What is the world's strongest Pokémon?

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other.
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What is the number 1 strongest Pokémon?

1. Arceus. Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

The best Pokemon Go Arceus counters are Terrakion, Keldeo, Mega Blaziken, Lucario, Mega Rayquaza & Conkeldurr.
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Who is stronger than Arceus?

no pokemon in its normal form is stronger, yet Eternamax and mega evolution can beat arceus. Take mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo. Their base stats are 780, arceus' is 720.
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Can any Pokémon defeat Mewtwo?

Mew, the original Pokémon from which Mewtwo was cloned, can defeat Mewtwo with its DNA that allows transformation into any living creature. Others like Rayquaza, Ho-Oh, and several other Legendaries have the potential to defeat Mewtwo in battle, but there are still many that are weaker than this powerful Gen 1 Pokémon.
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Top 20 Most Powerful Pokemon Ever

Did Pikachu defeat Mewtwo?

It is revealed that Mewtwo had been captured by Team Rocket and had been turned into Giovanni's tool yet again. Giovanni sent Mewtwo out to battle Ash and defeated his Sceptile and Lucario, but eventually fell to Pikachu.
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Can mega rayquaza beat Arceus?

Mega Rayquaza is more powerful than Arceus. There is no way of saying that one pokemon is better than the others, it's just how you use your pokemon.
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Can Arceus beat Eternatus?

Arceus can exist as any one of the 18 types at any given time depending on which life plate it holds. Eternarus has a monsterous sp attack but all its other stats are lower than Arceus, so it evens out. Arceus is also faster, which means it gets to attack first. It will mostly come down to a type advantage.
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Can Dialga defeat Arceus?

Because in the pokemon movie:arceus and the jewel of life pokemon creators shows that all three of them(dialga, palkia and giratina) were trying to stop arceus from destroying earth or something like that. But they can't stop arceus together.
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Who will win Arceus or Pikachu?

Arceus is infinitely better. Pikachu is extremely cute and beats Arceus by far in that category. but Arceus is much cooler, and more powerful. Hell, this Pokemon is basically god, and may be the most powerful Pokemon of all time.
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Can Arceus can beat Goku?

Arceus created Pokemon that created time and space. Arcues has irrelevant speed. Arceus stops time and kills Goku no difficulty.
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Can Pikachu defeat Arceus?

No, Arceus is only weak to eletric moves when it doesnt have plates that resist electric moves. But pikachu still doesnt come close to defeat arceus.
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Who is stronger Arceus or Lucario?

As a result, Lucario is an excellent counter for the many powerful Dragon-types in Pokemon Legends: Arceus and can even hold its own against an un-plated Arceus thanks to its resistance to Normal-type attacks. This is especially true when it has either a Mild or Rash nature.
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What is the top 1 weakest Pokémon?

What is the first weakest Pokemon? The first weakest Pokemon is Shedinja, with a base stat total of 236. Although it has a 90 attack, this feeble creature only has 1 HP, which means it instantly dies after getting one hit.
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Is Arceus a legendary or mythical?

Arceus (Japanese: アルセウス Arceus) is a Normal-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
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What is the rarest Pokémon?

Meltan and Melmetal are classified as Mythical Pokémon, one of the rarest categories of Pokémon that there is. While many Meltan were shown initially, these Meltan eventually merged with Ash's Meltan so it could evolve, creating the first known example of a Melmetal.
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Who is stronger Arceus or goku?

Wiz:And apart from all that,Goku is still limited in power,while Arceus is indefinitely powerful. If he wanted,Arceus could solo the Dragon Ball Z and Super verse. And Nintendo too.
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Can Mega lucario beat Arceus?

Lucario's Fighting/Steel typing means it's uniquely suited to facing down a Normal-type Arceus. Fighting-type moves are super effective against the Alpha Pokémon in its base form without the Plates, and Lucario's steeliness would give it a good amount of defense against whatever attacks Arceus throws at it.
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Who is stronger Arceus or zeno?

Arceus. Explanation: Zeno destroy 12 universes, sure. But zeno won't be able to defeat a guy who has the power to control time, space and anti matter.
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Who can defeat Arceus Vmax?

Fighting-type Pokémon can attack your opponents' Arceus VSTAR for Weakness, and Darkness-type Pokémon can attack the popular Mew VMAX for Weakness.
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Who can beat Eternamax Eternatus?

The best Pokemon Go Eternatus - Eternamax counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Primal Groudon, Mega Rayquaza, Mega Alakazam, Shadow Groudon & Mega Garchomp.
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Who is stronger than Eternatus?

Genesis: Necrozma's power is also stronger than Eternatus, as the blinding light managed to provide light to the ultra space, a universe that has an infinite distance.
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Is Mega Rayquaza rare?

M Rayquaza EX - 76/108 - Ultra Rare

When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards., When 1 of your Pokémon becomes a Mega Evolution Pokémon, your turn ends.
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Who is stronger Victini or Arceus?

Victini is just a fire/psychic mythical pokemon. Nothing else to it. Arceus could easily defeat it.
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Can Rayquaza beat Palkia?

Mega or not Rayquaza can't compete with Dialga, Palkia or Giratina. Mega Rayquaza May have insane power, but the Creation trio have power over aspects of reality itself, which changes the dynamic of power in a way that's difficult to describe.
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