What warlock pet does the most damage Shadowlands?

The Felguard is the most powerful permanent Warlock minion.
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What warlock pet does most DPS?

The Succubus generally offers slightly higher damage than Imp or Felhunter, and can be used if you prefer the visuals, or need a permanent 50% slow on a single target.
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Do all warlock pets do the same DPS?

Pet damage has been normalized, so they all do the same dps. I think Voidwalker still does less single target, so usually not that one, though there is an arguement for using VW for AoE dps as it has a cleave where no other pet does (besides Felguard).
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What is the best warlock pet for tanking?

Undeads stand out as the premier option for Horde Warlock Tanking. Cannibalize provides a convenient means of self-healing after an encounter, particularly useful when healers are taking a brief mana break.
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What is the best destruction warlock?

Top Destruction Warlocks
  • Loonystorm. Hellcaller - 603 ilvl. 3691.
  • 색흑 Azshara (KR) Diabolist - 591 ilvl. 3689.
  • 플라톤 Azshara (KR) Hellcaller - 591 ilvl. 3620.
  • Соулакимэн Howling Fjord (EU) Hellcaller - 603 ilvl. 3598.
  • Jixzy. Hellcaller - 602 ilvl. 3475.
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Best Warlock DPS Specs for Warlocks in SoD Phase 4(All specs)

Who is the most powerful Warlock?

The Genie is the most powerful entity in the Warlock subclasses and a major character build in Dungeons & Dragons in general.
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Is Felguard better than Voidwalker?

The only better option for a tank than a Voidwalker, the Felguard has many of the same skills, including lots of health and a taunt. Add a wicked cleave ability, and it's brutal in close combat. Great for solo play and if the party needs more melee DPS.
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What is the best companion pet for a warlock?

The Felguard is the most powerful permanent Warlock minion. This demon has abilities helpful in PvP as well as when soloing. His tanking abilities allow him to serve as a low-level tank for soloing, but not for low-level dungeons groups.
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What is the best pet for demonology warlock?

Pet Choice for Demonology Warlock Leveling

Summon Imp is your first available demon. This pet is not particularly useful for leveling, but you have no choice for the early levels. Summon Voidwalker can be a helpful choice while leveling up, as it takes a lot of the pressure off you.
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What is the best pet for DPS?

For maximum DPS, a ferocity pet is the optimal choice. Although you may have a particular fondness for your Sporebat, he's not going to make you shine as well as a wolf would in tonight's raid. Ferocity pets are the undisputed kings of overall DPS.
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What is the best solo leveling pet for Warlocks?

Summon Voidwalker becomes finally available. By far, this is the most important solo leveling pet, finding uses even in Demonology. Unending Breath's benefit is mostly the increased mobility underwater. Summon Sayaad offers a melee option mostly for aesthetics and dungeons.
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What is easier, mage or warlock?

Warlock (all 3 specs) are much easier to play than the mage specs especially for solo leveling and questing. Hard to beat a permanent pocket tank always with you. Warlock is hard to kill because of tank pet and self heals but is slower than mages which are squishier but more potent in groups.
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Do affliction Warlocks use pets?

Summon Imp, Summon Sayaad, Summon Felhunter, Summon Voidwalker - Your pet is one of your main default abilities as a warlock, without talenting into anything.
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What is the best subclass for DPS warlock?

Dawnblade is the best subclass in the game, with strong Aspects and the must-have Well of Radiance.
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Is the Felhunter good?

In PvP, the felhunter is highly useful against caster classes, but it's much less effective against melee classes.
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Can a warlock have a dragon patron?

With a name like Dungeons and Dragons, it's no surprise that one of the most commonly desired warlock patrons is a spellcasting ancient dragon, such as a wise gold dragon or a cunning black dragon, lending its arcane power to a warlock just as a fiend, archfey, or genie might.
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What trait is best for warlock?

You can make a warlock quickly by following these suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability score, followed by Constitution. Second, choose the charlatan background. Third, choose the eldritch blast and chill touch cantrips, along with the 1st-level spells charm person and witch bolt.
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Do warlock demons count as pets?

Warlock minions are summonable combat pets for a warlock. All minions are considered members of the "demon" creature type.
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What is the best PVE pet for warlock?

  • felhunter was the best dps pet.
  • imp was used for giving blood pact to the tank group.
  • succubus was the best to sacrifice as you then got shadow damage.
  • imp was better later in the expansion, but his fire spells sucked in MC and BWL, so really only used for bloodpact.
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Is Voidwalker or Imp better?

If you intend to fight multiple enemies simultaneously, the Voidwalker is your best choice.
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Why is warlock Felguard so small?

I'm pretty sure it is because you are lower level. The demon you summon is smaller on lower level characters. I also believe it is slightly smaller/bigger based on your own character's model too, my Gnome's felguard does seem a bit shorter than my Human's.
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Who is the strongest warlock in WoW?

The demon lord first targeted Gul'dan, a weak and crippled orc who the elements had refused, offering him a taste of shadowy power. The orc became an avid student of demonic magic and developed into the most powerful mortal warlock in history.
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What race is best with warlock?

However, no Warlock is going to suffer because they keep three stats topped up. Half-Elves can take many different variants, but either the base or Drow are the best race choices for a D&D 5e Warlock.
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What is the most important ability for a warlock?

Charisma: Like Bards and Sorcerers, Warlocks are Charisma-based arcane spellcasters, which makes Charisma the Warlock's primary and highest stat.
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