What level should I be in New Londo Ruins?

the recommended level for new londo ruins is level 50-70 your going there way to early. dark souls has a funny thing where it just allows you to go into areas way too early than you suppose to. you gonna hit a dead end once you beat that area anyway since you need an item to progress.
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What level is recommended for the catacombs?

Is the catacombs a low level area? No, it's meant for a good deal later on into the game, probably around level 30-40ish to do up to the boss of Catacombs.
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How do you beat New Londo Ruins?

The Ruins are full of Ghosts that can only be defeated with a cursed weapon or if you are cursed yourself. Using Transient Curses is the most practical way of navigating the Ruins, but you run the risk of having the item's effect run out while you're in the middle of a battle.
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What level should you fight Ornstein?

It looks like everyone is trying to play through the game at low-level and, likely, become a Darkwraith. I typically fight Ornstein and Smough at levels 40-60 (usually in the middle near 50) because that was prime coop range when DS was released.
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What should I do in New Londo Ruins?

First, head towards the rickety bridge and turn around when you reach an archway to get an Estoc. The enemies in this area are all docile, so don't attack unless you need to. Then, make your way down to the platform before the bridge, and destroy the pot with the corpse inside to get two transient curses.
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The Dumbshits Guide to Dark Souls: New Londo Ruins

Should I go to the New Londo Ruins before or after Anor Londo?

First playthrough... which should I go to first? Slowly make your way to Anor Londo (through undead parish and blighttown) and then after obtaining the lordvessel go to new londo. Anor Londo. You can't get the key for New Londo without killing a certain npc before Anor Londo.
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What level should I be for Blighttown?

It's one of those areas that can find action all over because of master key access. If a player is running the game normally they will usually be around level 30 when reaching Blighttown. Now that weapon level is a factor... a lot of people will have a +5 weapon when reaching Blighttown no matter how they got there.
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Are Ornstein and Smough the hardest?

Considered The Hardest Boss In The Base Game

Ornstein and Smough are, at their core, overwhelming.
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What is Ornstein weak to?

Smough is particularly weak to fire, and Ornstein isn't much of a fan of it either. Lightning based magic will not work well here, and the various Soul Arrows can do some damage, but you will need quite a few shots to drop these bosses.
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How difficult are Ornstein and Smough?

Although it may not seem like it at first glance, this boss fight is just as fair as the rest of the fights in the series. After enough practice and dedication, even Ornstein and Smough can be overcome by anyone, just like the entirety of bosses in the Dark Souls series.
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Is there a boss in New Londo Ruins?

The Four Kings is the boss fight after exploring New Londo Ruins in Dark Souls. If you're looking for more help, our Dark Souls walkthrough and guide can help with all other areas of the game, including the dreaded Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Ornstein and Smough bosses.
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What is the key in New Londo Ruins?

The Key to New Londo Ruins is a key found in a chest Blighttown, rather close to the gate it unlocks actually, as there are only 3 enemies between the gate and the chest, with a distance of about half minute of sprinting.
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Why can't i hit the ghosts in New Londo?

You have to be cursed in order to fight them. Either get cursed and go there or use that transient curse dealy. there are two transient curses on the way down and the npc that sells the humanity in the waterway that you can access after lower undead burg sells them.
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What level is floor 7 catacombs?

The seventh floor of the Catacombs features Maxor, Storm, Goldor and Necron as the bosses. These four are also known as the Wither Lords. The dungeon size is classified as Large and requires Catacombs Level XXIV to enter.
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What catacombs level for f5?

The fifth floor of the Catacombs features Livid as the boss. The dungeon size is classified as Medium and requires Catacombs Level XIV to enter.
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Should I summon Solaire for Ornstein and Smough?

You could also use great fireball and fire orb instead of great combustion to keep some distance between yourself and them. Don't summon Solaire, he only makes the fight more difficult. Kill Ornstein first and use the pillars in the room to your advantage when fighting Smough.
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Why is Smough's armor fat?

so....why did smough customize his armor to look like a fat ugly guy? due to the shape and size of the armor, it can be assumed that its custom made specifically for him. either he customized it or he hired a blacksmith to make it.
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Is Dragon Slayer Ornstein the nameless king?

A popular theory is that the King of the Storm, the Nameless King's dragon mount, is a transformed Ornstein. While there is little evidence that proves this, there is precedence that worshippers of dragons are able to transform themselves into dragons, with the player also able to transform into one for a brief time.
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Who is the hardest boss in Elden ring?

Found at the bottom of the Haligtree, another long and incredibly taxing area, is Malenia, Elden Ring's hardest boss. Her reputation puts her in the highest echelon of difficult FromSoftware bosses alongside Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos and Dark Souls 3's Sister Friede.
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What is the hardest boss in DS1?

Top 5 Hardest bosses DS1?
  • Ornstein and Smough (Yeah)
  • Gaping Dragon (First boss I fought with a lot of HP)
  • Stray Demon (Instakilled me if it hit me)
  • Capra Demon (DOGS)
  • Iron Golem (Arena sucks)
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Who is the hardest boss in all of souls?

This list is updated to include more challenging boss fights that fans of the genre should undertake.
  1. 1 Dragon Slayer Ornstein & Executioner Smough - Dark Souls.
  2. 2 Malenia, Blade Of Miquella - Elden Ring. ...
  3. 3 Guardian Ape And Brown Ape - Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. ...
  4. 4 Maliketh, The Black Blade - Elden Ring. ...
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Is Blighttown worth exploring?

There are a few items scattered around that make exploring worth your time — especially the Titanite. And the Giant Leeches on the right side of the map above are a great way to farm for Green Titanite.
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Why is Shiva not in Blighttown?

If you make him hostile either by breaking the covenant or by attacking him without getting him killed (or you lose), he will relocate to Darkroot Garden and attack you on sight. If you absolve your sin and rejoin the Forest Hunter, he'll be back in Blighttown.
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What level should I be for Smouldering Lake?

Tips For Smouldering Lake

For starters, players will want to be between levels 40 to 55 when tackling one of the hardest areas in the game. The Ballista is the main threat and can be dealt with by following the underground path hiding the basilisks to the ladder up to the ballista.
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