What should I do with the glasses in Dishonored?

You can switch the glasses and wait for the overseer to fall from the poison and dart Curnow before he can react. Or smash both glasses and follow them to the secret room and handle it there. The best thing to do though is eliminate as many of the guards as possible before entering the room.
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Should I poison both glasses in Dishonored?

Corvo can decide whether to poison both glasses, switch them or break both. If Corvo confronts the pair directly, Curnow will become hostile. If Corvo poisons Campbell with the wine and remains undetected, Curnow will alert the guards in the next room and be accused of the murder by an Overseer.
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Should I switch the poison to Campbell's side?

Quickest and lowest-maintenance way of saving him is to just switch the poison so that Campell dies and he survives, and yes, it satisfies the quest requirements to switch the poison. If you switch the poison to Campbell's side, Curnow is saved, so long as the other Overseers don't kill him.
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Should you poison Captain Curnow?

To save Curnow from Campbell using the most obvious method, Corvo must switch the wine glasses, so that Campbell drinks the poison instead of Captain Curnow. Afterward, Curnow will be chased by the High Overseer's guards, and Corvo must fend them off to save him.
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Who should you poison in Dishonored?

Choosing how to eliminate the High Overseer Campbell | Mission 2 - High Overseer Campbell Dishonored Guide
  • Variant 1) First of all you may allow the High Overseer Campbell to poison captain Curnow. ...
  • Variant 2) Another possible variant is to switch poison to Campbell's side so that Campbell drinks the poison.
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Dishonored Combine The Two Glasses

Should I be Corvo or Emily?

If you're planning to play Dishonored for the first time, definitely pick Emily. The whole story is perfectly tailored to her character, making her more canon. This choice is a natural continuation of the plot from the first part – even the trailer focuses mainly on her.
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Does killing Campbell increase chaos?

Some human characters do not add points to the overall chaos score even when killed, such as High Overseer Campbell, Cecelia, or Samuel. In The Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches, every single kill increases chaos.
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What happens if you don't poison the false emperor?

Poison or no poison, you're going to be forced to kill the emperor. If you use the poison, well he'll keel over from that. If you elect to not use it, he'll simply keep eating soup until you decide to kill him. Basically, the end result is the same no matter what.
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How to spare Captain Curnow in Dishonored?

To save him, the simplest way is to take his unconscious body and follow the objective marker to a dumpster and leave him there. Or, you could simply let Curnow kill Campbell for you. That way, he has no trouble escaping by himself, and it saves all the time and trouble of branding Campbell (for a non-lethal) solution.
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How to save Calistas' uncle?

In order for his life to be spared, you have to deliver him to the marked dumpster. In order for his life to be spared, you have to deliver him to the marked dumpster. You can also put Campbell to sleep right when he's about to backstab the guy in the secret room.
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Can you save Curnow in Dishonored?

You can switch the glasses or destroy them, BUT if you destroy the glasses of wine then you will have to follow Curnow and save him from being stabbed in the back when he and the person who attempted to poison him are alone in the secret room with the Sokolov painting.
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How to get into Campbell's Secret Room in Dishonored?

Campbell has a secret Bat-cave room in the map "Overseer Compound". Locate the door from the compound to the kennel; directly across from the door is a statue's head. Press the left eye to open the chamber.
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What happens if you don't poison the Potage Le Magnifique?

Gianna then asks for advice making the Gourmet's signature dish, "Potage le Magnifique". The choices are unimportant except for the last minute addition of the Jarrin Root, which is crucial. Slipping in the poison, the Jarrin Root, as last ingredient is actually optional. Since the Emperor can be killed by any means.
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Which ending is best Dishonored?

The Good Ending

This ending can only be achieved with a low chaos level. Samuel drops Corvo off at Kingsparrow lighthouse, and expresses approval of the way that Corvo has handled things throughout the game, saying Corvo has earned his respect.
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Do choices matter in Dishonored?

Your Choices Matter

Dishonored is all about choice. How you dispatch your enemies, what bone charms you choose to use, who you kill and who you save - it all matters.
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Can you beat Corvo in Dishonored?

It is impossible to defeat Corvo in high chaos. When Daud performs a killing strike, he will disarm Corvo, but then (after the objective is shown as failed) Corvo will break Daud's arm and use his own sword to slit his throat. Only in low chaos is it possible to actually defeat Corvo and gain the special action.
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How do you inform Callista that Captain Curnow has survived?

If you took Curnrow to a safe location or he safely got out on his own, just finish the mission and when you return to Hounds Pitt you will be able to inform Callista.
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Can you spare everyone in Dishonored?

In either game, it is unlocked by finishing the game (excluding the prologue in Dishonored) without killing anyone. A tweet from Arkane developer Harvey Smith confirmed that wolfhounds, rats, and river krusts do not count toward body total and therefore will not lock the achievement if killed.
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What glass to poison Dishonored?

If you spill both glasses of Tyvian Red in the meeting chamber Campbell will take Curnow down to his safe room and try to shank him in the back the old fashioned way, once his sword is out you can sleep or kill him and Curnow will turn non-hostile.
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Do I give Gianna the Jarrin Root?

After giving Gianna the root, she will prepare the dish and serve it to the emperor. Technically, you don't have to serve the Jarrin Root poison, but if you don't, you'll have to defeat the Emperor in combat instead.
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Can I spare the emperor?

Nope. Killing the Emperor is integral to the DB storyline. If he was left alive, no one would fear the Dark Brotherhood... and therefore would have no power or influence in Skyrim.
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What happens if you don't bow to the emperor?

You will have to choose if you will bow to the Emperor when you arrive. Choosing to bow will have the Emperor make a snide, if otherwise harmless remark. Refusing to do so will upset the Chamberlain. Given that he will be punished on Geralt's behalf, his anger would be understandable.
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Does killing dogs raise chaos in Dishonored?

Rats, Hagfish and River Krust do not raise Chaos if killed. They also do not count towards detection of your character. Wolfhound kills do not count towards Chaos, but they can detect your character and will count towards that.
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Does killing weepers count?

Killing the Weepers present in the sewers beneath the Hound Pits Pub just before The Golden Cat mission will count against the Clean Hands achievement but will not count against the achievements dealing with being spotted.
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Is Killing Weepers bad in Dishonored?

Despite the detrimental nature of Weepers, killing them will raise chaos. In The Brigmore Witches DLC, weepers found in the sewers below the Drapers Ward Textile Mill will not attack the patrolling witches.
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