What to do after giving Stormhawk King to Nepheli?

Having given Nepheli the Stormhawk King and aided Kenneth Haight, travel to the throne room at Stormveil Castle. Here, you will find both NPCs standing before the throne. Kenneth reveals that he has chosen Nepheli as the rightful ruler of Limgrave, thanks to her strength and kindness.
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How do I progress my Nepheli quest?

How to beat the Nepheli Loux questline in Elden Ring
  1. Find Nepheli in Stormveil Castle.
  2. Talk to Nepheli in the Roundtable Hold after defeating Godrick the Grafted.
  3. Meet Nepheli in the Village of Albinaurics.
  4. Defeat the Omenkiller boss.
  5. Speak with Nepheli in the Roundtable Hold again.
  6. Speak with Gideon in the library.
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What to do after giving Nepheli ashes?

Return to Nepheli and give her the Spirit Ashes to unlock new dialogue and prompt her to move to her final location. Before continuing on, reload the Roundtable Hold area and return to where she was sitting to retrieve 2 x Stormhawk Axes.
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Can you get locked out of Nepheli quest?

If you happen to speak with Melina at the Forge of the Giants before venturing to meet with Nepheli at the Village of the Albinaurics, her quest will be locked off. Make sure to meet Nepheli here and defeat the Omenkiller boss before resting and speaking with Melina at the Forge of the Giants.
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Where does Nepheli go after Omenkiller?

Once you defeat Godrick, she should be at the village or the roundtable, and she's not. What's next? After defeating the Omenkiller in albinauric , she will then return to the Roundtable Hold, crouching near the bottom of the stairs next to the blacksmith.
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Elden Ring: Full Nepheli Questline (Complete Guide) - All Choices, Endings, and Rewards Explained

Should I give nepheli The Stormhawk King?

Elden Ring The Stormhawk King Use

The Stormhawk King can be given to Nepheli Loux at the Roundtable Hold after exhausting dialogues with her and Gideon Ofnir. If the player never receives the potion and Seluvis is dead, they can still be given to Nepheli.
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Is Nepheli Loux missable?

When it comes to missable quests in Elden Ring, Nepheli Loux's is one you'll want to complete, as she is the closest analog to yourself that you'll find in the Lands Between. She is a fellow Tarnished who you can first meet right outside the Godrick the Grafted boss fight.
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What happens if I give Seluvis potion to Gideon?

Giving the potion to Gideon won't affect Seluvis' quest either, since the sorcerer will just think the concoction didn't work. Seluvis' motivation for turning Nepheli into a puppet appears to be a pursuit of more powerful underlings.
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What is missable in Elden Ring?

There are two known missable bosses: Lichdragon Fortissax and Astel, Naturalborn of the Void. Both are tied to the above mentioned quest, though two different branches of it. You can miss some armor sets if you don't do the volcano manor assassinations before finishing the boss there.
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What if I give Nepheli the potion?

Giving Nepheli the potion earns you the Dolores puppet Spirit summon, but locks you out of Nepehli's quest. Speak with Gideon instead – the grumpy man sitting at a desk outside the Table of Grace room – and he'll advise that you dispose of the potion, offering to dispose of it for you.
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Can you give Nepheli the potion after giving her the stormhawk king?

Post update 1.03, you cannot give Nepheli the potion if you give her the Stormhawk Ashes first. Once you give her the Stormhawk ashes, your only available options are to give the potion to Gideon or Dung Eater. From a collectors standpoint, this WILL lock you out of getting her puppet ashes later in the game.
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Should I give Gideon the potion?

If you give the potion to Gideon and tell Seluvis you did as he asked, you'll still be able to buy Elden Ring sorceries from Seluvis. If you give the potion to Nepheli, she will turn into a doll and leave Roundtable Hold soon after, an eternal slave to Seluvis.
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What if I tell seluvis about Nepheli?

Return to Seluvis and tell him that you gave Nepheli the potion. Whether or not you chose to give it to her, or if you're simply lying to him, his quest will progress regardless. Exhaust his dialogue here to unlock the ability to buy sorceries from him.
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Is nepheli loux related to Hoarah Loux?

Notes. Nepheli Loux's name implies that she is related to Godfrey, who's name following his banishment from the Lands Between is Hoarah Loux. This connection is also supported by Kenneth Haight's decision to appoint her as the new lord of Limgrave, following his proclamation to find someone of the "proper lineage".
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Do you need to summon Nepheli for Godrick?

You can find her summon sign outside Godrick's boss fog; however, you don't actually need to summon her to proceed, as she'll move to her next step either way once you defeat the boss.
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What is the rarest achievement in Elden Ring?

Shardbearer Malenia

Without question the most daunting shardbearer battle, it's little wonder why the trophy for defeating Malenia is among Elden Ring's rarest. Plus, reaching her is a task in and of itself.
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What happens if you say no to Melina in Elden Ring?

What happens if I reject Melina? You have to accept Melina's accord in Elden Ring if you want to level up and get your horse. While suspicion is wise in a FromSoftware game, you really have to say yes here. Because without her, you'll be cut off from some crucial tools.
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Is Roderika tarnished in Elden Ring?

Although the Tarnished had once again been given Grace, some lost sight of it once more. At least one Tarnished, Roderika, never once saw the Guidance of Grace. With many Tarnished seemingly abandoned by Grace, an Elden Lord would not arise for a long time.
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Who is the best choice for the Seluvis potion?

Really though, it allows you to continue talking with Seluvis, buy things from him, and complete Dung Eater/Nephelli's questline too. If you prefer the rewards of their quests to the reward Seluvis would give you for the potion, giving the potion to Gideon is the best choice.
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What is Dung Eater ending?

Elden Ring Dung Eater ending

This is the Dung Eater's ending, in which you use the Mending Rune of the Fell Curse on Fractured Marika. To do this you have to follow the Dung Eater quest, but it's undoubtedly a bad ending, since you curse the world and all of its inhabitants.
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Should I do the Dung Eater quest?

Completing this quest will get you a new armor set, and more importantly, an item required for one of the Elden Ring endings. You can meet the Dung Eater pretty early on in the game, though you won't be able to start his quest until you've picked up your first Seedbed Curse—usually when you reach the Royal Capital.
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Is malenia missable?

Malenia may be the most well-known boss in Elden Ring, as she has garnered a reputation for being the most challenging fight in the game. Despite this infamy, her fight is entirely optional and surprisingly easy to miss, as is the rest of the Haligtree, for that matter.
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What is the missable legendary weapon in Elden Ring?

The Bolt Of Gransax is unique, as it is the only Legendary Armament in Elden Ring that is permanently missable. You must obtain the Bolt Of Gransax before you burn the Erdtree. To get the Bolt Of Gransax, you need to travel to Leyndell - to the Erdtree Sanctuary Site Of Grace - where you fought the Ghost of Godfrey.
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Does beating Godrick lock you out of anything?

Nothing triggers upon Godrick's death save Rogier moving to the round table, which does not prevent you completing his quest, which doesn't grant anything upon completion anyway. If you don't use a guide, you will miss quest stuff. Guaranteed.
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What do I do with the Stormhawk King?

The Stormhawk King are ashes of a hawk and is a required item in order to progress Nepheli Loux and Kenneth Haight's questlines. They can be given to Nepheli Loux at the Roundtable Hold after exhausting both her and Gideon Ofnir's dialogues.
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