What Java should I use for Minecraft 1.12 2?

Java 8 is required to run Minecraft versions 1.12 through 1.17. Java 17 is required to run Minecraft version 1.18 and up. If you don't know whether you have the necessary version of Java, don't worry, our installers supply Minecraft with its own version of Java by default.
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What version of Java is needed for Forge Server 1.12 2?

1 Answer. The problem is most likely due to a to recent version of Java, Forge 1.12. 2 cannot be run on Java versions superior to Java 8. Install Java 8 on your system and use it to start the server.
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How do I install Java for Minecraft 1.12 2?

How to Install Java to Play Minecraft 1.12. 2
  1. Step 1: Download and Install. First you will have to install Java, so go to the Java website by clicking here, you will see a big red button asking you to download it.
  2. Step 2: Installation. ...
  3. Step 3: Checking Java. ...
  4. Step 4: Have a Great Game!
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What version of Java do I need for Minecraft server?

A Java runtime (JRE), version 8 or higher. JDK contains JRE, so it will work too. As of version 1.17, JRE version 16 is required. For version 1.18, JRE version 17 is required.
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Which Java is better for Minecraft?

Generally, Minecraft Java is the original version with a strong modding community and timely updates. It's great for customizing the game and getting new features quickly. On the other hand, Minecraft Windows 10 is better for playing with friends on different devices, and it runs smoother on lower-end computers.
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How To Download Java For Minecraft (Guide) | Install Java For Minecraft

Which Java version is best for performance Minecraft?

Picking a Java Runtime

For Minecraft 1.16. 5 and up, use Java 17. Some launchers like Curseforge and Prism Launcher ask you to use Java 8 on 1.16.
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Is bedrock or Java harder?

The wither has 600 hp in bedrock vs 300 in java, that's 2x! The wither has a devastating attack on bedrock, it's his most powerful attack, it's not in java. At 50% hp the wither spawns 3-4 wither skeletons in bedrock, not in java. Also bedrock doesn't have quick health regeneration like they do in java.
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Can Minecraft 1.12 2 use Java 17?

Java 8 is required to run Minecraft versions 1.12 through 1.17. Java 17 is required to run Minecraft version 1.18 and up.
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How do I downgrade to Minecraft 1.12 2?

Change the game version

Click Installations on the launcher start page, and then click New. In the Create new installation box, select a name for the installation and choose the game version from the VERSION list.
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What is the difference between Java 17 and 18?

As for Java 18, there is only a six-month time difference between it and Java 17, which means the updates aren't as trascendental or numerous as we've been able to see with other releases. However, Java 18 has improvements in terms of its foreign function memory.
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Does Minecraft 1.12 2 use Java 8?

For Minecraft Forge 1.12. 2, when installing Minecraft server, Minecraft client, and Forge, Java 8 needs to be the system default Java. Multiple Java versions can be run reliably and simultaneously.
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What Java version does Minecraft 1.20 use?

The default Java version shipped with the game has been upgraded to Microsoft OpenJDK 17.0.8. Added validation for symbolic links in datapacks and resource packs, to improve safety.
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Is Minecraft Java Edition free?

The Minecraft free trial is available on Windows, Android, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and Vita. Trial length varies depending on the device in use. Keep scrolling for the Minecraft: Java Edition free trial.
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What version of Java is Minecraft 1.12 Max?

From Java Edition 1.12(17w13a) to Java Edition 1.16. 5(1.17: 21w18a), Minecraft requires Java 8 (1.8. 0) or newer.
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Do I need Java JDK for Forge?

Prerequisites. An installation of the Java 17 Development Kit (JDK) and 64-bit Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Forge recommends and officially supports Eclipse Temurin. Make sure you are using a 64-bit JVM.
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How do I know if I have Java 17?

The Java version can be found in the Java Control Panel. Under the General tab in the Java Control Panel, the version is available through the About section. A dialog appears (after clicking About) showing the Java version.
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How old is Minecraft 1.12 2?

See also other instances of 1.12. 2. 1.12. 2 is a minor update for Minecraft (Java Edition) that was released on September 18, 2017.
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Is Minecraft 1.12 2 the best version?

As a result, many Minecraft modders still develop content specifically for version 1.12. 2. It's difficult not to see why; it's one of the most stable versions of the game ever released, especially after several updates, adding lots of content and tweaks to the in-game code.
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Is it safe to downgrade Minecraft?

Downgrading is the act of loading a world in an older version than the version of that world last loaded. Downgrading is dangerous; it causes the world to be prone to corruption, data loss or crash.
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Why is my Java not working?

Clear the Java cache (temporary) files

Sometimes a corrupted file in the Java cache can prevent an application from running. You can safely delete the temporary files that Java downloads since Java will download them again and ensure they are up-to-date.
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Should you use Java 17?

Improved Security. It is critical that your applications are secure. In Java 17 there are upgraded security features that help protect users' data and ensure application integrity. Many known security vulnerabilities in previous Java versions have been resolved.
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What is the current version of Java?

Java 21, the latest (4th) LTS, was released on September 19, 2023.
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Is bedrock hard in real life?

In the real world, what geologists call bedrock is more like Minecraft's stone layer - it's the name for the compacted rock that sits below the surface soil. Real-world bedrock is hard, but absolutely breakable - and most large buildings are anchored into the bedrock with structures called "foundations".
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What is harder diamond or bedrock?

Originally Answered: Is bedrock harder than a diamond? No. Unless the rock is actually made of diamond - and solid diamond at that- no bedrock on earth will be harder than diamond because all minerals other than diamond are softer, and rocks made of these minerals tend to be softer too.
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Is Java less laggy than bedrock?

If you switch to Java, it won't be any better and the lag would be severe since Java uses more CPU than Bedrock.
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