What level should I start Dragonflight Questline?

What is the Required Level for the Dragonflight Intro Questline? Your character needs to be at least Level 60 to be able to start the Dragonflight intro questline. The intro quest takes place in Stormwind and Orgrimmar and is relatively short.
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What level should I start questing in Dragonflight?

Requierements. To start the Dragonflight intro questline, your character must have reached at least Level 60. Once you've reached this level, the quest will become available to you. The intro quest takes place in two major cities, Stormwind and Orgrimmar, and is relatively short compared to other quests in the game.
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Can you start Dragonflight at 59?

Chromie's 'A New Adventure Awaits' triggers at 59, but Dragonflight quests aren't unlocked until 60. Please can this be sorted, its frustrating to go back to the capital for this quest at 59, to find there isn't anything to pick up until 60. More for new players than anything.
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Can I go to Dragon Isles at 58?

When you reach this level (or the first time you log into a character who is level 58 or above), you will automatically receive the first quest in the chain. What is this? This introductory series of quests will take you through a few quests in Stormwind before shipping you off to the Dragon Isles.
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Where do I start Dragonflight campaign?

The starting quests for Dragonflight are located near the Deathwing's “death trophy” and the Cataclysm portals in Orgrimmar. You can go there and check if it's available.
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EVERYTHING To Do At Max Level In Dragonflight & What To Do First

Do I need to finish the campaign in Dragonflight?

If you have reached Level 70 but have not completed the Dragonflight campaign yet, make sure to finish it because it grants access to essential parts of the game. Namely, World Quests, Renown, and Adventure Mode for alts.
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Can you go to Dragon Isles at 50?

You need to be level 60 to do Dragonflight. If it's your first character then you should be able to do battle for azeroth, as that's the current default. Personally I would suggest doing that and spamming Dungeons until 60, then go to Dragonflight.
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What is the fastest expansion to level in wow?

In Dragonflight, you may choose to do any expansion's content while leveling up to 50. The fastest expansion to level in is Warlords of Draenor (WoD).
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What level should I be to go to Broken Isles?

Before you can quest through the Broken Isles, you first need to run through the Broken Shore (or Mardum if a Demon Hunter), witness Dalaran moving to the Broken Isles, acquire your Artifact Weapon, and unlock your Class Hall. Here is a walkthrough of all the steps! You can start questing at level 98.
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Can you level to 60 without Dragonflight?

I was initially going to lock my level at 59 because someone mentioned that you are prevented from locking it at level 60 (not confirmed). But then I realised you probably won't get experience past level 60 without Dragonflight anyway.
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Is Dragonflight 59 or 60?

You cannot start DF until Level 60.

Leaving Chromie Time at 59 will mean having to go back to Chromie to pick up Chromie Time again.
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Is Dragonflight good for beginners?

Players new to World of Warcraft: Dragonflight should prioritize using these builds. Fans of World of Warcraft interested in trying out the game might find the Dragonflight expansion as a great introductory story, especially since the iconic Dragonflights now make a return as Azeroth's protectors.
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How long does it take to get from 60 to 70 Dragonflight?

With our Dragonflight Leveling guide, we will show you how to reach that goal in no time. As it stands right now, if you follow a particular path for leveling, a Dragonflight 60–70 leveling time is going to be around 4 hours. Follow this WoW Leveling route at your own pace to reach the cap in no time.
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What should I do before Dragonflight?

What to do Before Dragonflight
  1. Vengeance's Reins - Mythic Sylvanas Mount.
  2. Fractal Cypher of the Zereth Overseer - Mythic Jailer Mount.
  3. Shadowlands Campaigns.
  4. Covenant Collections.
  5. Shadowlands Raid and Dungeon Glories.
  6. Shadowlands Dungeon Content.
  7. Shadowlands Raid Content.
  8. Mage Tower.
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How long does it take to level from 1 to 70 Dragonflight?

It will take you anywhere from two to 15 hours to reach Level 70 in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.
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What WoW expansion sold the most?

2020's Shadowlands sold over 3.7 million copies on its launch day, which outpaced 2018's Battle for Azeroth. That expansion sold over 3.4 million copies on launch day, which was a record for the franchise at the time.
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Which WoW expansion has the best lore?

Wrath of the Lich King is still considered to be the best WoW expansion, and for good reason. Players familiar with the lore of the RTS games know all too well how Arthas Menethil became the Lich King, and during his assault, he caused the original deaths of Sylvannas Windrunner and Dranosh Saurfang.
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What is the best Chromie timeline to level Dragonflight?

It will allow you to head to your capital and find the Bronze Dragonflight emissary in the local Embassy. She will let you pick an expansion of your choice to play up through level 60. The fastest Chromie timeline for World of Warcraft players has to be Warlords of Draenor.
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What to do at 70 Dragonflight wow?

Dragonflight Endgame: What to Do at Level 70?
  1. Gearing Up. Finish Patch 10.2 Campaign. Join Amirdrassil LFR. Buy Gear at The Auction House. World Events: Time Rift and Dreamsurges. M+ and Raids.
  2. Professions.
  3. Dragonflight Glyphs.
  4. Renown & Reputation.
  5. PvP.
  6. Dragon Races and the Old World.
  7. Conclusion.
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What is the level cap in World of Warcraft?

Notes. World of Warcraft originally had a level cap of level 60, but as expansions are released, the level cap is increased by 5 or commonly 10. The Burning Crusade expansion raised it to 70.
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How long does it take to level to 70 in wow?

Couple different sources say between 12-15 hours if you take it fairly casually, watch cinematics, clear out zones completely, etc. A speed leveler guide I have seen has around 7 hours consistently. I like to skip quests to do them at level 70 for the extra gold.
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What to do when you hit max level in Dragonflight?

World Of Warcraft: Dragonflight - 10 Things To Do Daily After You Reach Max Level
  1. 10 Complete The Campaign.
  2. 9 Gear Up.
  3. 8 Work On Your Professions.
  4. 7 Earn Renown.
  5. 6 Achievement Hunting.
  6. 5 Expand Your Wardrobe.
  7. 4 Collect Mounts And Pets.
  8. 3 Fight For Honor.
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Can you skip Shadowlands campaign Dragonflight?

It's not possible. It's the right NPC it just doesn't have any options to skip it, on the far eastern end of Oribos opposite of where the SW/Org portals are. For all the people who were scared like me that you can't skip the Shadowland Story once you did something wrong.
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