When should you explore in Hogwarts Legacy?

A simple, but vital tip, is that players looking to fully explore the map of Hogwarts Legacy should fully explore it first. If that doesn't make sense, it simply means players after getting the broom should fly to each floo powder station to find all the versions of Ignatia Wildsmith.
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What order should I do things in Hogwarts Legacy?

Complete Hogwarts Legacy quest list
  1. The Path To Hogwarts - you'll start unlocking Hogwarts Legacy Spells from this point on.
  2. Welcome To Hogwarts.
  3. Defence Against the Dark Arts Class.
  4. In The Shadow Of The Undercroft.
  5. Charms Class.
  6. Weasley After Class.
  7. Welcome To Hogsmeade.
  8. The Locket's Secret.
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Is it worth exploring in Hogwarts Legacy?

If you are a Harry Potter fan in general, then roaming the castle in all its 4K glory on a high-end PC or console is an epic experience all on its own. Even if you don't play the rest of the game, it is worth the cost to be able to dig into every nook and cranny of the famous castle and its grounds.
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When should you start side quests in Hogwarts Legacy?

You CAN do side quests as you find them, but, I'd stick to doing caves and the Merlin trials that your spells will allow. Finding Revelio pages in Hogwart's and Hogsmead is also a good way to level up quickly. You could technically do story missions until you get your broom and further on Alohamora.
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How long does it take to explore Hogwarts Legacy?

Based on everything above, it's easy to suggest that you should be playing the game for around 40-50 hours if you're looking to take your time in its story mode, to take in the sights and complete a good handful of side quests.
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How hard is it to 100% Hogwarts Legacy?

On average, a full 100% completionist run of Hogwarts Legacy will take around 68 hours, meaning MuchMoreMatt spent approximately 272 hours to achieve the monumental feat of 400% completion. Fellow Hogwarts Legacy fans were dumbstruck by the achievement, noting the sheer dedication required to achieve such a feat.
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How long should I keep the secret Hogwarts Legacy?

He'll follow this up by asking them how long they intend to keep ancient magic a secret, to which they'll need to reply with "I shall keep it secret forever."
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Should I finish side quests before main quest Hogwarts Legacy?

You're going to have to do main quests to unlock things, like potion making, learning certain spells, getting your own wand, getting access to talents, earning your broom, etc., yet you can also acquire some good stuff from side content as well. It's really to your benefit to do both, not focus on one over the other.
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What is the hardest side quest in Hogwarts Legacy?

Hogwarts Legacy: 5 Worst Side Quests For Wizards & Witches To Avoid
  1. 1 Reaching 100% Completion.
  2. 2 Well, Well, Well. ...
  3. 3 Cache In The Castle. ...
  4. 4 Zenobia's Gobstones. ...
  5. 5 Solved By The Bell (The Bell Tower Puzzle) ...
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Should I focus on the main story first in Hogwarts Legacy?

Though you are free to explore the world of Hogwarts Legacy as soon as you get the opportunity to leave the castle, it's best to mainline the story until you get a chance to buy a broom of your own.
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What not to do in Hogwarts Legacy?

10 Hogwarts Legacy Mistakes New Players Can Avoid
  • 10 Not Using The Transmog Option On Gear. ...
  • 9 Keeping Unnecessary Gear. ...
  • 8 Ignoring Messages From The Owl Post. ...
  • 7 Not Using Plants In Combat. ...
  • 6 Skipping Dueling Feats. ...
  • 5 Not Asking For More Money After Quests. ...
  • 4 Not Doing Merlin Trials. ...
  • 3 Staying Away From The Dark Arts.
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Should I join Slytherin in Hogwarts Legacy?

Joining Slytherin won't affect the story in any notable way (if you truly want to dabble in the Dark Arts, being sorted to this house isn't a prerequisite). However, you may have more chances to talk and get to know your fellow 5th year Slytherin students, including Ominis Gaunt, Imelda Reyes, and Sebastian Sallow.
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Can you go bad in Hogwarts Legacy?

Morality explained. While you can make certain choices and use spells that may be considered morally questionable, you cannot canonically be evil in Hogwarts Legacy. Essentially, there's no version of the story where you'll be recognised as inherently evil and rise up as a proto-Voldemort.
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Do you go to Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy?

Only Hufflepuff Students Can Go To Azkaban In Hogwarts Legacy. To get into Azkaban in Hogwarts Legacy, players must join Hufflepuff at the start of their playthrough, as the prison can only be accessed through Hufflepuff's House exclusive quest.
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How many endings is there to Hogwarts Legacy?

Following in the traditions of many story-driven, open-world titles, Hogwarts Legacy has multiple endings. There are a total of 3 possible Endings in Hogwarts Legacy that players can achieve. These have been colloquially dubbed the Good Ending, the Evil / Bad Ending, and the True Ending.
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What I wish I knew before playing Hogwarts Legacy?

8 tips I wish I knew before playing Hogwarts Legacy
  • Complete classes and assignments for more magic (Image credit: Portkey Games) Do your assignments for extra spells. ...
  • Eye chests hold 500 gold each (Image credit: WB Games) Grow your own. ...
  • There are nine different types of Merlin Trial (Image credit: Portkey Games)
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What is the least picked house in Hogwarts Legacy?

Both narratively and literally, Hufflepuff is the least popular House in Hogwarts Legacy.
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What is the rarest core in Hogwarts Legacy?

For instance, the phoenix feather is the rarest wand core and features in Harry and Lord Voldemort's wands.
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What is the coolest quest in Hogwarts Legacy?

  1. 1 In The Shadow Of The Relic. Hogwarts Legacy's best side quest is "In The Shadow Of The Relic," though.
  2. 2 In The Shadow Of Time. ...
  3. 3 In The Shadow Of The Study. ...
  4. 4 The Man Behind The Moons. ...
  5. 5 Flight Test. ...
  6. 6 The Daedalian Keys. ...
  7. 7 Poppy Sweeting's Quest Line. ...
  8. 8 Minding Your Own Business. ...
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What happens if you abandon a main story quest in Hogwarts Legacy?

If you abandon a quest accidentally and lose progress, go back to the quest giver to pick the quest back up. In many cases, especially for quests that require significant time investment, the quest progress will stay with your character and appear in your quest log when you accept the quest again.
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Does it matter which ending you choose Hogwarts Legacy?

The choice, of course, is yours. And we would say it comes down to personal preference and how you've been approaching the game. If you've been tending towards evil in Hogwarts Legacy throughout your hours with the game, you should choose to open the Repository to complete your arc and embrace the dark side.
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Can I lose side quests Hogwarts Legacy?

You can start as many side quests at the same time as you want. No quests disappear. Finishing the main story has no impact on the other quests.
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Should you keep lying in Hogwarts Legacy?

Lying or telling the truth to Professor Weasley in Hogwarts Legacy has no major consequences for the game's narrative. Professor Weasley already knows the player's secrets regardless of their choice.
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Can Professor Fig be saved?

You can chose to contain or control the reserves of dark magic the Keepers are sworn to protect. Any option you chose results in the same boss fight against Ranrok, and Professor Fig dying. There's no way to save him even if you made the “good” decisions.
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What happens if you choose the bad ending in Hogwarts Legacy?

In the Bad Ending, your character again struggles to handle the Ancient Magic unleashed by Ranrok's defeat, but instead of getting help from Professor Fig, you absorb some of that magic into yourself. Gaining an extra burst of strength, your character is then able to seal away the remainder of the magic on their own.
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