What makes Zombies in cod?

In the original Zombies mode, they are created by Element 115; in Exo Zombies, they are the product of an Atlas program gone wrong, and in Infinite Warfare Zombies, they are used by Willard Wyler with the intention of killing four actors for a snuff film.
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What element made the zombies in cod?

Element 115 was used to create the zombies as one of its side effects was the reanimation of dead cells. The zombies were to be used as super-soldiers by the Germans. After creating them, the Germans realized that they were uncontrollable and would lead to mankind's destruction.
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How do COD zombies start?

A group of soldiers were sent on a mission to destroy an enemy facility. While they were there, they were attacked by zombies and trapped inside the building. The player takes control of one of these soldiers as he fights off hordes of undead creatures while trying to escape from his prison.
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What started the zombie outbreak in cod?

The only reason the zombies were there in the first place were because Gersch had opened the black hole, which spit out the zombies from the Cosmodrome's future. It's a vicious cycle.
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Who controls the zombies in cod zombies?

Usually the Demonic Announcer both controls the zombies and aids the main characters.
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The Creation, Evolution and Exhaustion of Call of Duty Zombies

What made zombies in cod?

In the original Zombies mode, they are created by Element 115; in Exo Zombies, they are the product of an Atlas program gone wrong, and in Infinite Warfare Zombies, they are used by Willard Wyler with the intention of killing four actors for a snuff film.
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Who makes Call of Duty zombies?

The official account for Treyarch, creators of Call of Duty: Black Ops series and the birthplace of Call of Duty Zombies.
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What is the origin of zombie outbreak?

Origins. The myth of the zombie originated in Haiti in the 17th and 18th centuries when African slaves were brought in to work on sugar plantations under the rule of France.
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What is the virus in cod zombies called?

Virus 61-15 is a disease in Call of Duty: Black Ops III. Created by Coalescence Corporation, the virus infected and turned people into the walking dead. It is a combination of Nova 6 and Element 115.
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What caused zombies in advanced warfare?

The story of Exo Zombies, as detailed in the teaser at the end of the Exo Survival mode, revolves around an outbreak of the undead following the detonation of a Manticore DNA bomb. Atlas tried to end the war quickly with the use of the Manticore, but it instead created an army of the undead.
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Is there a way to win cod zombies?

A popular strategy is to run around in circles in a large area until all of the zombies are behind you, then shoot what ever bullets you have into the horde. When you run out of ammo, switch to a thundergun, or a ray gun to clear the horde.
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Which COD has the best zombies?

Black Ops 3 is often regarded as the best Zombies experience, thanks to its exciting maps, varied weapons, and action-packed gameplay.
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What is the point of cod zombies?

Points, later renamed to Essence, is the currency of the Call of Duty: World at War and Call of Duty: Black Ops Nazi Zombies game mode. Points can be rewarded for multiple things including rebuilding barriers and killing a zombie (point values vary on whether you kill with a gun or knife).
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Who is God in cod Zombies?

The Forsaken - An Elder God who is the main antagonist of Black Ops Cold War Zombies. Kortifex - An Elder God who is the main antagonist of Call of Duty: Vanguard Zombies.
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Who made element 115 Zombies?

in 2003 a joint research between Russia and America was able to actually produce a synthetic element 115 as well as 3 other variants. They held with the properties described by Lazar.
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Where did element 115 come from?

It has 115 protons, is radioactive, and was created in a lab in Dubna, Russia through a joint effort between U.S. and Russia scientists. By accelerating calcium ions and shooting them at the element, americium, these scientists made moscovium, which quickly decayed (or broke down) into nihonium.
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Does the t-virus create zombies?

by design, zombies are often unintentional side-effects of humans who are infected by the T-virus, a name given to a series of a family of RNA virus strains called "Progenitor virus", which causes death or drastic mutations to its hosts.
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Are infected zombies dead?

Unlike any other zombie apocalypse, the infected are not dead beings but instead have been taken over by what's known as the cordyceps infection, a real-life fungus that mutated from infecting animals to infecting humans, which makes it all the more terrifying.
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Why are zombies called infected?

They never died, nor were they ever reborn; instead, a terrifying fungus crawled through their insides and took over control of their still-living bodies. Thus, the proper term for these creatures is “infected,” though “fungus zombies” is an oft-accepted colloquialism.
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What causes zombies?

In movies, shows, and literature, zombies are often depicted as being created (the cause of zombiism?) by an infectious virus, which is passed on via bites and contact with bodily fluids.
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How was the zombie virus created?

Thirteen new pathogens, called zombie viruses, remained infectious after millennia of freezing. The virus emerged as a result of permafrost thawing. The new strain has one of 13 viral genomes. Pandoravirus yedoma, 48,500 years old, is the longest frozen virus to become infectious.
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Who made up the first zombie?

While its roots may possibly be traced back to the zombi of the Haitian Vodou religion, the modern fictional zombie was largely developed by the works of American filmmaker George A. Romero.
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Who is behind cod Zombies?

Call of Duty: World at War – Zombies (also known as simply Call of Duty: Zombies) was a first-person shooter video game developed by Ideaworks Game Studio, and published by Activision for iOS. It was a spin-off of the Call of Duty series, and based on the Zombies mode of Call of Duty: World at War.
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Who is the leader of cod Zombies?

Jason Blundell is a British video game producer and creative director. He is best known for his work on the Call of Duty Zombies franchise.
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Which Call of Duty has origins Zombies?

DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012). The Apocalypse map pack introduces Origins, Treyarch's deepest and most imaginative zombies experience yet. DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops II (2012). The Apocalypse map pack introduces Origins, Treyarch's deepest and most imaginative zombies experience yet.
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