What religion is Scout?

The Boy Scouts of America have been non-sectarian in their application of a Scout is Reverent. Declaration of Religious Principle. The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God.
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Are the scouts Mormon?

As others have stated, BSA does not endorse any particular religion. In order to become an Eagle Scout, you must have your Eagle Scout Application signed by your religious leader. If you do not practice an organized religion, but worship privately in your own home, a parent can sign that line instead.
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Is Scouts connected to church?

The involvement of churches with Scouts, especially Protestant churches, goes back to the early days of the Scouting movement. “Of the 7,375 registered troops at the close of 1915, more than 4,000 were chartered to Protestant churches, and 1,645 Scoutmasters were ministers.
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Is the Girl Scouts religious?

Everything in Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which includes many of the principles and values common across religions. So while we are a secular organization, Girl Scouts has always encouraged girls to take spiritual journeys via their faiths' religious recognitions.
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What is the religious scout promise?

I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love God. I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love the world. I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love our world. I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to love God.
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Scout Religion And Politics (HD Edition)

What is the religion of Scout?

In contrast to the Christian-only Boys' Brigade which was started two decades earlier, Robert Baden-Powell founded the Scout movement as a youth organisation (with boys as 'Scouts' and girls as 'Guides') which was independent of any single faith or religion, yet still held that spirituality and a belief in a higher ...
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How religious is Scouts?

Scouts is open to everyone; we don't identify exclusively with one faith. Scouts is open to people of all faiths and of none. As an inclusive and values based movement, we support our members to engage with spirituality in an exciting and meaningful way.
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Do Scouts support LGBTQ?

It is the philosophy of Scouting to welcome all eligible youth, regardless of race, ethnic background, gender or orientation, who are willing to accept Scouting's values and meet any other requirements of membership.
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Do Girl Scouts support Lgbtq?

Girl Scouts of Northern California is proactively working towards understanding and educating ourselves on how to be good allies for our trans-identified Girl Scouts. We welcome transgender youth who are active Girl Scouts to participate in all program activities, including overnight camps/trips.
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Does a Scout have to believe in God?

The Scout Oath begins with duty to God and country, and the Scout Law ends with reverence. The Boy Scouts of America maintains that no member can grow into the best kind of citizen without recognizing an obligation to God.
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Is the Catholic Church against Girl Scouts?

Girl Scouts of the USA is proud of its 100-year relationship with the Catholic Church and is pleased that the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has on its website the following resources: Questions and Answers About Girl Scouts of the USA and About Catholic Scouting; Background on Girl Scouts of the USA and ...
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Can an atheist join Scouts?

All that is required is the acknowledgment of belief in a God as stated in the Declaration of Religious Principle and the Scout Oath, and the ability to be reverent as stated in the Scout Law. Beyond these requirements, the BSA does not require adherence to particular Christian religious beliefs.
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Is there a non religious Scouts?

Navigators USA Is A Welcoming & Secular Scouting Program

The Navigator scouting program is extremely inclusive and welcoming.
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Can you be an atheist in Girl Scouts?

Because we understand that religious instruction is at the center of many families and communities, we invite Girl Scouts to take spiritual journeys via their faith's religious recognitions. Girl Scouts is welcoming and inclusive to members of all faiths.
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Are Girl and Boy Scouts religious?

However, atheists are taking exception to the organization's claims of being inclusive for all Scouts, pointing out that the name change did not come with any change to BSA's policy of explicitly excluding those who do not express religious beliefs. Unlike the Girl Scouts, BSA requires members to believe in God.
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When did Mormons leave Scouts?

For more than a century, the Boys Scouts of America (BSA) and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (formerly LDS or Mormon Church) nurtured a partnership so deeply that one out of every five BSA members was Mormon. Then, in the spring of 2018, the BSA and LDS jointly severed their ties.
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Why can't boys join Girl Scouts?

Myth: Girl Scouts will be letting boys join soon. Fact: No, Girl Scouts has no plans to admit boys into the organization. Research shows that a girl learns best in an all-girl, girl-led, and girl-friendly environment. Our programs are designed specifically for girls at their various developmental stages through youth.
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How religious is Girl Scouts?

Everything in Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which includes many of the principles and values common to most faiths. So, while we're a secular organization, Girl Scouts has encouraged girls to take spiritual journeys via their faiths' religious recognitions since we were founded in 1912.
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Can autistic girls join Girl Scouts?

Regardless of their ability or disability, all girls have similar needs, concerns and interests and want to participate in the same activities as their friends. The key to a successful Girl Scout program is to focus on the abilities, not the disabilities.
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Can Girl Scouts wear pants?

You can wear your sash, vest, or tunic over official Girl Scout gear or over a white shirt and khaki pants or skirt. Depending on grade level, official uniform items may be blue, brown, green, or khaki. Need help with where to place badges, pins, awards, and other insignia?
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Can a woman join the Boy Scouts?

Scouting isn't just for boys anymore! As of February 2019, the BSA officially opened its doors to girls ages 11-18. This means, for the first time in history, a girl can not only join the Boy Scouts of America — She can even become an Eagle Scout!
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Is there a gender neutral scouts?

We are the only fully nondiscriminatory co-ed Scout Programs in the United States. We are co-ed because the Scout Programs of Adventure Scouts USA are committed to inclusion in all forms and equality in practices and policies.
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Do Boy Scouts accept atheists?

The Supreme Court affirmed BSA's right to exclude open agnostics or atheists from its membership in 2000. However, Unitarian Universalist Association-affiliated troops can set their own rules about whom to accept.
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Is Girls Guide religion based?

Girlguiding is open to girls from all backgrounds and beliefs. This includes girls with no faith or who have a non-religious belief system. It's important to think in advance about how you will make sure that girls from all faiths, and none, will be included in your unit.
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What is Scout spiritual?

“Scout Spirit” is simple in concept: Live by the Scout Oath and Law in your daily life. Meaning honor your God by whatever name you choose, and your country, extend your helping hand to others, and steadfastly improve yourself in body, mind, and principles.
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