What Pokemon can Eevee breed with?
If you have a female Eevee, put it in the daycare with something like a Bidoof. If you have a male Eevee, you'll need to get a Ditto or female Eevee to make more Eevees. Female Eevee + Male Ground Egg Group Pokemon (Chimchar, Piplup, Bidoof, Shinx, etc.)Can you breed an Eevee with a Ditto?
Evolving EeveeTo do this, we recommend breeding your Eevee with a Ditto, rather than catching additional Eevees. To breed, place Eevee and Ditto in your party and then have a picnic; this will eventually cause an egg to appear in the basket near your table that can be picked up.
Can Eevee breed with evolutions?
Yes, breeding any evolution of Eevee will result in an egg of Eevee.Can you breed Eevee and vaporeon?
You know you can breed any evolution of eevee with a ditto to get another eevee. since you're getting an Eevee breed it with the Jolteon, if they're different genders. it will work because my boyfriend gave me an Eevee and i bred it with my Vaporeon. they were making eggs like every two seconds.Can Eevee breed with Smeargle?
Breed the male Smeargle with a female Eevee/any evolution to get an Eevee who will know Wish. Both Smeargle and Eevee are part of the Ground Egg Group.What Pokémon can Eevee breed with?
What can breed with an Eevee?
If you have a male Eevee, you'll need to get a Ditto or female Eevee to make more Eevees. Female Eevee + Male Ground Egg Group Pokemon (Chimchar, Piplup, Bidoof, Shinx, etc.)What egg group is Eevee in?
Field Egg Group - Pokemon Sun & Pokemon Moon Guide - IGN.Can Eevee breed with Jolteon?
It works with all of them. Breeding any Eevee evolution(Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon) gets you an Eevee.Can 2 male Eevees breed?
This is entirely false. In order to get an Eevee egg with a male Eevee, it needs to breed with either a Ditto, or a female Eevee/lution.Can pichu breed with Eevee?
You don't breed Pichu, you breed Pikachu or Raichu.Is Espeon breedable?
Yes, you can breed Espeon. Its eggs will hatch into Eevee.Is Sylveon Breedable?
When you breed a Pokemon, the Pokemon that comes out of the egg will be the first evolution stage of the female. That being said, if you breed a female Sylveon, an Eevee will come out.Can you breed a female Eevee?
Is it possible to breed a female like this? Yes it is possible. The thing is the number generator that determines these things doesn't care how many you've actually hatched. It is gonna start from scratch every egg unless you RNG abuse (which I do not approve of).Who Cannot breed with Ditto?
Ditto has the unique ability to breed with any Pokémon in the game, except those that belong in the No Eggs Discovered Group.How to breed Eevee silver?
In order to breed, you'll need to take two Pokemon to the Day-Care Center. The Day-Care Center is the house just south of Goldenrod City which is home to an old man and an old lady. You'll be giving one of your Pokemon to each of them. Note: It doesn't matter which person receives which Pokemon!What can breed with Umbreon?
(Note, if your Umbreon is a male, you'll have to breed it with a Ditto to get a baby Eevee, as only the female will pass the species down in any other situation.)Can you breed with a vaporeon?
So yes, breeding Vaporeon with Ditto will get you an Eevee. This also works with Ditto except you can use any Pokemon including males and genderless. The only Pokemon that cannot breed are those in the undiscovered egg group which mainly consists of legendaries.Can Eevee breed with Ditto?
your Eevee and ditto will eventually breed, just keep walking up and down from the moomoo milk bar at route 210 to the hollowed tower at route 209, the guy will eventually look out towards the road, that's when you know thet they've successfully made an egg.Can Eevee breed with its evolution?
Eevee, under the right conditions, evolves into one of many Eeveelutions, which in turn can evolve no further, but can breed with other Eeveelutions and Dittos to produce Eevees.Can you breed Eevee Fire Red?
Breed an eevee with a ditto and a eevee of the opposite gender. Dude, catch a Ditto, put Eevee and Ditto into a day-care, do some adventures, come back, and you will have an Eevee egg.How do you breed Eevee with wish?
Breed it with either a Pikachu/Raichu or Skitty/Delcatty till you get a male offspring which also has Wish. Breed this with a female Eevee to get a Wish Eevee. 'Success rates are but scientific theory. A brave heart will defy any odds!'Is there a rainbow Eevee?
Rainbow Eevee is a cute Eevee. She is a basically Rainbow Dash but Eevee version. She has Rainbow Hair, sky blue fur coat, and pink eyes. Her best friend is Farine the Puppy.Who can cyclizar breed with?
Cyclizar's egg groups: FieldAlternatively, if you already have a Cyclizar with the egg move it can breed with Ditto.
Can you breed absol?
Absol can breed with any Pokémon that's part of the Field Egg Group, as well as Ditto.
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