this list, we'll be looking at the most harrowing scripted deaths that occurred throughout the series' campaigns.
  • #8: Giovanni Casa. ...
  • #7: Gonzalez. ...
  • #6: Devin Weston. ...
  • #5: Molly Schultz. ...
  • #4: Johnny Klebitz. ...
  • #3: Darko Brevic. ...
  • #2: Construction Foreman. ...
  • #1: Trevor Philips. “Grand Theft Auto V” (2013)
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What is the Deathwish ending in GTA 5?

"Deathwish" Ending, Franklin Chooses To Team Up With Trevor & Michael Instead. If the choice is made not to betray Trevor or Michael during Grand Theft Auto 5's ending, Franklin will instead consult heist mastermind, Lester Crest.
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GTA 5 - All 5 Endings! (A,B,C, Secret & BETA)

Does GTA 5 end after killing Devin?

Time of day

— Franklin Clinton to Devin Weston, moments before killing him. The Third Way is the final storyline mission and canonical ending of Grand Theft Auto V.
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What are the saddest GTA endings?

Grand Theft Auto 5

Trevor's demise is tragic and terrifying, as the ending has the man burned alive. It's a shame, as despite how terrible Trevor is, he just wants friends, and he sees himself as being betrayed once again by Michael and by his new friend, Franklin.
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Who swears the most in GTA 5?

Trevor is the character who swears the most in the game. Just about every swear word in the dictionary is used in this game.
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Who is the deadliest GTA character?

1 Trevor - Grand Theft Auto 5

Out of all the characters in Rockstar games, Trevor takes the prize as the most dangerous of them all.
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Which GTA is the hardest to beat?

San Andreas, despite being one of the most beloved video games in history, is the hardest of the lot when it comes to the GTA franchise.
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Is Trevor canonically dead?

Ron, after being abandoned by Trevor, contacts the player to start their own smuggling operation, and when they meet, the former briefly talks about Trevor, saying he has "gone Vinewood" and has become a "guru" and "lifestyle coach"; this confirms Trevor is still alive after the events of Grand Theft Auto V.
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What is the most realistic GTA 5 ending?

A lot of people say killing Trevor/Michael was the most realistic option but the guys ordering Franklin to do this used Trevor/Michael and then wanted him dead as he was a loose end.
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Is it worth killing Trevor?

In GTA 5 is killing Trevor worth it for an extra $20M for Michael and Franklin? To be honest no. Unless like one of the other answers have said on whether if you really disliked Trevor that much. He is such a likeable character.
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Which GTA is the darkest?

Despite this, some GTA games feature a darker tone that lasts throughout.
  • 5 Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. ...
  • 4 Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories. ...
  • 3 Grand Theft Auto 3. ...
  • 2 Grand Theft Auto 4. ...
  • 1 Grand Theft Auto 4: The Lost And Damned.
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How to get back Trevor after killing him?

Like the other answer has said. Trevor is dead and gone forever. Unless you reload a previous save before you were about to make the choice on who to kill.
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Who is the most loved GTA character?

1. Niko Bellic. Coming to Liberty City inspired by his cousin's promise of a land of wealth and opportunity just to sleep on a couch in a tiny, rundown apartment, Niko Bellic is not only the most compelling take on the archetypical rags-to-riches Grand Theft Auto protagonist but the series' best lead character.
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Who is the weakest GTA character?

Portrayed By Shawn Fonteno. The debate about which GTA 5 protagonist is best is still ongoing, a decade after the game's release — but one sentiment that most fans can agree on is that Franklin Clinton is likely the weakest of the bunch.
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Who is the most evil GTA villain?

Even if most GTA characters have one or two redeeming moments, some of them really do embody the chaotic evil alignment.
  1. 1 Donald Love.
  2. 2 Ricardo Diaz. The Short-Tempered Drug Lord. ...
  3. 3 Mikhail Faustin. The Paranoid, Angry Crime Boss.
  4. 4 Claude. The Silent, Vengeful Psychopath. ...
  5. 5 Trevor Philips. The Manifestation of Chaotic Evil. ...
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How many F words are there in GTA 5?

According to YouTuber TheMediocreScot, Grand Theft Auto V contains a total of 1018 F-bombs throughout the game's story mode. That's more swear words than South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, which is notorious for its excessive use of profanities.
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Who is the most brutal GTA character?

However, some of these characters are ruthless in their methods, no matter the location or the hardships.
  • 8 Officer Tenpenny. ...
  • 7 GTA Online Protagonist. ...
  • 6 Ricardo Diaz. ...
  • 5 Carl Johnson. ...
  • 4 Avery Duggan. ...
  • 3 Martin Madrazo. ...
  • 2 Niko Bellic. ...
  • 1 Trevor Philips.
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Does GTA 3 swear?

Your character can sometimes be seen sticking his middle finger up at cars when he stands in the middle of the road while motorists honk their horns at him. Occasionally, when having their car stolen, characters can be heard saying "What the f-", but we do not hear the word in full.
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What is the most inappropriate part of GTA?

There is a torture scene. This is very graphic and by far the most violent part of the game. You can break your victim's knees with a wrench, pull one of his teeth out, waterboard him, and hook cables up to his nipples to electrocute him.
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Who killed Leonora GTA?

It was also rumored that she was considered for the female lead role in "The Many Wives of Alfredo Smith." However, she was abducted, tortured, raped and murdered by Peter Dreyfuss in 1975.
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What is GTA 5 true ending?

In the final missions of Grand Theft Auto V, Franklin is faced with the dilemma of either killing Michael or Trevor. However, a third option allowed him to turn the tables and keep all three characters alive in an act of revenge against the enemies that had collected throughout the story.
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