What type of armor should I wear eso?

As a general rule of thumb, you'll want to choose your armor type based on your role: Light Armor – Healing (PvP and PvE), Magicka DPS (PvP and PvE) Medium Armor – Stamina DPS (PvP and PvE) Heavy Armor – Tanking (PvP and PvE), Magicka PvP, Stamina PvP.
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What kind of armor should a warden wear in ESO?

The best armor for the Warden class in The Elder Scrolls Online is light armor, which provides bonuses to Critical Chance, Offensive Penetration, Magicka Recovery and Magicka Cost Reduction.
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What is the best looking Armour in Elder Scrolls Online?

That said, some my favourites of the armor styles I'm currently using are:
  • Gloamsedge (on my female Khajiit - there's actually a split in the back of the jacket, where her tail is!)
  • Greymore light.
  • Ashlander medium.
  • Fang lair heavy (on my female Orc necro, I totally agree with @Michaelkeir on that account)
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What type of armor should a sorcerer wear in eso?

Sorcerers tend to wear light armor in ESO and the set that players want to use will increase their overall Magicka or Spell Critical stat. There are two armor sets that Sorcerers should go for above others. Law of Julianos - This set aims to increase the Spell Critical stat for Sorcerers.
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Why use medium armor in ESO?

Medium Armor Passives

Increases your Critical Damage and Healing done rating by 219 for every piece of Medium Armor equipped. Increases your Stamina Recovery by 4% per piece of Medium Armor equipped. Reduces the Stamina cost of your abilities by 2% per piece of Medium Armor equipped.
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Which Armor Type Is Best For YOU? The ESO ULTIMATE ARMOR Guide For Beginners!

What armor type should I use in eso?

As a general rule of thumb, you'll want to choose your armor type based on your role: Light Armor – Healing (PvP and PvE), Magicka DPS (PvP and PvE) Medium Armor – Stamina DPS (PvP and PvE) Heavy Armor – Tanking (PvP and PvE), Magicka PvP, Stamina PvP.
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Is Medium Armor better than Light Armor?

Medium armor offers more protection than light armor, but it also impairs movement more. If you wear medium armor, you add your Dexterity modifier, to a maximum of +2, to the base number from your armor type to determine your Armor Class.
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What are the benefits of light armor in eso?

Each piece of Light Armor worn increases the amount of damage absorbed by 6%. Each piece of Light Amor worn increases the damage absorbed. It also increases the shield cap value. This morph converts a portion of your Magicka into a protective ward, gaining a damage shield that absorbs 2718 damage for 6 seconds.
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Can you tank with medium armor in ESO?

It's not as common nowadays to see a Medium Armor Tank, simply because there are now so many good Heavy sets to use. But it is possible to Tank in 5 Medium, however it's not advised typically.
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What type of armour is best for nightblade eso?

The best armor for the Nightblade class in The Elder Scrolls Online is medium armor, which provides bonuses to Critical Damage, Weapon and Spell Damage, Stamina Recovery and Cost Reduction of Stamina-based skills.
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What is the most powerful character in Elder Scrolls Online?

The Nerevarine is often considered by many fans in the community as the most powerful protagonist in the mainline series. This is because they slay multiple gods and have access to magic the protagonists from The Elder Scrolls 4 and 5 do not.
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What is the strongest race in Elder Scrolls Online?

The best overall race in ESO is the Dunmer (Dark Elf) due to increased maximum stats, spell, and weapon damage, as well as fire resistance.
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What is max Armour level eso?

The maximum gear level is Champion 160. That's when the numbers on gear stop getting bigger.
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Is Warden armor worth it?

Like the Predator Armor, the Warden Armor provides a second slot for Utilities while also further boosting the health of the wearer. Unlike previous upgrade-based medium armors, the Warden Armor grants a single armor point, further increasing durability of the soldiers wearing it.
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Does the Warden ignore Armour?

The sonic boom is visible via green-blue particles that are projected out of the warden's chest. This attack bypasses shields, armor, enchantments, blocks and even the wither armor of the wither. Only the Resistance status effect can reduce this attack's damage.
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What race is best for Warden?

The best race for a Warden Damage Dealer Build, commonly called a “DPS” is the Dark Elf. Dark Elves in ESO have some of the best racial passives in the game when it comes to dealing damage, plus these passives will work regardless of whether you decide to focus on Stamina or Magicka as your primary resource for damage.
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What is the difference between heavy and Medium Armor in eso?

Medium armor seems to have good stamina regen and crit chance, yet Heavy armor has health regen and a few other perks.
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Does Medium Armor give disadvantage?

Wearing medium armor doesn't impose disadvantage on your Dexterity (Stealth) checks. When you wear medium armor, you can add 3, rather than 2, to your AC if you have a Dexterity of 16 or higher. Some of my characters builds are using this feat but I am not sure it's so good.
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What is the best tank armor in ESO?

Below you can find a list of good sets that you can use on your tank builds in ESO.
  • Ebon Armory. Ebon Armory drops in the Crypt of Hearts 1 & 2 dungeon. ...
  • Battalion Defender. ...
  • Turning Tide. ...
  • Torug's Pact. ...
  • Plague Doctor. ...
  • Powerful Assault. ...
  • Roar of Alkosh. ...
  • Akaviri Dragonguard.
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What is the best armor style in eso?

Silken Ring Motif

The heavy armor of the Silken Ring style is arguably the best because it contains a strong-looking helmet and torso armor that is fit for a knight.
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Is Light Armor or Heavy Armor better?

To clarify, light is better in most cases because it provides 50% stamina regeneration. If you have smithing, light armor will hit the armor cap. The only reason to go heavy is for the looks, punching damage, or if you constantly die from falling off cliffs.
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What is the best armor for a warden in eso?

Unless you are a tank, in which case, wear heavy armor. Stamina in PVP is heavy armor or medium armor or a mix depending on your preferred playstyle. If you want to be more survivable, wear heavy armor. For stam warden pvp I switch between heavy seventh and medium shacklebreaker.
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What type of armor is most effective?

Ultra-High-Molecular-Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) is a specific type of polyethylene designed to provide high-level protection against rifle fire. Despite its relative lightness, it is stronger than steel. Polyethylene armor is typically a favorite amongst law enforcement officers and military alike.
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How to gain proficiency with medium armor?

Multiclassing for a single level of Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Paladin, or Ranger will give you proficiency in Medium armor. You can also gain this proficiency by gaining a level in certain subclasses of other classes (like a Hexblade Warlock from Xanathar's Guide to Everything).
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How much AC does medium armor give?

So, medium armor gives you a Max of 17 AC as does light armor (*IF* you have 20 Dex). Let's say you want stealth, then medium armor gives you one less at 16. Addressing those issues: o It's only an issue for a Dex-based character, which are common, so fair enough...
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