What Pokémon is strong against Growlithe?

The best Pokemon Go Growlithe counters are Primal Kyogre, Shadow Kyogre, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Crawdaunt, Shadow Groudon & Primal Groudon.
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What defeats a Growlithe?

Growlithe weaknesses

Growlithe is weaker to Rock, Fire, Water, Dragon type Pokémon and vulnerable to Ground, Rock, Water type Pokémon in a battle.
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Is Growlithe weak to Water?

In terms of weaknesses, it's weak to rock and fighting, and 4 times weak to water and ground. Meanwhile it quad resists fire, and resists bug, fairy, flying, normal, and poison.
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Who is strong against Arcanine?

The best Pokemon Go Arcanine counters are Primal Kyogre, Primal Groudon, Shadow Kyogre, Shadow Groudon, Mega Swampert & Mega Garchomp.
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How to defeat Shadow Growlithe?

Resisting the quick attack and using Pokemon that can force the shadow Pokemon to use their shields is the best way to beat these tough foes!
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How STRONG Is Arcanine in EVERY Pokemon Game?

What is super effective against Growlithe?

To defeat Growlithe in Pokemon Go you must take advantage of its Type Weakness(es). Being a Fire Type, Growlithe is vulnerable against Rock, Ground and Water Type Moves.
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What Pokémon is Growlithe weak against?

Growlithe is a Fire type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Ground, Rock and Water moves.
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What kills Arcanine?

Hisuian Arcanine is a level 36 rock- and fire-type, opening it up to a plethora of weaknesses. You can use water-, ground-, fighting-, or rock-type moves against it. Water- and ground-type moves will actually deal quadrupled damage.
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What is a Fire-type weakness?

Fire-type moves are super effective against Bug-, Grass-, Ice-, and Steel-type Pokémon, while Fire-type Pokémon are weak to Ground-, Rock-, and Water-type moves.
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What type is Growlithe?

Growlithe (Japanese: ガーディ Gardie) is a Fire-type Pokémon introduced in Generation I.
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Is Growlithe a rare Pokémon?

It allll depends on the population and terrain. Growlithe and Machop are super common in places like Santa Monica Pier (well they have every pokemon) and many places in California. Scyther and Abra tend to be more rare but I've seen several of each. In my experience, Abra tends to be the rarest of the 4.
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Is Arcanine a legendary?

In some locations, such as China, Arcanine is seen as a Legendary Pokémon, where it's revered for its speed and power; it is also categorized as Legendary in An Illustrated Book of POCKET MONSTERS.
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What counters Growlithe?

The best Pokemon Go Growlithe counters are Primal Kyogre, Shadow Kyogre, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Crawdaunt, Shadow Groudon & Shadow Rampardos.
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Who wins Charizard or Arcanine?

Arcanine has the upper hand with physical attacks as it has a higher stat and a great assortment of moves like Close Combat, Wild Charge and Extreme Speed that Charizard doesn't get.
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What is Delta Arcanine weak to?

  • Water.
  • Fighting.
  • Ground.
  • Rock.
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What is the strongest type against Fire?

Fire-type attacks are strong against: Bug, Steel, Grass and Ice-type Pokémon. Fire-type Pokémon are weak to: Ground, Rock and Water-type attacks.
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What is a ghost type weak to?

Ghost types are weak to Dark and other Ghost type attacks. They're resistant against Bug and Poison. They're immune from Fighting and Normal (Normal is immune to Ghost, too). Ghost attacks does double damage to Psychic type Pokémon.
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What's weak to ice-type?

Ice-type moves are super effective against Dragon-, Flying-, Grass-, and Ground-type Pokémon, while Ice-type Pokémon are weak to Fighting-, Fire-, Rock-, and Steel-type moves.
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What is most effective against Arcanine?

Arcanine is a Tier 3 Legendary Raid Boss in Pokémon GO (19534 Combat Power). The best counters are strong Water and Rock-types such as Kyogre, Rampardos, Terrakion, Rhyperior, and Swampert. Arcanine is weak to Ground, Rock, and Water moves.
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Is Arcanine weak?

He's just one of the worst Fire types, in the game, with decent stat spread, but not fast, and is x4 weak to water and Ground, and x2 weak to alot of other types. Its still Arcanine, but its a bad Arcanine. Most Fire types are better. Typhlosion is a lot better, and Infernape is better than Typhlosion.
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Who can defeat Arcanine?

As a Fire/Rock-type Pokémon, Arcanine remains very weak to Water Pokémon. Those chose Oshawott as their starter will have an advantage during this fight, but even players who have not previously focused on catching Water Pokémon will have tons to choose from in the surrounding area.
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Is Growlithe in red or blue?

A Pokémon with a friendly nature. However, it will bark fiercely at anything invading its territory. Locations: Sorry, Pokemon Blue owners -- Growlithe doesn't appear in your game. But you can trade with Red or Yellow owners, who find this excellent Fire type in the Pokemon Mansion.
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