What Pokémon is strongest?

Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon. This Normal type Mythical Pokémon is the creator of the universe and thus the closest that the Pokémon world has to a god. When it hatched from its egg, Arceus brought with it time, space, and antimatter in the form of the Creation Trio.
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Which Pokémon is most powerful?

Eternatus' Eternamax form is known as the strongest Pokémon from a purely statistical perspective, as it is tied with Mega Rayquaza, Mega Mewtwo X, and Mega Mewtwo for the highest base stats of discovered Pokémon in the franchise.
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What is the strongest Pokémon type?

Steel is now the most powerful typing in the entire franchise, mainly because of its many type resistances and strengths of its own. Steel-type Pokemon's weaknesses against Fire, Fighting, and Ground can be significant in some match-ups, but their generally-high Defense tends to help them out.
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Is Arceus stronger than Mewtwo?

With the capability to switch his type on the go, Arceus would be able to land the Bug-, Dark-, and Ghost-type attacks that Mewtwo is weak against. Mewtwo might be able to get in one or two hits, but Arceus' type changes would also mean that Mewtwo's attacks would hit at low or zero damage.
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What is the top 10 Pokémon of all time?

The top 10 greatest Pokémon of all time are Pikachu, Charizard, Mewtwo, Gyarados, Blastoise, Dragonite, Gengar, Snorlax, Lucario, and Rayquaza. These Pokémon have captured the hearts of fans worldwide with their unique designs, powerful moves, and memorable appearances in the Pokémon franchise.
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9 Biggest Mistakes Noobs Make in Pokémon GO

What Pokémon is #1 in the Pokedex?

The first Pokémon, Bulbasaur, is number 0001 and the last, Mew, is number 0151. Alternate forms that result in type changes are included for convenience. Mega evolutions and regional forms are included on the pages for the generation in which they were introduced.
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Who is the 1000 Pokémon?

1,000 is Gholdengo. This Steel/Ghost type is the evolved form of Gimmighoul, which transforms if leveled up after you collect 999 Gimmighoul Coins. There are a total of 1,008 Pokemon, with Violet cover star Miraidon as the final entry in the current Pokedex.
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Who can defeat Mew?

The best Pokemon Go Mew counters are Necrozma - Dawn Wings, Mega Gengar, Mega Tyranitar, Shadow Tyranitar, Mega Banette & Shadow Chandelure.
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Can Rayquaza beat Mewtwo?

Mega rayquaza will easily be victorious over mega mewtwo as rayquaza doesn't require a mega stone to evolve.
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Could Mew beat Mewtwo?

In a fight between Mewtwo and Mew, the winner would be Mew. Both Pokemon have immense power and physical attributes, but Mew emerged victorious since he has far superior intelligence over his clone.
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What's the weakest Pokemon?

What is the first weakest Pokemon? The first weakest Pokemon is Shedinja, with a base stat total of 236. Although it has a 90 attack, this feeble creature only has 1 HP, which means it instantly dies after getting one hit.
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Which Pokemon has no weakness?

The Eelektross line (Tynamo, Eelektrik, and Eelektross) all lack any weaknesses. The reason for this is that they are pure Electric-type Pokémon that can only possess the Levitate ability. Levitate makes the user immune to Ground-type moves, which is the primary opponent to Electric-type users.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

The best Pokemon Go Arceus counters are Terrakion, Mega Heracross, Keldeo, Mega Blaziken, Lucario & Mega Rayquaza.
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Can Pikachu defeat Mewtwo?

Pikachu is nowhere near the top 10 strongest Pokemon. I can understand that Pikachu may seem extremely strong due to Ashe's Pikachu being exceptionally powerful. However even Ashe's Pikachu just can't compare against the legendary and mythical Pokémon in the franchise.
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What is the rarest Pokémon?

Meltan and Melmetal are classified as Mythical Pokémon, one of the rarest categories of Pokémon that there is. While many Meltan were shown initially, these Meltan eventually merged with Ash's Meltan so it could evolve, creating the first known example of a Melmetal.
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Can Ash Pikachu defeat Arceus?

In the anime, Arceus is weak to QUICKSILVER, which is used to try to kill him in the past. Ash's Pikachu has ridiculous plot armor, which has made the anime very boring to watch, but realistically, Arceus would wipe out Ash's whole team.
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Who is stronger, Mew or Arceus?

The Answer is simple Arceus is the strongest Pokemon. Many compare Mewtwo's storm attack & arceus's judgement attack and those attack's effects . Mew isn't aggressive and rarely goes on the offensive, unlike many other powerful legendary Pokémon who have an overwhelming aura.
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Who is stronger than Arceus?

no pokemon in its normal form is stronger, yet Eternamax and mega evolution can beat arceus. Take mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo. Their base stats are 780, arceus' is 720.
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Who would win Arceus or Rayquaza?

In a 1v1 battle, Arceus would definitely win because it could change into an ice type and use a 4x effective move on Rayquaza (it has a 4x weakness to ice).
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Can Gengar defeat Mewtwo?

Gengar might not be as rare or powerful as a legendary Pokemon, but it can certainly put up a good fight against Mewtwo. These two Gen 1 powerhouses have remained some of the strongest of their type since first being introduced, receiving various forms and tweaks along the way.
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Does Ash catch a Mew?

Ash's Mewtwo is the first Pokémon that Ash caught after the final battle with Team Rocket, and his one-hundred-and-second overall.
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Who is stronger, Greninja or Mewtwo?

A level 30 Greninja with 2275 CP is defeated by a level 60 Mewtwo with 66318 CP in this battle simulation.
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What Pokémon is 999?

Gimmighoul (Japanese: コレクレー Collecurei) is a Ghost-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IX. It evolves into Gholdengo when leveled up while the player has 999 Gimmighoul Coins.
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Who is Pokémon #000?

It bears mentioning that Victini is only listed at #000 in the Unova Pokédex. Victini is listed at #494 in the National Pokédex, which means that Bulbasaur is still the first Pokémon on the list.
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Who is Pokémon 777?

Togedemaru - #777 - Serebii.net Pokédex.
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