What should I do with the Elder Scrolls Skyrim?

An Elder Scroll is an object of great power gained during the quest "Elder Knowledge" and used in "Alduin's Bane". Reading it will cause loss of vision for a short period of time. After the quest, you can give the Elder Scroll to Urag gro-Shub in The Arcaneum in the College of Winterhold.
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What do I do with the Elder Scrolls in Skyrim?

Elder Scroll (Sun)[edit]

You will need it during the Prophet quest—where it will be read by Dexion Evicus, rendering him blind—as well as Unseen Visions. After the Dawnguard questline, if you've sided with the Dawnguard faction, you can sell the Sun and Blood scrolls to Dexion for 6,000 gold.
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Should you keep the Elder Scroll in Skyrim?

should i keep them? You must keep the scrolls for a certain time since they are needed for the Dawnguard main quest. Otherwise, you can sell them off at the College if you have finished Dawnguard portion.
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What should I do with the Elder Scroll Dragon?

The Dragonborn won't be able to encounter the vision seen when reading the Scroll during Alduin's Bane, once the quest is completed, even if the Scroll is read atop the Throat of the World. Once in inventory, the only way to get rid of it is to sell it to Urag gro-Shub or Dexion Evicus.
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Do I have to carry the Elder Scrolls Skyrim?

Accepted Answer

The Elder Scrolls are quest items so they can not be removed from your inventory like a normal item. If you sided with the Dawnguard, you can sell the Blood and Sun scrolls to the Moth Priest for 6,000 gold.
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Can I get rid of the Elder Scrolls in Skyrim?

You remove dragon scroll by selling it to Urag gro-Shub from winterhold library. And for the sun and blood you can sell it to Dexion Evicus (The moth priest) from Dawnguard Stronghold once the Dawnguard quest is completed. You can sell all three to either character, doesn't matter.
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What do I do with the scrolls?

Scrolls are magical documents that can be used to cast spells. Anyone can use a scroll, regardless of magic skill, and casting a scroll does not use any magicka. However, each scroll can only be used once. With the exception of the Scroll of Blizzard, using a scroll does not provide any magic skill experience.
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What is the point of scrolls in Skyrim?

Scrolls are great loot items since they weigh half a unit each and have a value of up to 500 gold. However, players can also make use of that value by using them in combat.
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What is the purpose of the scrolls?

The scroll is the standard way of preserving a text in antiquity; among the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, and elsewhere, rolls were the standard form of book. The papyrus roll was known four thousand years B.C.E.
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Who to sell the Elder Scrolls to?

"The Elder Scroll is used during Alduin's Bane (the quest following Elder Knowledge) to go back in time and learn the Dragonrend Shout which will be used in Alduin's bane. After the bane is complete, the Elder Scroll can be sold to Urag gro-Shub in the Arcanaeum in College of Winterhold for 2000 septims."
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Does Skyrim ever finish?

Pretty much all quests end, some end in radiant quests that just respawn but those are not essential to play to get a storyline finished. Questlines are resolved but there's never a game ending with credits nor any kind of “post game” or new game plus.
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What is the ending of Elder Scrolls Skyrim?

Together, the Dragonborn and Paarthurnax defeat Alduin, but he escapes to Sovngarde. After negotiating a peace treaty between the Imperials and the Stormcloaks, the Dragonborn uses their resources to trap Alduin's right-hand Dragon, Odahviing, at Dragonsreach.
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Do you need the Elder Scrolls for Dragonborn?

You can do Dragonborn before the Main Quest, but you will require the scroll from main quest to finish the Dawnguard.
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Can you marry Serana?

Although it is not possible to marry vampires, including Serana, in vanilla Skyrim, it is still possible to do so with the help of mods. To make marriage with Serana possible, fans should use the Marriable Serana mod made by C0drm0nk33 and available on Nexus Mods.
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Why can't I sell Elder Scrolls to Urag?

Wiki says you can't sell them to Urag unless you side with the Dawnguard! "After completing the quest Alduin's Bane, it is possible to sell the Elder Scroll to Urag for 2000 gold. This is the only way to remove the artifact from your inventory, without installing Dawnguard."
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Should I keep scrolls in Skyrim?

The third Scroll is needed for the Main Quest, you can sell it to Urag at the College of Winterhold and buy it back if you decide to do the main . You must keep the scrolls for a certain time since they are needed for the Dawnguard main quest.
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Who should I give the Elder Scrolls to in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, how do you get rid of Elder Scrolls? Well the Dragonborn can sell them to Urag gro-Shub an Orsimer librarian of the Arcanaeum at the College of Winterhold for 2,000 gold.
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What do you do with Elder Scrolls in Skyrim?

An Elder Scroll is an object of great power gained during the quest "Elder Knowledge" and used in "Alduin's Bane". Reading it will cause loss of vision for a short period of time. After the quest, you can give the Elder Scroll to Urag gro-Shub in The Arcaneum in the College of Winterhold.
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What should I do with the Elder Scrolls?

The Elder scroll weighs 25 lbs, so a lot of people prefer to sell it if they are at a low level, without much stamina. You can sell it at the Winterhold college to the master archivist in the arcanaeum, Urug-go-shub, for 2,000 gold after you have completed the main questline.
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How do I get rid of the Elder Scrolls in Skyrim?

Accepted Answer

There is no way you can remove the Elder Scroll (Dragon) from your inventory, however although it says it weighs something it does not in fact, as it is a quest item and quest items weigh nothing.
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What to do after getting the Elder Scroll?

You can go to the college of winterhold and sell it to the orc in the library for some thousand gold.
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What is the main goal in Skyrim?

Its main story focuses on the player's character, the Dragonborn, on their quest to defeat Alduin the World-Eater, a dragon who is prophesied to destroy the world.
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What is the best weapon on Skyrim?

  • 6 The Dragonbone Mace Is A Craftable Menace In Skyrim. ...
  • 5 Miraak's Sword Is Skyrim's Strongest Sword. ...
  • 4 Dragonbane Makes Killing Skyrim Dragons A Breeze. ...
  • 3 Skyrim's Ebony Blade Comes At A Bloody Price. ...
  • 2 The Drainblood Battleaxe Lets Players Become Skyrim Draugr. ...
  • 1 The Dwarven Black Bow of Fate.
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Can you cure Serana?

You can cure Serana in Skyrim by following these steps: Don't become a vampire until you complete the Dawnguard storyline (if at all), and be kind to Serana. Defeat vampire Lord Harkon and talk to Serana shortly after the battle. If you follow the recommendations, you will have several new dialogue options.
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What is the point of Elder Scrolls?

The Elder Scrolls are a reflection of all possible futures and all possible pasts, and can affect all possible futures, even to bind one to specific outcomes. The Scrolls can see both the past and future at once, both are one to an Elder Scroll, and sometimes they even gaze "above" the stream of time.
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