What type is Dialga Arceus?

Dialga is a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokemon and part of the Pokemon Legends: Arceus Hisui Pokedex.
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What is Dialga Arceus weakness?

Dialga is steel- and dragon-type, giving it only two weaknesses: fighting- and ground-type moves.
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How to fight Dialga Arceus?

How to Beat Dialga and Palkia Origin Form
  1. Avoid Facing the Pokemon.
  2. Dodge Meteor Attacks to the Sides.
  3. Roll Towards the Shockwave Attacks.
  4. Find an Opening and Throw Balms.
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What is Dialga pokemon type?

Dialga (Japanese: ディアルガ Dialga) is a dual-type Steel/Dragon Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV.
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Why is Dialga steel type?

Other than time, space and antimatter Dialga, Palkia and Giratina represent the 3 phases of matter as well. Dialga represents solid matter, so it was given the steel type. Palkia represents liquid matter, so it was given the water type. Giratina represents gases, so it was given the ghost type.
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Pokemon Legends Arceus Explained (in 13 minutes)

Why is Dialga not weak to fire?

Dialga is only weak to Fighting and Ground. It's not weak to Fire for the same reason. Only, this time, it is Dragon canceling out Steel's weakness to Fire, and Steel's weakness to Fire canceling out Dragon's resistance, resulting in normal damage.
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Why is Dialga better than Palkia?

Dialga has two Type weaknesses, but unlike Palkia, it is immune to one typing and can resist a stunning nine Types. These elements combined with its moderately lower Speed and higher HP make Dialga more suited to a tank-like or "wall" role.
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Who can defeat Dialga?

Dialga counters: Terrakion (with Sacred Sword), Keldeo (with Sacred Sword) Therian Forme Landorus (the cat one), Groudon, Lucario and Excadrill. Tactics: Primal Groudon is vital here - it's simply one of the best attackers in the game when it has Precipice Blades.
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What type is Arceus Dialga?

Dialga is a Steel- and Dragon-type Pokemon and part of the Pokemon Legends: Arceus Hisui Pokedex.
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Who can defeat Palkia?

The best Pokemon Go Palkia counters are Mega Rayquaza, Mega Garchomp, Shadow Rayquaza, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Salamence & Dialga - Origin. Login to see your custom results!
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Who is stronger, Dialga or Giratina?

Is Giratina the second strongest Pokemon after Arceus? Lore wise yes. In the manga and anime it beat both palkia and dialga together. It really was only matched by arceus himself.
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Is Palkia weak to salamence?

Palkia counters and weaknesses in Pokémon Go

Palkia is weak against: Dragon and Fairy-type attacks. Palkia is resistant to: Fire, Water and Steel-type attacks. Palkia Mega counters: Mega Rayquaza, Mega Salamence or Mega Gardevoir.
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Who is better, Dialga or Palkia Arceus?

Both have strong stats and abilities, but Dialga has an edge in health over Palkia. Dialga is a powerful force to add to any team, generally making it a better choice between the two Legendary Pokémon in Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
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What god is Giratina?

Though traditionally depicted as the god of death and the afterlife, Giratina is occasionally depicted as the god of war, famine, sickness, natural disasters, and severe misfortune, as these are often causes of death to many.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

The best Pokemon Go Arceus counters are Terrakion, Mega Heracross, Keldeo, Mega Blaziken, Lucario & Mega Rayquaza.
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Who is the strongest Pokémon?

Arceus is, without a doubt, the most powerful Legendary Pokémon. This Normal type Mythical Pokémon is the creator of the universe and thus the closest that the Pokémon world has to a god. When it hatched from its egg, Arceus brought with it time, space, and antimatter in the form of the Creation Trio.
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Can you evolve Dialga?

This Pokémon does not evolve.
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Is Dialga a pearl?

Dialga is exclusive to Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. In order to obtain it in Pokemon Shining Pearl, it must be traded over. Follow the game's story until you encounter Dialga at Spear Pillar. Weaken it in battle in order to catch this Pokemon.
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Can I catch both Dialga and Palkia in Arceus?

Ultimately this choice doesn't matter too much, since you'll catch them both. Shortly after capturing either Dialga or Palkia, you'll construct a special Poke Ball that has the power to catch the other one.
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Can you beat Dialga with 3?

Beating Dialga should take 3 trainers with Pokemon of this strength. Make sure your group is prepared before the fight.
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Is Dialga a villain?

Primal Dialga is the main antagonist of the main game of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky.
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Who can defeat Giratina?

Dark and fairy types in particular will be the most effective against Giratina, as they resist ghost- and dragon-type attacks, respectively, which will help them last longer in battle. Dragon and ghost Pokemon will also be helpful against Giratina, as they're some of the best attackers in the game.
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Who is stronger, Dialga or Mewtwo?

Palkia and Dialga would probably both be able to beat Mewtwo on their own. Palkia with its control over space, and Dialga with its control over time. That feat alone would allow Dialga to mess with Mewtwo and manipulate its surroundings.
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Who would win, Rayquaza or Dialga?

A level 30 Dialga - Origin with 3506 CP defeats a level 50 Rayquaza with 49808 CP in this battle simulation.
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Can Regigigas beat Palkia?

A level 39.5 Regigigas with 4254 CP is defeated by a level 50 Palkia with 54793 CP in this battle simulation.
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