What level should I be to go to Underdark BG3?

What level should you be for the Underdark? The Underdark is pretty brutal, and a player will want to be level three at the bare minimum before dealing with its perils, and ideally level 5 and up.
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What level is best for Underdark bg3?

Level 4 is usually the best time to start the place, you'll have to use some good strategy, at level 5 it's a bit more of a breeze. What's your party composition and your class? Suggestion would be level 4.
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When to enter Underdark BG3?

Once you're in the Underdark, you will be able to visit the Mycanoid Colony, the Grymforge, the Adamantine Forge, the Arcane Tower, and many more locations. I recommend you be at least level 3-4 before trying to head into the Underdark, though, as the enemies down there can be quite rough if you're underleveled.
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What level should I go to mountain pass BG3?

Level 5 is 'the right level' for the majority of players on normal mode to deal with the Githyanki patrol before the mountain pass. For the Rosymorn monastery Githyanki, I'm normally level 6, having done all of the underdark before getting here.
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How to get to Underdark BG3 Act 1?

There are four Underdark entrances in Act 1:
  1. Jump down the big hole in the Blighted Village.
  2. Sneak into the Defiled Temple in the Goblin Camp.
  3. Talk your way into the Zhentarim Hideout in Waukeen's Rest.
  4. Find the hidden teleporter in the Sunlit Wetlands.
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90% players missed these rare opportunities in Act 1 // Baldur's Gate 3.

Should I do mountain pass or Underdark first?

You can do both. The mountain path has higher level enemies, so it makes sense to do underdark first. You can safely ignore Lae'zel, the Crèche isn't going anywhere and you have the time. The mountain pass advances time for the starting area, a number of the quests will become unavailable.
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What is the point of no return act 1 BG3?

Shar's gauntlet is the true point of no return. Act 1 ends with going to Shadow Cursed Lands, but is still accessible until you finish the gauntlet, after which you completely lose access to the beginning area, underdark, and mountain pass. The very end of Shar's Gauntlet is the point of no return for act 1 locations.
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Is the Underdark or mountain pass harder?

Because The Mountain Pass route is so much shorter and easier (relatively speaking) than The Underdark, it's easy to pop over, grab Elminster, stop Gale's curse, reach the First Light Inn, get the Waypoint, grab some new items, and start your adventure in The Underdark beefed up and ready to party.
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Is the Underdark hard?

Underdark is level 4-6 content. Mountain Pass and Grymforge are both Level 5-7 content. It'll be fairly easy going in the Underdark but the difficulty should pick back up once you reach Grymforge.
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Is Level 4 the max in Baldur's Gate 3?

Baldur's Gate 3 is based on Dungeons & Dragons 5e but has a maximum level of 12, not the tabletop RPG's maximum level of 20. Expansion of the level cap is unlikely.
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How do I prepare for Underdark?

Top Ten Tips for Surviving the UnderDark
  1. Consult an NPC. No need to reinvent the wheel. ...
  2. Consider a Guide. You can do more than talk with an NPC. ...
  3. Plan Your Provisions. Trading posts and villages won't be as plentiful in the Underdark. ...
  4. Forage. ...
  5. Remember the Light. ...
  6. Use Light Cautiously. ...
  7. Other Supplies.
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Where is the secret entrance to the Underdark BG3?

Baldur's Gate 3 Underdark entrance – The Teahouse

Auntie Ethel's riverside teahouse hides a secret entrance to the Underdark, though it takes some blood and maybe a little bit of death to reach. Enter Ethel's lair via the fireplace in the teahouse, and proceed until you reach a gnarled door.
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What level to fight Auntie Ethel?

How to beat the Hag Auntie Ethel in Baldur's Gate 3. To beat the Hag Auntie Ethel in Baldur's Gate 3, there's a few things to keep in mind. You'll want to be at least level 4 and ideally a couple of levels higher to fight (check our guide on the Baldur's Gate 3 level cap to see how high your options currently go).
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Should I go into the Underdark BG3?

The game is about the stories , exploration and learning. The more of the story you skip the less of the story will open up for you to see . Skip the underdark and you skip an important area of the game and skip the whole Adamantine Forge and the chance to forge some amazing gear .
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What is the most op class in Baldur's Gate 3?

The Paladin is the strongest class and subclass in Baldur's Gate 3 due to its damage output, survivability, and versatility. The Paladins can access various weapons and armour types, allowing for diverse playstyles. Combining Extra Attack with Divine Smite results in exceptional raw damage potential.
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How long is the Underdark BG3?

If you want to explore every nook and cranny, it could take 4 or 5 hours. You're question is to open ended to give any more specific an answer than that. I would say it's about 25% of the total content available in EA, prolly around 10 hours of playtime.
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What level should I be at the Underdark?

What level should you be for the Underdark? The Underdark is pretty brutal, and a player will want to be level three at the bare minimum before dealing with its perils, and ideally level 5 and up.
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How to level up fast in BG3?

Complete Easy Quests For Experience

Volo, Liam, and Halsin are in the Goblin camp, so spring them all at the same time and turn in each quest for a massive chunk of experience. Visit the Myconid Colony before taking the fight to the Duergar to get some more quests, which all involve killing lots of Duergar.
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What level should I be for Grymforge BG3?

Either way, they'll reach Grymforge by the end. They'll be greeted by even more cultists on the other side, marking the beginning of a new adventure involving another True Soul and many more secrets. Grymforge is best suited for a party of Level 5 Adventurers.
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Can you not return to Act 1 BG3?

When players complete Gauntlet of Shar in the next act, all locations from Act 1 will be locked, and the farthest they can still go back to is Shadow Lands.
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What level should I be for Act 2 BG3?

Act 2 is when you get to the Shadowlands. Yeah, 7 is right around the average level for hitting up Act 2 (i.e. entering the Shadowlands). If you did absolutely everything possible you might even be 8, but generally speaking 7 is right about where you should be.
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How long is BG3?

When focusing on the main objectives, Baldur's Gate 3 is about 68½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 162 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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Should you let Astarion bite you?

Should you Let Astarion Bite You? Letting Astarion bite you is an easy way to get approval with him. The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.
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Does killing Gortash lock me out of anything?

No, if you've done the Iron Throne and the sorted out the Foundry, you're okay to go kill Gortash, those were the ones that would lock out if you killed him first.
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Can Astarion turn you?

He also becomes more romantically possessive, and, if the player character asks him nicely, will turn them into a vampire spawn, too. Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood.
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