When should you start doing dungeons WoW?

Once you reach level 15 and can use the Dungeon Finder, you can level steadily without doing quests at all, and many players get most of their XP from dungeons.
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What level do you need to be to do dungeons in WoW?

You will have to work your way up to level 13 to be able to get into your first dungeon. Once there, Ragefire Chasm also known as RFC, will be your first challenge. Luckily, it eases you into the competition since it's a horde only dungeon.
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What level for dungeons season of discovery?

Dungeons are instances that accommodate a party of 5 people (or 10 in some rare cases). In Season of Discovery Dungeons, start at level 10 and are spread through all level ranges all the way to level 60.
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Do dungeons scale to your level WoW?

Generally speaking, zones have a maximum level they scale to based on which expansion they are set in, and a minimum level they scale to based on how far into the expansion characters are expected to reach that zone. Dungeons follow this trend as well.
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Do dungeons increase reputation?

The easiest way to up these reputations is to buy the different tabards of these factions, then to run the dungeons in order to gradually increase in reputation. Quests in faction-related areas also grant reputation.
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How many dungeons can you do in WoW?

In WoW Classic you can enter up to five individual instanced zones per hour, and a maximum of 30 instanced zones per day. The limit is per character. 40-player raid instances are not affected by the 30-per-day limit on entering dungeons.
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What level is darkest dungeon?

Apprentice expeditions can be considered Level 1, suitable for resolve level 1 and 2 heroes, Veteran expeditions can be considered level 3, appropriate for resolve level 3 and 4 heroes, and Champion difficulty expeditions can be considered level 5, suitable for resolve level 5 and 6 heroes.
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When should I do chaos dungeons?

Once you reach level 50, your character can embark on the endgame grind by completing Chaos Dungeons, a fairly easy endgame activity that is an excellent source of upgrade materials and your main source of upgrading skill Tripods.
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What are the dungeon difficulty levels in WoW?

As of Battle for Azeroth, dungeon difficulty includes Normal, Heroic, Mythic and Mythic+, each with progressively increasing difficulty. These settings have gradually been made available throughout the history of World of Warcraft, with the latest addition of Mythic+ in Legion.
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How many dungeons can you do a day in WoW?

To ensure a smooth and balanced gaming experience, Blizzard has decided to implement a daily cap for said new feature. Players will be able to embark on a maximum of 10 dungeons per day per account.
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How long do WoW dungeons take?

Most dungeons will take you upwards of an hour or more to complete, but can be well worth it for the experience and potential drops you might find. Get your closest friends together and delve into a dungeon for the best way to enjoy Classic WoW!
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What level is WC?

Wailing Caverns is a level 17-24 dungeon located in the Horde leveling zone of The Barrens. The instance portal is situated within the Lushwater Oasis just southwest of the Crossroads.
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How do I start playing dungeons?

A good place to begin is with a D&D Starter Set, a well-curated box that also contains pre-made characters, a rulebook, and dice. It's a short adventure that provides an easy entry point into the game.
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What level should I start Timewalking dungeons?

This means players can start participating in some Timewalking events by level 30, and all of them by level 45. Just like now, players won't be able to pick up the weekly Timewalking event quest that rewards endgame raid gear until they are level 70.
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What is the lowest level dungeon in WoW Classic?

Dungeons, starting at level 10, are spread through all level ranges all the way to level 60. In this article we will go over all the dungeons added during Classic WoW, highlighting important factors about them, including notable loot and encounters found in each of these instances.
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Should you do Chaos Dungeons alone?

IF YOU HAVE THE AURA don't, most of the time the bonus stage is after the 2nd instance of Chaos Dungeons. If players leave the dungeon it adjust how many players inside. I find it easier to finish with a 2nd or 3rd player as a support bard than 4 player roster. You can also solo, if you are into that.
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Is Chaos Chamber a dungeon?

Within the mythical Chaos Chamber is an ever-shifting portal into a randomized dungeon, full of unique variables, killer enemies, and methods to make your run more or less challenging depending on how brave you're feeling.
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How many Chaos Dungeons can you do?

Once you complete the Vern questline you need to complete the “Ealyn's Gift” guide quest. With that done you can now interact with the statue that says Chaos Dungeon to enter. If you can't find it you can also look for the icon on the map. You can enter Chaos Dungeons twice a day per character on your roster.
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How dark is level 4?

These levels are used to describe how dark or light your hair color is. Level 10 is lightest blond, level 9 is light blond, level 8 is medium blond, level 7 is dark blond, level 6 is light brown, level 5 is medium brown, level 4 is dark brown, level 3 is darkest brown, level 2 is black brown and level 1 is black.
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Is Darkest Dungeon frustrating?

Yeah this is quite difficult game, but when you finally get used to all the mechanics, the game starts being a very interesting journey. You can pick short scenarios, long scenarios, fighting with bosses, depends on how much time you actually have.
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Can you lose darkest dungeons?

There is no real Game Over in Darkest Dungeon. Recruiting new Heroes is free. And because of that you can embark over and over again with new Heroes.
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How many times can I farm a dungeon in WoW?

You can run these dungeons once a day. Heroic dungeons reset every day. You can run these raids once a week.
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How many people play WoW at a time?

Highlights: The Most Important World Of Warcraft Statistics

World of Warcraft has an estimated daily player count of 2,360,076, with a total player base of 124,214,500. World of Warcraft currently has 1 132 957 peak viewers and 25 791 peak channels on Twitch, showing its continued popularity.
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How often can you reset dungeons in WoW?

Normal dungeons can be reset at any time when the party is outside of the instance, and will reset automatically after a certain amount of time has passed. Heroic dungeons reset daily. This lockout does not affect you when queuing for random Heroic dungeons in the Group Finder.
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