What mobs spawn in peaceful?

Peaceful. No hostile mobs can spawn naturally, except for shulkers, hoglins, zoglins, piglin brutes, evokers‌ [Bedrock Edition only], vindicators‌ [Bedrock Edition only], and the ender dragon. Llamas are the only mob that are able to do damage in this difficulty.
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What does not spawn on peaceful?

Peaceful mode is both peaceful and difficult because one of the core facets of it is that hostile mobs don't spawn. This means that anything obtained by killing a hostile mob (e.g. monster drops) or anything that requires a hostile mob (traps for your friends and certain redstone contraptions) is impossible.
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Does peaceful mode get rid of mobs?

What is peaceful mode in Minecraft? No hostile mobs will spawn while in Peaceful, and all existing hostile mobs will despawn, including Elder Guardians and Withers but NOT the Ender Dragon, as well as neutral mobs (enderman, spider, etc. with the exception of wolves).
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Are there Creepers in peaceful mode?

All enemies appear in all difficulties except for peaceful. There are no neutral or aggressive mobs on peaceful. They're those weird noises you hear while in caves. It wouldn't be peaceful if Creepers were around.
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Can zombies spawn in peaceful?

Any zombie variant can transform a villager into a zombie villager. The probability depends on the difficulty: 0% chance in Peaceful (no zombies spawn) and Easy.
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Will endermen spawn in peaceful?

Endermen require 3 blocks to spawn. They spawn in dark areas, at night or underground in the Overworld and Nether. In the End, they spawn much more regularly, in any lighting conditions. Endermen, unlike some other neutral mobs, do not spawn at all on the peaceful difficulty.
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Can spiders spawn in peaceful mode?

only peaceful mobs like cows, sheep, chickens, rabbits, etc. spawn in peaceful mode. no hostile mobs like creepers, spiders, endermen, skeletons, etc. will spawn, however.
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What mobs don't spawn in peaceful mode?

Peaceful. No hostile mobs can spawn naturally, except for shulkers, hoglins, zoglins, piglin brutes, evokers‌ [Bedrock Edition only], vindicators‌ [Bedrock Edition only], and the ender dragon. Llamas are the only mob that are able to do damage in this difficulty.
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Can you befriend a creeper?

Unfortunately, there's no current way to tame creepers in vanilla Minecraft, the only way to do it as of the 1.16 update is with mods.
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What is the rarest creeper in Minecraft?

7 Charged Creeper

Many players will be shocked to know that Creepers have a rare variant. During a thunderstorm, if a Creeper is struck by lightning, it will transform into a Charged Creeper. Charged Creepers are capable of powerful explosions and should be approached with caution.
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Does peaceful turn off trophies?

Switching to easy or even peaceful won't disable trophies, it's only creative that will. Unless the specific trophy you're going for is specified that it needs to be set in a certain mode.
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What mobs can hurt you in peaceful mode?

Peaceful mode is the safest mode to use. In this mode, hostile mobs will not spawn and deal damage, with the exception of the ender dragon.
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Are there any monsters in peaceful mode?

In peaceful mode, the answer is generally no, there are no hostile monsters that spawn naturally in Minecraft. This means zombies, creepers, skeletons, spiders, and other classic enemies won't attack you during the day or night.
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Do Piglins spawn in peaceful?

Piglins have a 50% chance of spawning with either a sword or a crossbow. They also have a 10% chance per armor slot of spawning with golden armor, meaning they have a 34.39% chance of spawning with any armor and a 0.01% chance of spawning with a full set. Piglins spawn in Peaceful mode, but are passive to players.
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Do guardians spawn in peaceful mode?

--> Elder Guardian does not spawn on Peaceful, or despawns upon switching to Peaceful. This may have negative implications on unexplored Ocean Monuments as Elder Guardians may no longer be present, as they cannot respawn upon switching out of Peaceful.
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What do creepers hate the most?

That's right, this terrifying creature is known only as The Cat! For whatever reason, creepers are deathly afraid of cats and ocelots. They'll immediately start running away from these furry creatures the moment they get within range. This is despite the fact that cats and ocelots won't bother attacking creepers.
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What do creepers hate in Minecraft?

Creepers are scared of cats, and they will run away from them when they get too close.
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Can you get blaze powder in peaceful?

Blaze powder is essential to beating Minecraft and obtaining an elytra, but sadly peaceful mode players can't get their hands on it and are unable to use many of the late game items such as potions, beacons, and the entire end dimension.
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Will the warden spawn in peaceful mode bedrock?

Wardens in peaceful mode should still spawn, but not kill when spotted.
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What mobs can't spawn on?

Mobs cannot spawn on carpets because they are not a full block. Snow layers of thicknesses 2 to 7 prevent hostile mobs from spawning. Mobs cannot spawn on buttons, levers, pressure plates, and all types of rails. Mobs other than water mobs are unable to spawn in water.
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Can wardens spawn in peaceful?

peaceful mode is the hardest difficulty in Minecraft. no hostile mobs spawn in your Minecraft.
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Do chests spawn in peaceful mode?

Yes, spawners and treasure chests appear in peaceful mode because the map generator makes them, but the spawner does not spawn. Try making a boat and sailing along coastlines, I'm sure you'll find some reeds or cactuses. He wants to knw if they only spawn in Peaceful mode because he's never seen one.
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Do shulkers spawn in peaceful?

Shulkers can spawn in Peaceful Mode; however, they will not attack the Player. This trait is also shared with Vindicators and Evokers.
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Can you get Ender Eyes in peaceful?

Eyes of ender were formerly obtainable via villager trading, but now it is impossible. However, if one is super lucky, (literally one in a trillion) they can find a stronghold with all end portal frames already filled; this way, they can access the End in Peaceful, one such seed is 153528141396417860.
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