What Pokemon evolve with a King's Rock?

Currently, there are 2 applicable Pokemon who can use this item: Slowpoke can use the Kings Rock and 50 Slowpoke Candy to evolve into Slowking - or just the candy to evolve into Slowbro. Poliwhirl can also use the Kings Rock and 100 Politwag Candy to evolve into Politoed - or just the candy to evolve into Poliwrath.
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What moves work with Kings Rock?

Moves affected by King's Rock
  • Cut.
  • Fly.
  • Self-Destruct.
  • Seismic Toss.
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What evolves with Dragon Scale?

The Dragon Scale is one of the new Evolution Items that can be used in conjunction with Pokemon Candy to evolve some of the Gen 1 Pokemon to new Gen 2 evolutions. Currently, the applicable Pokemon for this item is Seadra, who can be evolved into Kingdra using a Dragon Scale and 100 Horsea Pokemon Candy.
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Which Pokémon hold Kings Rock?

King's Rock may be found held by wild Poliwhirl, Poliwrath, Politoed, Slowpoke, Slowbro, Slowking, Hariyama, or Hawlucha.
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Which Pokémon need metal coats to evolve?

Currently, there are two applicable Pokemon for this item: Onix, who can now be evolved into Steelix using 1 Metal Coat and 50 Onix Candy. Scyther can also use 50 Scyther Candy and 1 Metal Coat in Pokemon Go to evolve into Scizor.
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Pokemon Go: Evolution Items and How to Use Them

Which Pokemon need King's Rock to evolve?

Currently, there are 2 applicable Pokemon who can use this item: Slowpoke can use the Kings Rock and 50 Slowpoke Candy to evolve into Slowking - or just the candy to evolve into Slowbro. Poliwhirl can also use the Kings Rock and 100 Politwag Candy to evolve into Politoed - or just the candy to evolve into Poliwrath.
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Can you evolve Onix without a Metal Coat?

Onix only evolves if it holds a metal coat before being traded. There is no other way.
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Which is better, Slowbro or Slowking?

Deciding which one is “better” really depends on how you plan to use them in Pokemon GO. Slowbro is lauded for its solid defense and impressive special defense, making it a tough nut to crack in battles. Meanwhile, Slowking boasts a higher special attack, which can deal more damage under the right circumstances.
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How to evolve Slowpoke into Slowking?

After purchasing the King's Rock, give it to your Slowpoke. Then, you'll need to find a trusty friend and connect to the internet, and trade your Slowpoke while it holds the item. The Slowpoke will evolve into Slowking upon evolution! Now you just need your friend to send it back.
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Does Slowking consume Kings Rock?

A King's Rock is a held item that grants the holder's damaging attacks a 10% chance of causing the target to flinch. It is also an evolution item that can be used to evolve Poliwhirl and Slowpoke into Politoed and Slowking respectively, when held while trading or using a link cable. This consumes the King's Rock.
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What evolves with a dawn stone?

Effect. If the player offers a Dawn Stone at Luminous Spring, male Kirlia and female Snorunt can be evolved into Gallade and Froslass, respectively.
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Who evolves from Moon Stone?

Clefairy (evolves into Clefable) Jigglypuff (evolves into Wigglytuff) Skitty (evolves into Delcatty) Munna (evolves into Musharna)
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What evolves with sun stone?

The Sun Stone causes the following Pokémon to evolve:
  • Gloom (evolves into Bellossom)
  • Sunkern (evolves into Sunflora)
  • Cottonee (evolves into Whimsicott)
  • Petilil (evolves into Lilligant)
  • Helioptile (evolves into Heliolisk)
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How can I use Kings Rock?

Usage. King's Rocks are used to evolve certain Pokémon. Once obtained, Slowpoke and Poliwhirl can be evolved with the item alongside their candy cost. The item is consumed upon evolving the Pokémon.
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Does King's Rock stack?

Accepted Answer. Anyhow, from what I could dig up, King's Rock does *not* stack with moves that have a Flinch chance, so in turn also would not stack with Serene Grace boosts on said moves.
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Does King's Rock increase flinch chance?

A Pokémon holding a King's Rock or Razor Fang has a 10% chance of causing a target to flinch when using any attacking move that does not already have a chance to cause flinching.
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How to get Slowking without trading?

Galarian Slowpoke has two evolutions, but both use a similar evolution method. Like in Sword and Shield, you will need to use the Galarica Cuff and Galarica Wreath to get Slowbro and Slowking, respectively. There is an NPC in the Coastal Plaza who will make these items for you.
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How evolves charcadet?

Either way, the Charcadet you want to evolve will need to be set as your buddy. Once it is, do the following to evolve it: To evolve Charcadet into Armarouge, defeat 30 psychic-type Pokémon in battle. To evolve Charcadet into Ceruledge, defeat 30 ghost-type Pokémon in battle.
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What level should I evolve Slowpoke to?

How to Evolve Slowpoke. Slowpoke can evolve into either Slowbro at Level 37 or Slowking by trading while holding a King's Rock.
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What is the strongest Slowpoke evolution?

Meet Slowbro, the Ultimate Evolution

Because it's a powerhouse in battles, thanks to its impressive defense and solid attack stats. Plus, it looks pretty cool with its Shellder helmet!
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Who can defeat Slowking?

The best Pokemon Go Slowking counters are Necrozma - Dawn Wings, Mega Gengar, Mega Banette, Giratina Origin, Mega Tyranitar & Shadow Magnezone.
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Is Slowking a rare Pokemon?

According to The Complete Pokémon Pocket Guide, it has such an easygoing personality that it is never stressed. Slowking is rarely found in the wild, though it can be found by the water's edge.
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How do I get Steelix by myself?

In order to evolve your Onix into Steelix, you'll need an item called Metal Coat. Once your Onix is holding the Metal Coat, trading it will trigger the evolution into Steelix. In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, you can make Steelix evolve into Mega Steelix during battles.
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Is Steelix better than Onix?

Onix is faster than Steelix. I really could see a defensive Eviolite Onix setup working (of course, it would still have Earthquake to defend itself if need be). Of course, for offensive power, I'd still go the Steelix route... I am a die hard Pokemon fan to the most, including the traditional hate of Yu-Gi-Oh.
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Can Scyther evolve without Metal Coat?

It is required in order to evolve Scyther into Scizor. If you're trying to get it from a wild Pokémon, you'll need to catch the Pokémon and see if it's holding the Metal Coat.
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