What words can I not say on Roblox VC?

To keep Roblox safe and civil for everyone, we do not allow swearing in any language text, images, or uploaded audio, including:
  • Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade detection of profanity.
  • Quoting or using audio containing profane lyrics.
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What words can you not say on Roblox voice chat?

Any language that can be used to harass, discriminate, incite violence, threaten others, or that is sexual in nature is still not allowed in Roblox chat, the developers reiterated.
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What words are restricted on Roblox?

Roblox has a text filter that prohibits players from seeing or sending potentially offensive terms (including profanity) and restricts personally identifiable information, which replaces the now-discontinued Safe Chat that was previously used to prevent young players from sending messages that were not pre-programmed.
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What words do Roblox censor?

All you really need to know is that any type of Profanity or Swearing is bad, there are a few exceptions to this rule however, Like for Example: Badass. Damn. Hell.
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Can you swear in Roblox voice chat 17+?

17+ experiences on Roblox may include vulgar or obscene language and allow it in user communications (including text and voice chat). However, we do not allow users to use Strong Language to discriminate, insult, harass, or intimidate others, including: Slurs or hate speech.
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What swear words are allowed in Roblox?

Only potentially objectionable words that Roblox allows are hell, damn, crap, and badass.
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Can 13 swear on Roblox?

Roblox users who are 17 years or older can now use profanity in experiences rated 17+. To allow for strong language in your experience, navigate to the Creator Dashboard and toggle "Allow Strong Language" under Communication Settings. Siapa Buat Roblox.
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What happens if you say the F word on Roblox?

The game uses an auto censor system which if a player says something that isn't English or an other language, the system censors the message using hashtags before it's posted. The words "hell" and "badass" are uncensored even if your birthdate is <13. The f-word can be posted as "F**C".
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What is the 13+ filtering on Roblox?

Players age 13 and older have the ability to say more words and phrases than younger players. This filtering system covers all areas of communication on Roblox, public and private. The account's age group is displayed in the upper-right corner of the browser as either 13+ or <13.
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Why does Roblox censor everything I say?

Roblox uses a combination of automated technology and a team of moderators to scan and filter content. This includes chat messages, game titles, and even usernames. The goal here is to protect users from harmful language, bullying, and exploitation.
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What is rule 11 in Roblox?

Things ROBLOX deems punishable are punishable here. Rule 11: [General Rudeness and Cyber Bullying]: Do not trash talk or bully anyone in the server. If you have an issue, speak to a staff member. Rule 12: [Age of 13+]: Discord allows the age of 13+ to use this application anyone found underaged will be removed.
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Why am I still banned on Roblox after 1 day?

Understanding a Roblox ban

Based on the seriousness of the violation, the ban might be temporary or permanent. While temporary bans often last a few days, permanent bans, on the other hand, are forever. Some of the most common causes for being banned on Roblox are: Cheating or exploiting the game.
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What are under 13 restrictions on Roblox?

If your child is under 13, we make it extremely difficult for strangers on Roblox to contact them. You can further restrict your child's ability to chat with others on Roblox by doing the following: Click the gear icon to navigate to “Settings” Select the “Privacy” tab.
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What is the 17+ update on Roblox?

Now, creators will be able to offer experiences for those 17 and older that feature more mature themes and storylines like in TV shows or stand-up comedy. These experiences may contain more violence, blood, or crude humor. You can read more about what's permitted here.
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Is Roblox voice chat for 13?

Chat with voice is currently available to all 13+ phone number verified users in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Spain, Mexico, Chile, Costa Rica, and Puerto Rico. Users not in these countries should use ID verification to enable chat with voice.
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Is Roblox VC moderated?

Users that violate these rules may be suspended or removed from chat with voice and have further moderation actions taken against their Roblox account.
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Can you curse in 17+ Roblox games?

We want Roblox to be welcoming, which means it's okay for you to swear when among only 17+ users in 17+ age-appropriate experiences, provided that you aren't violating our Community Standards.
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Is Roblox ok for a 7 year old?

So while Roblox can be dangerous for kids when fully unlocked, it can be a safer game when parents take advantage of the following settings. Even with parental controls, Roblox is not recommended for children under the age of thirteen.
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Is Roblox all ages or 9+?

Roblox age ratings

These categories are: all ages: content is suitable for everyone with only mild violence or small amounts of unrealistic blood. 9+: content is suitable for everyone aged 9 and older with more instances of mild violence or heavy amounts of unrealistic blood.
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What words are not allowed in Roblox?

To keep Roblox safe and civil for everyone, we do not allow swearing in any language text, images, or uploaded audio, including:
  • Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade detection of profanity.
  • Quoting or using audio containing profane lyrics.
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What are Roblox VC rules?

Requirements to Use Voice Chat on Roblox
  • You Must Be Age Verified on Roblox. Roblox takes appropriate content restrictions seriously. ...
  • Verified Phone Number and Email ID. While not fully necessary to use voice chat, we suggest verifying your phone number and email address as a precautionary step. ...
  • A Working Microphone.
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How to be 17+ in Roblox?

How to verify your Age ID
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to Settings (the gear icon located at the upper-right corner of the site)
  3. Select the Account Info tab.
  4. Underneath your birthday, click the button that says Verify My Age.
  5. A popup will appear and on your desktop computer, you will see a QR code.
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Can 13 year olds say bad words?

It's normal for kids to swear at one time or another. Young kids will often repeat something they've heard. Older kids often want to test their parents' reactions. If your child has started using a few choice words, there are several discipline techniques you can use to curb their use of inappropriate language.
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