What Pokémon does Gimmighoul evolve into?

Once you've given 999 Gimmighoul Coins to Roaming Form Gimmighoul, it can evolve into Gholdengo.
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What happens when you get 999 Gimmighoul coins?

Once you have 999 Gimmighoul Coins in your inventory, just level up your Gimmighoul to evolve it into Gholdengo. Doing this will consume 999 Gimmighoul Coins, so make sure to evolve one you like.
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How to evolve Gimmighoul with 999 coins?

Once you have collected 999 Gimmighoul Coins (the max you can carry), add a Gimmighoul to your party and level it up once with a Rare Candy, EXP Candy, or by battling it. It will then evolve into Gholdengo, but will consume the coins.
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How many Gimmighouls can you evolve?

In SV you only needed to have 999 Gimmighoul coins in your bag. As long as you had enough you can evolve as many Gimmighouls as you want.
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How to evolve level 100 in Gimmighoul?

when you receive your level 100 unevolved Pokemon, don't try to battle with it to evolve it. instead, open up your inventory, select rare candy, and give it to your Pokemon. and boom, your Pokemon will evolve.
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How to Get All 999 Coins & How to Evolve Gimmighoul in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Is Gimmighoul a legendary in Pokémon?

Known as the Coin Chest Pokémon, Gimminghoul is one of very few non-legendary Pokémon to appear in two forms - Chest and Roaming.
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Is Gholdengo a legendary?

Gholdengo feels a little pointless, like it was shoved in there to match its coin gimmick or something. The fact it's not a pseudo Legendary but is still slotted in after the Paradox Pokemon makes it feel so forced.
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Who is Pokemon 999?

Gimmighoul is a small, blue-gray, metallic, bipedal Pokémon, with bands of two thin black stripes present around its torso and between its gold, circular eyes.
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Can you get a shiny Gimmighoul?

Much like when it appeared last year, it has a chance to be shiny, which is currently the only way to get a shiny Gimmighoul (and by extension, Gholdengo) in the entire series. The Gimmighoul raid has shiny odds of 1/4103, which is actually slightly worse than the game's standard shiny odds of 1/4096.
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Why isn't my Gimmighoul evolving?

You need 999 Gimmighoul Coins in your possession and, once you have them all, level Gimmighoul up one more time to trigger their evolution. No, that's not a typo. It takes 999 coins.
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How to get 999 gimmi coins?

You'll need 999 Gimmighoul Coins to evolve your Gimmighoul, and you can get coins by defeating Chest Form Gimmighoul, finding Roaming Form Gimmighoul, or by sending Postcards from Pokémon GO to Pokémon Scarlet or Violet.
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Is evolving Gimmighoul worth it?

It may seem like a lot of work, but evolving Gimmighoul is worth it. Gholdengo adds the Steel-type to the Pokémon and has impressive health and special attack base stats. The combination of types also gives it quite a few immunities and resistance, with the only true weaknesses being Ground, Ghost, Fire, and Dark.
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Can you breed Gimmighoul?

Accepted Answer. They cant breed. You must catch it or use bottle caps to raise the IVs.
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Can you breed Gholdengo with Ditto?

No. Wild Gimmighoul are not guaranteed good IVs by any stretch of the imagination, and as they can't breed, this can't be rectified with Ditto. Best you can realistically do is Hyper Train.
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Who is the 1000th Pokémon?

Gholdengo is Pokemon No. 1,000. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet brought the number of Pokemon beyond 1,000 when the games hit Nintendo Switch last November, and on Thursday the Pokemon Company released a video celebrating the milestone.
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What is the 666th Pokémon?

Vivillon - #0666 - Pokémon GO - Serebii.net.
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Who is Pokémon 777?

Togedemaru - #777 - Serebii.net Pokédex.
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Who is the weakest legendary?

Cosmog isn't just the weakest legendary Pokémon of all time; it's the worst Pokémon in the franchise. It has the same base stat total as Magikarp and only has access to Teleport and Splash.
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Why isn't Spiritomb legendary?

Spiritomb - The DP Pokédex Book incorrectly states that Spiritomb is a Legendary Pokémon. This confused many fans and was either believed to be true or was put off as an error, Similar to Rotom, Spinda and Delibird, this is just an error out of many in the DP Pokédex Book.
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Why is Gholdengo ghost?

Gimmighoul and Gholdengo's ghost magic would probably come from the coins. Gimmighoul would collect a lot of coins, the coins would have transformed by coming together into a single entity, Gholdengo. The coin curse : The mystical power of coins is said to come from the designs on the coins.
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Is Suicune a girl?

Suicune is a genderless species but it is referred as a male in Pokémon Adventures.
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Can Gimmighoul have a mark?

Here's a Pokemon you're sure to treasure—you can receive a Chest Form Gimmighoul with the Upbeat Mark in your Pokémon Scarlet or Pokémon Violet game via Mystery Gift! When you assign the Upbeat Mark to Gimmighoul, it will be imparted with the title “Gimmighoul the Chipper” when sent into battle.
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Who evolves into kyogre?

Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kyogre) is a Water-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. While it is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon, Kyogre can undergo Primal Reversion and become Primal Kyogre if it holds the Blue Orb.
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