What summon is best for Elden Beast?

The best Spirit Ash to take into this fight is theoretically the Mimic Tear, but that depends on the strength of one's build. For those who would prefer to avoid the Mimic Tear, choose a Spirit Ash with high mobility and evasiveness, like Black Knife Tiche or Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff.
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What is the Elden Beast most weak to?

Those who've been following the story will know that Tiche has some experience when it comes to slaying gods, but what makes her useful for this boss is her use of Black Flame magic – the Elden Beast's sole weakness.
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What is the best summon for Elden boss?

Elden Ring's 10 Best Spirit Summons
  • 8 Omenkiller Rollo. ...
  • 7 Bloodhound Knight Floh. ...
  • 6 Dung Eater Puppet. ...
  • 5 Lhutel The Headless. ...
  • 4 Latenna The Albinauric. ...
  • 3 Banished Knight Oleg. ...
  • 2 Mimic Tear. ...
  • 1 Black Knife Tiche. However, Black Knife Tiche is the best Spirit Summon in Elden Ring.
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What deals the most damage to Elden Beast?

Elden Beast is extremely resistant to holy and moderately resistant to other elements, so stick to physical damage if possible. Due to high HP pool, any %-based attacks like Black Flame Tornado does the job fine. Avoid using the locking on feature when Elden Beast is close to you, this can screw up your attacks.
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What's the strongest summon in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring: 15 Strongest Spirit Ash Summons, Ranked
  1. 1 Mimic Tear.
  2. 2 Lhutel The Headless. ...
  3. 3 Black Knife Tiche. ...
  4. 4 Ancient Dragon Knight Kristoff. ...
  5. 5 Omenkiller Rollo. ...
  6. 6 Latenna The Albinauric. ...
  7. 7 Redmane Knight Ogha. ...
  8. 8 Banished Knight Oleg. ...
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How To Easily Defeat Radagon & Elden Beast - Elden Ring

Is Black Knife Tiche better than mimic?

Generally speaking, Tiche would beat most Mimic Tears in a fight, but a savvy player could devise a build that increases the Mimic's chances of winning. That skill barrier, as well as stat and equipment requirements, makes the Mimic Tear harder to use than Tiche, but potentially more rewarding.
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Why is Mimic Tear so good?

Summoning the Mimic Tear is quite similar to summoning another player in Elden Ring, as the spirit is capable of using items, healing itself and even the player if they have healing spells equipped. They also boast the advantage of being incredibly bulky, especially once upgraded.
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How do you beat Elden Beast easily?

The majority of the Elden Beast's attacks deal majority Holy damage, so going into the fight with the Haligdrake Medallion Talisman, the Holyproof Dried Liver consumable, and spells like Lord's Divine Fortification can go a long way in negating the boss' deadly moveset.
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Is there a summon for Elden Beast?

You cannot summon NPCs for this fight but can use Spirit Ashes. Online players who were present for the Radagon fight will be able to help you out in the second phase as well.
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What is the best weapon to use against Radagon?

Radagon is surprisingly weak to fire damage, and any flame-based attacks, skills, and spells can very quickly dispatch him. Popular weapons like Blasphemous Blade and the Sword of Night and Flame work great for this, as do fire Incantations and Sorceries.
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Is Dung Eater the best summon?

Dung Eater Puppet

The Dung Eater Puppet is a top choice thanks to its ability to withstand a beating, making this Summon great for tanking against bosses. It doesn't deal the most damage, but it has a wide range of attacks, such as a unique scream that works at range, and can cause bleed buildup.
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What is the number 1 hardest boss in Elden Ring?

Found at the bottom of the Haligtree, another long and incredibly taxing area, is Malenia, Elden Ring's hardest boss. Her reputation puts her in the highest echelon of difficult FromSoftware bosses alongside Bloodborne's Orphan of Kos and Dark Souls 3's Sister Friede.
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What is the tankiest summon in Elden Ring?

Lhutel the Headless is Elden Ring's best tank Spirit Summon, as she's equipped with heavy armor and a greatshield. She can also throw her spear for solid ranged damage and will constantly teleport around enemies, making it difficult for them to hit her.
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What is the best weapon to beat the final boss in Elden Ring?

A fantastic non-bleed option and arguably the strongest weapon in Elden Ring, the Blasphemous Blade has had the hearts of fans since the game launched. Scaling with Faith, Dexterity, and Strength, it also has built-in life steal, which is incredible against bosses with giant health bars.
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Can Elden Beast get scarlet rot?

Now, the first few things to remember are as follows: The Elden Beast is resistant to Holy Damage, but he is vulnerable to Scarlet Rot, so that's something to bear in mind. Using spells is not a sound strategy in this fight so you'll want to get up close and personal and deal some melee damage.
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How much HP does Elden Beast have?

22,127 HP. The Elden Beast is the final boss of Elden Ring and, as would be expected, it has one of the highest HP bars in the game.
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What level should I fight Elden Beast?

For the best chance to beat the Elden Beast, your recommended level should be 120 and up, with weapons of +22 or higher. Keep in mind this is a "bare minimum" score, and it's not going to be easy regardless. The Elden Beast is actually healed by Holy damage, so for god's sake, don't use it!
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Is the Elden Beast a girl?

The Elden Beast is reminiscent of the dragon that serves as part of the alchemical Rebis, much like Marika/Radagon. The Rebis is a single being possessing both male and female qualities, also sometimes referred to as the divine hermaphrodite.
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Can you one hit the Elden Beast?

That hope was not in vain, as earlier today I pulled off the impossible, killing Radagon and Elden Beast with a single melee hit each.
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Is Godfrey harder than the Elden Beast?

Godfrey and Maliketh are way harder than Radagon/Elden Beast.
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Is Maliketh's Black Blade good against Elden Beast?

Maliketh's Black Blade: Maliketh's Black Blade is another weapon that shines in very specific circumstances. While it has a cumbersome and slow unique weapon skill, against bosses like the Fire Giant or Elden Beast that are relatively easy to hit, it absolutely shreds.
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Is Mimic Tear a cheat?

I had to use the mimic tear to fight the mimic tear, so I had myself, help myself to fight myself. But no, it's obviously not cheating, it was put in the game to be used and I think the double boss fights were mostly put into place, to be fought using the spirit ashes.
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Should I upgrade my Mimic Tear?

Once you upgrade the Mimic Tear as far as it will go, it will essentially just be a much, much more durable version of your character. Whatever items you equip, your Mimic Tear will equip as well; whatever skills you wield, your Mimic Tear will wield, too.
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Is Mimic Tear better than dung eater?

Dung Eater Puppet can inflict bleed and debuffs the enemy. It can be good and occasionaly solo high lvl enemies for you, but Tiche/Mimic are way more consistent, deal more dmg, and dont have to rely on bleed.
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