What spells can a cleric cast?

Cleric Spells
  • Guidance. Light. Mending. Resistance. ...
  • Bane. Bless. Command. Create or Destroy Water. ...
  • Aid. Augury. Blindness/Deafness. ...
  • Animate Dead. Beacon of Hope. Bestow Curse. ...
  • Banishment. Control Water. Death Ward. ...
  • Commune. Contagion. Dispel Evil and Good. ...
  • Blade Barrier. Create Undead. Find the Path. ...
  • Conjure Celestial. Divine Word. Etherealness.
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What items do clerics use to cast spells?

Top 10 Magic Items for Clerics
  • Amulet of the Devout. Wondrous item, varies (requires attunement by a cleric or paladin) ...
  • Duskcrusher. Weapon (warhammer), very rare (requires attunement) ...
  • Devotee's Censer. ...
  • Lifewell Tattoo. ...
  • Lightbringer. ...
  • Necklace of Prayer Beads. ...
  • Rod of Resurrection. ...
  • Rod of Rulership.
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How many times can a cleric cast a spell?

You can cast the same spell three times, or cast a different spell each time, or 2 and 1, whatever the situation calls for. Then, at the end of a long rest, all three of your slots are recharged. In addition, you can re-choose your spells you have prepared.
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Can a cleric get wizard spells?

If so, yes. Clerics have 2 “wizard spells” per spell level, depending on their domain. They unlock these spells once they have the slots for them. They are also able to prepare a certain number of spells each day, equal to their spellcasting modifier + level.
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Can clerics cast 2 spells?

You can't cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action. That's it, that's the whole rule in question.
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Top 10 D&D 5e Cleric Magic Items | Nerd Immersion

Can a cleric cast a ritual spell?

Ritual casting allows players to cast spells as rituals, which increases the spell's casting time by 10 minutes but doesn't consume a spell slot. Wizards, bards, druids, clerics, and artificers can all do ritual casting as part of their class abilities, but other classes can do it by taking the Ritual Caster feat.
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Can a cleric cast a spell and a cantrip?

There is a limit for bonus action spells that if you cast one (regardless of level, including a cantrip), that you can't cast another spell on your turn, except a cantrip.
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Do clerics have access to all spells?

Clerics can take as many spells as equal to their wisdom modifier plus their current cleric level and are not restricted to the spells attached to their deity's chosen domain - which grants them a lot of freedom. On top of this, clerics are capable of casting ritual spells.
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Can clerics change cantrips?

Clerics, with the current 5th Edition ruleset, can't change their cantrips once they are selected, as they are not prepared spells. As per the Player's Handbook: “At 1st level, you know three cantrips of your choice from the cleric spell list.
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Can clerics cast spells with armor?

Do they have any restrictions on casting spells while wearing armor or shields? In the current edition of D&D, no one has restrictions in casting shields in armor beyond needing to be proficient in the armor use. Clerics serve several roles, and can be built to serve several others.
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Can clerics cast arcane spells?

If it's not normally on the cleric's spell list, then they can only prepare it in their domain spell slots. So a cleric could cast a spell that's normally an arcane spell multiple times per day, but only by using up domain slots from higher levels than the spell. They couldn't prepare it in a non-domain slot.
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Can cleric cast with shield?

Battle clerics can cast with both hands full. Otherwise you need to turn your shield into a divine focus by marking your deity on it. Casting most spells in dnd (spells with somatic components) requires an empty hand to manipulate the spell.
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What's the point of spare the dying?

You touch a living creature that has 0 hit points. The creature becomes stable. This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.
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Can clerics get the wish spell?

Wish is a 9th-level conjuration spell available to wizards, sorcerers, and bards. Arcana domain clerics and warlocks with a Genie patron can also learn it. Cast Wish to duplicate any spell of 8th level or lower, bypassing any requirements of the original spell (including material components).
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Can a cleric cast a wizard spell scroll?

A spell scroll contains a single spell which is only readable and usable if the spell is on whatever spell list that is used by your class. For a Cleric this would mean the spell must be on the Cleric spell list, whereas an Arcane Trickster Rogue requires the spell to be on the Wizard spell list.
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Can clerics cast spells?

Preparing and Casting Spells

The Cleric table shows how many spell slots you have to cast your cleric spells of 1st level and higher. To cast one of these spells, you must expend a slot of the spell's level or higher. You regain all expended spell slots when you finish a long rest.
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How many spells can cleric cast?

Clerics know all of the spells in their spell list. They can only prepare a number of spells equal to their class level plus their Wisdom Modifier. For example, a 13th Lv Cleric with a Wisdom Modifier of +2 can prepare 15 total spells.
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Can clerics prepare any cleric spell?

A cleric may prepare and cast any spell on the cleric spell list, provided that she can cast spells of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation. However, clerics do not have a spellbook or a list of spells known.
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Can a cleric cast two spells?

A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, provided that you haven't already taken a bonus action this turn. You can't cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.
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Can you cast a cantrip in rage?

Short answer? No. Rage is pretty clear on this: “If you are able to cast spells, you can't cast them or concentrate on them while raging.” Longer answer - you can cast spells that don't require concentration and still use them before raging.
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Can clerics cast unprepared spells?

Clerics and Druids can use spontaneous casting to cast spells they haven't prepared in exchange for losing a spell they have prepared.
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Can clerics use all cleric spells?

Yup, you know all your cleric spells and then you choose which spells to prepare on a long rest, you can prepare cleric level + wisdom modifier. clerics (along with druids and paladins) have full access to their entire spell list, except for cantrips (if applicable).
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What are clerics proficient in?

Clerics, holy men, are supposed to be the most mentally constitute, due to their divine devotion, they're meant to be the hardest to sway, to charm, to enchant. Wisdom and Charisma proficiencies make them the most mentally constitute.
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Can clerics cast ceremony?

The cleric casts Ceremony to group-marry the party again. Everyone gets the +2 AC bonus again. Everyone in the party can benefit from the Ceremony marriage spell again and again, indefinitely, without dying and returning with Revivify.
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