What race is best for holy Paladin?

With Dwarf currently being the top race for Holy Paladins in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits:
  • Dark Iron Dwarf. ...
  • Earthen.
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Which race for Holy Paladin?

But if you absolutely want to squeeze every ounce of value possible, for Alliance and overall its recommended you go with Dwarf, having an additional defense and the ability to almost ignore certain mechanics is just too powerful compared to any other racial. For Horde it's recommended you go with Blood Elf.
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What is the best race for Holy Paladin in war within?

Tauren. If you plan to choose Horde as your faction for Holy Paladin in The War Within PvP, Tauren is your best option to choose from.
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What race makes the best Paladin?

The Best DnD 5e Paladin Races
  • Variant Human and Custom Lineage Provide Obscene Value. ...
  • Orcs Allow For Aggressive Mobility. ...
  • Aasimar Fit Mechanically and Aesthetically. ...
  • Shadar-Kai Are Grim, Mobile, and Hard to Kill. ...
  • Autognomes Fit Specific Paladin Builds Well. ...
  • Dhampir Opens Up A Very Unusual Paladin Build.
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What is the best race for Holy Paladin in Cata?

Blood Elf. If you plan to play Horde for Holy Paladin in Cataclysm PvP, Blood Elf is your best option.
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How To Pick THE BEST Race for Your Class?

What is the best race for holy Paladins in wrath?

Best Races for Holy Paladin Healer in Wrath of the Lich King

For Alliance, the decision is between Human, Dwarf, and Draenei. Humans have Will to Survive which is a PvP trinket without taking up a slot; it is very useful having it as an option to get out of a potentially threatening situation.
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What stats should a Holy Paladin focus on?

Best Stats for Holy Paladin

Intellect itself is our best stat and as such you will prioritize higher item level pieces in most cases. All secondary stats are good and very close in value, so don't stress on which secondaries you have until you're at max item level and are comparing otherwise similar pieces.
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Who is the strongest Paladin?

As long as a paladin believes their cause is just, they can become formidable.
  • 8 Maraad.
  • 7 Alexandros Morgraine.
  • 6 Bolvar Fordragon.
  • 5 Arthas Menethil.
  • 4 Yrel.
  • 3 Uther the Lightbringer.
  • 2 Tirion Fordring.
  • 1 Turalyon.
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Which Paladin is the best?

In short, the Oath of Redemption is the best D&D 5e Paladin subclass if you want to tank, talk enemies down, flex combat utility, or do basically anything other than kill bad guys. Even then, it's pretty good at that last bit. These have been the five best Paladin subclasses in D&D 5e.
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Which Paladin spec is best?

Retribution is the best spec to level your paladin in Classic WoW.
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How good is Holy Paladin?

Holy Paladin in The War Within

Holy Shock has received many talents to increase its power and have the ability to feel as strong as ever. Regardless of whether you prefer Mythic+, Arena, or even raiding, Holy Paladin will be one of the strongest healers.
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What is the best Holy Paladin profession?

Best Professions for Classic Holy Paladins

Most professions can help you make gold in some way, but gathering professions such as Mining, Herbalism, and Skinning are always great choices.
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How do I get better at Holy Paladin?

How To Improve As Holy Paladin — The War Within (Season 1)
  1. Using Your Short Cooldown Spells More Often.
  2. Using Your Longer Cooldowns Often Enough.
  3. Not Casting Enough.
  4. Making Sure Not to Directly Heal Your Beacon(s) too Often.
  5. Improve Positioning.
  6. Analyzing Your Mistakes as a Holy Paladin.
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Is Holy Paladin a healer?

Holy Paladin is a One-handed weapon, shield and plate wearing healer specialization with a wide range of damage reductions and defensives. We specialize in healing specific targets with large single target heals, commonly referred to as “spot healing”.
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Is Blood Elf paladin good?

Blood Elves are a strong second choice for their Arcane Torrent skill, which essentially works as an AoE dispel on a 2-minute cooldown. It can help in many situations.
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Can you quest as a Holy Paladin?

Holy Paladin is one of the best leveling classes in the game. You have extreme versatility in the fact that you can either tank or heal dungeons while also swapping to DPS for solo questing.
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What is the best Paladin race holy?

With Blood Elf currently being the top race for Holy Paladins in Mythic+, here are the other races that also stand out due to their advantageous traits:
  • Dark Iron Dwarf. ...
  • Earthen.
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What is the best class to mix with a Paladin?

The Paladin's Smite feature is a popular way for many classes to add a burst of damage to their weapon attacks, but they also gain great benefit from pulling from D&D classes like the Warlock and Sorcerer, resulting in uniquely powerful archetypes.
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Which Paladin does the most damage?

Some champions in Paladins shine brighter than others, either due to weapon damage or enhanced powers and movement.
  • 8 Drogoz.
  • 7 Octavia.
  • 6 Bomb King.
  • 5 Saati.
  • 4 Tiberius.
  • 3 Tyra.
  • 2 Lian.
  • 1 Cassie.
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Which Paladin class is best?

Holy Nimbus makes the Devotion paladin a shining beacon of hope, dealing radiant damage to enemies, and an advantage on saving throws against fiends and undead. Devotion paladins are an excellent balance of offense and defense, and one of the strongest subclasses available in DnD.
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What is the best god for a Paladin?

Torm and Tyr are both popular deities for paladins, as is Ilmater, who stresses self-sacrifice and the alleviation of suffering.
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Who is the most op character in Paladins?

Androxus: Androxus tops the Paladins tier list most of the time due to his ability to be an excellent flank. He has fantastic mobility and great damage output. It's everything you could want.
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What is the best profession for a Holy Paladin?

Table of Contents
  • Best Holy Paladin Professions. Tailoring. Jewelcrafting.
  • Alternative Holy Paladin Professions. Blacksmithing.
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Do holy paladins need spirit?

Spirit is not entirely useless, but it definitely is one of your least important stats since Holy Paladins generally prefer to conserve and generate mana through other stats.
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What is the best loa for Holy Paladin?

Embrace of Pa'ku is the best Loa to choose.
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